big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1974 The idea is clear!

Chapter 1974 The idea is clear!

"My son Tianxin, the Ming Dynasty is on the cusp of a storm that has not happened in thousands of years. From aristocratic families to poor families, and then from poor families to thousands of common people, the Ming Dynasty can be said to be the inheritance of the Northern Zhou Dynasty and the great development of the Qian Dynasty. It took hundreds of years to achieve today's results.

Thinking back to a hundred years ago, aristocratic families were everywhere, the court's policies were controlled, the hell was not going to the countryside, and the people had no chance to get ahead.

Have they ever thought that in a hundred years, the people will make the decision and the aristocratic families will disappear?


The world is nothing but reincarnation.

The road of Ming Dynasty is an unknown road and a radical road.

Everyone must understand that there is no way out for Ming Dynasty.

When those people calm down, they will intensify their efforts, so we must continue to increase the pressure at this time, so that they cannot hold their heads up.

After this revolution, the people will be completely awakened and will completely abandon the ideas of a hundred years ago.

This is exactly what I want to see.

Thinking back to thousands of years ago, the First Emperor wrote the same text and drove the same track, bringing an end to the Warring States Period. What a great achievement it was.

However, later generations mostly misunderstood and slandered him.

As we approach the New Year, it’s time for the second round of innovation.

Whether it’s Tokyo or Xijing, the impact is minimal.”

This telegram was very long, and Tianxin read it over and over for a long time.

My father has never replied to such a long letter, nor has he ever written in such detail.

Only then did he realize that his father was not in a hurry, or in other words, he just wanted to overwhelm those people.

The country envisioned by my father was one in which the common people and the emperor were the masters of the country.

It is to truly realize the goal of co-governing the country with all people.

Therefore, the Ming Dynasty could be so powerful.

That's why those soldiers have such a sense of belonging.

Because most of them come from poor families.

Because the court recognized them.

Because they can feel the love and care of the court for them.

"It's not that my father is too impatient, but that Ming cannot afford to wait. Perhaps the reason why I am not as good as my father is because my vision is too short and I cannot see what will happen ten years or even longer.

My father takes a long-term view of the problem, that's why he is so anxious. "

Tian Xin took a deep breath and decided that this time he would make his own decisions and implement the second reform.

Because his father would not lie to him, nor harm him, nor would he harm this country or its people.

Early the next morning, he issued an order to start the second round of the reform plan, and it must be implemented unconditionally.

After this order was issued, the cabinet ministers were extremely surprised and came to the Fengtian Palace one after another. "Your Majesty, haven't you already rejected the Supreme Emperor's strategy? Why are you implementing it again?"

Tianxin said: "I feel that the time has come. Since it is an innovation, it should be carried out vigorously and resolutely, and there should not be any relaxation.

What innovation should we make?

Isn't it better to cure those old diseases?
If you are afraid of this or that, don't make any innovations, just stick to the laws and everything of the previous dynasty. "

"Your Majesty, you have to be relaxed and moderate in your actions. Going too far is not enough!" Many people persuaded Tianxin to take back his orders.

But Tianxin said: "This time, I have to make my own decisions. I have to face thousands of enemies. If I relax, when those people recover, they will not give me a chance to react.

So, stop talking, just go ahead and implement this order.

If there is any change, let the army suppress it.

If they rebel, then I will kill them again!
If once doesn't work, then twice.

If it doesn’t work twice, then I don’t mind clearing it and starting over!

Let's see if it's their heads or my fists that are stronger.

What Ming Dynasty wants is political integrity and harmony, and what it wants is stability and peace.

For example, the Sun Cult and others can only emerge in endlessly because of the soil that harbors dirt and evil. World unity is so easy to achieve.

All peace comes from iron blood.

The Northern Zhou Dynasty was prosperous, with more than nine million registered households.

But how many people were there in Dagan?
With more than three million registered households, almost the entire country was wiped out.

When Wu Huan invaded the Central Plains, the people of the Central Plains were almost extinct.

But what happens next?

What are you worried about?
Worried about those people rebelling?

Worried about their opinions? If you are afraid of these, don’t be a pavilion elder! "

Tianxin spoke very seriously.

All the people in the cabinet looked at each other, especially the conservative ones.

The progressive faction said: "Your Majesty is right, if you are afraid of this or that, don't innovate.

Those people don't admit this or that because they are lazy and because they are afraid.

Because the imperial court's sword cut off their interests.

And now, the imperial court is going to Wucunjing, what's wrong with this?

The great unity of the world is just a matter of words.

The unity of the world will lead to bloodshed and death, and it is not a child's play! "

"I second the proposal!"

"Your Majesty, since the cabinet has already come up with an idea, it is not a good thing to change the order overnight!"

"Special matters should be treated specially. Don't follow the rules. Our Ming Dynasty does not have an arbitrary emperor.

Our Ming Dynasty doesn’t have that kind of mediocre king, so we don’t have to come here to talk like the previous dynasty did! "

The two sides started to argue again.

Tianxin waved his hand, "Stop arguing, this matter has been decided. Everything that is beneficial to the people and the country must be done and tried, instead of waiting and seeing. look.

I don't want to hear such words again. "

In the past three years, Tianxin has been living at a loss. He has even forgotten why he won the throne.

In my father's words, it means forgetting one's original intention.

What is his original intention?
Are you afraid of this or that?

To be a steadfast king?

Even if his Tianxin cannot match that of his father and grandfather, he still wants to be an accomplished emperor.

Thinking of this, Tianxin was shocked, feeling that all the obstacles that had hindered him in the past three years had been cleared.

He is the emperor, the Nine-Five Supreme Being of the Ming Dynasty, and the most powerful person in the world.

As long as he does anything that is beneficial to the people and the country, he has nothing to fear!
The Ming Dynasty was not the Northern Zhou Dynasty or the Great Qian Dynasty. It already had an absolute foundation.

Standing on his side are thousands of people.

At this moment, he suddenly understood why his father was invincible.

Because there were countless people standing around my father.

Only when you stand on the opposite side of these people will you feel constrained!

Tian Xin's thoughts became clear, and the whole person became relaxed, "Remember what I said, let's leave!"

Not long after, the cabinet issued another statement.

Subsequently, Tokyo also received a statement from Xijing.

Seeing this order, Qin Mo couldn't help but laugh, "By the way, this is what I, the Emperor of the Qin family, should do.

Are you afraid of what they will do? Are you a vegetarian?
What is the enemy? He is a bastard, and he is there just to get down! "

(End of this chapter)

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