big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1973 is imperative!

Chapter 1973 is imperative!

Everyone was in a quarrel, and conservatives and radicals refused to give in to each other.

Tianxin felt a headache after hearing this, and they all stopped, "Let's just vote, don't argue."

Finally everyone voted.

Because the Ming Dynasty had one chief and two assistants, the original number of cabinet chiefs was not enough, and the number was increased to fifteen cabinet chiefs.

Counting Tokyo, there were a total of twenty-four pavilion elders in the Ming Dynasty.

Among these twenty-four pavilion elders, five people rotate once.

As long as the emperor is not alarmed, the five people on duty can make decisions on some small matters. This is the most fair and prevents a certain cabinet boss from becoming powerful and monopolizing power.

No matter how powerful the pavilion boss is or how noble his status is, he must follow the shift.

The emperor can remove the minister who has failed in his duties and treat him as an adviser.

For important matters like this, the emperor rarely allows everyone to vote.

Tianxin has been on the throne for so long, only a few times.

Of course, each of the twelve Eastern states has five Xiaoge elders.

Pavilion bosses usually choose from these small pavilion bosses.

Therefore, the cabinet ministers usually rotate every three years.

If the emperor feels that this person can take on important tasks, he will hire him again.

At this time, Tianxin was surprised when he saw the final vote.

Father's strategy actually failed.

Because Qin Mo is now the Supreme Emperor, such a major event requires the approval of the current ruling emperor.

Qin Mo has always done a good job in this area.

The two-capital system ensures the peaceful development of the east and west and eliminates many unnecessary troubles.

“Your Majesty, now that the voting results are out, let’s ask the cabinet to reply to the Emperor.

Ming Dynasty needs time to slow down. Perhaps, in another two or three years, this plan can be restarted! "A pavilion elder said.

Tianxin felt uncomfortable. Ever since he could remember, his father's words had never been refuted.

Because what my father did must be right.

Because in the end, the result will be just like what my father said.

But now that I have grown up, these people have begun to stop listening to my father's words.

This gave him an inexplicable feeling of anxiety.

This kind of anxiety is as if he is no longer accepting his father's wings. If something goes wrong, all the responsibilities will be on him.

He frowned and said, "Don't send a message yet. I will discuss it with my father."

No one present said anything.

After everyone dispersed, Tianxin thought for a long time before replying to Qin Mo with a letter.

He carefully considered the words used in it, for fear of being disrespectful and making his father dissatisfied.

And that night, Qin Mo was watching a movie with his wives.

This is the latest Journey to the West. Although it is in black and white, Qin Mo watched it with gusto.

It is said that TV sets have been built in Xijing, which means that within two or three years, you will be able to watch TV.

Speaking of which, Qin Mo still felt it was a bit unreal.

Although it is not yet on the market, Xungui must be the first to try it.

Journey to the West is very different from what Qin Mo remembers, but Fuhua Dao looks very pleasing to the eye.

The actors are basically Zhao Manyun's subordinates.

Nowadays, many folk craftsmen have turned into actors, and the acting skills of these people are naturally indescribable.

"Your Majesty, there is an urgent report from the Secretariat!" Xiaoba whispered in Qin Mo's ear.

Qin Mo came back to his senses, glanced at his wives, whispered to Li Yulan, and left the movie room.

Xiaoba hurriedly put the cloak on Qin Mo. Arriving at the Yangxin Hall, Qin Mo lit a Qin cigarette for himself, took the emergency report and read it.

After reading the briefing, Qin Mo couldn't help but laugh, "It seems that this guy has racked his brains to send this telegram. Is he so respectful because he is afraid that I will be unhappy?"

Qin Mo sighed. This was actually what he expected. After all, various departments in Ming Dynasty were running at high speed like clockwork machines.

Qin Mo's second round of innovation seems simple, but in fact it is the most difficult part.

Over the years, both the Ming Dynasty and the Qian Dynasty have been subtly changing the habits, lives, and beliefs of these foreign people.

But it is difficult to make them change completely suddenly.

But from Qin Mo's point of view, this is necessary.

Only by completing a major training like Qin Shi Huang did, can they truly achieve cultural recognition and bloodline recognition.

The Ming Dynasty was so big that it was almost a world.

In such a splendid civilization, it is not easy to tolerate everything.

Because it is difficult, this kind of innovation must be completed in the early stage when there are few people.

Once the population reaches one hundred million, it will not be so easy to innovate.

This year marks the end of the third year of innovation.

Qin Mo felt that it was time to launch a second round of innovation.

Everyone must be involved in this transformation that has not been seen in thousands of years and feel the changes.

He wants to completely eliminate the soil of those people in the Western Regions.

Ming Dynasty has enough excellent beliefs that can give them spiritual sustenance.

Now, Qin Mo stayed away from those things in the Western Region that were almost evil.

It must be corrected.

I think back then, when Buddhism spread eastward, it also had to be localized.

But now, these must be made clear and controllable.

It's impossible to grow wildly!

After finishing smoking a cigarette, Qin Mo made a decision in his heart.

As for Xijing, you don’t need to be too anxious. In fact, it has been completely disrupted and reshaped.

In fact, there is no need to worry about the Central Plains. Even the Southern Fan has already completed the transformation from barbarism to civilization after so many years of innovation.

After twenty or thirty years of astronomical phenomena, those people have long been crawling under their feet.

Only the die-hards are the ones who want to change.

Therefore, Qin Mo didn't know what they were afraid of.

The population of Ming Dynasty is larger than theirs, so what is there to be afraid of?

At worst, push them to the ground again, rub them, and beat them down again.

It's not that Qin Mo is bloodthirsty, nor is Qin Mo cold-blooded. Qin Mo just doesn't want to let these things happen.

But when ordinary people hide, any small things, accumulated together, are likely to be magnified infinitely.

It is not yet the perfect society Qin Mo imagined, and it is far from being able to fully control it.

So Qin Mo couldn't even imagine how many evil things were hiding behind the scenes.

Today in Lingnan, after rounds of science popularization, people are still being deceived every year.

It's like keeping a fire in a closed space. Every winter, hundreds of people die in the two capitals.

Never underestimate the human heart.

In the past, Qin Mo used methods to govern.

But now, more attention is paid to the Dharma.

Regardless of the prescription or the method, it must conform to the general trend and conform to the people's hearts!
Therefore, this innovation must be promoted now.

He just wants to sweep everything away with the power of thunder!
(End of this chapter)

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