big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1975 The trend is unstoppable!

Chapter 1975 The trend is unstoppable!
Has Qin Mo ever been afraid of this in his life?

No matter who your enemies are, they will all be defeated by him.

Now that I have great power, am I still afraid of those little bastards?

Just because those bedbugs are hiding in the smelly ditch and doing little things?

You know, 99% of people in this world want peace.

Don't talk about poor places like the Western Regions.

If they've never seen the sun, that's it.

But the Ming Dynasty is just right in front of them?

There will definitely be bleeding in the early stages.

The two Beijings jointly issued a statement, and Ming Dynasty was once again shaken.

This time, the reform was deeper, not only involving officials, but also the common people.

For a time, people began to discuss it heatedly.

Many people felt that the imperial court was too lenient and had to control everything.

Qin Mo also knew very well that there would be turmoil in the early stage, but in the end, he would be crushed by a big stone.

Now is also the time to put the results of decades of innovation to the test.

The publicity department began to continuously publicize and popularize science.

Coupled with the subtle influence of newspapers and telegraphs, this innovation from Tokyo and Xijing became more and more thorough.

Even if there will be various discomforts in a short period of time, Qin Mo feels that the court should bear these consequences.

He is even ready for a protracted war.

The twelve states of the Ming Dynasty plus Xijing. Except for the three new states, they do not have to pay tax to the treasury on time. All other state capitals have to be assessed.

It's impossible to mess it up.

Last year, after the currency reform, the overall treasury revenue of the two capitals exceeded 7 billion yuan.

It stands to reason that for a country as large as the Ming Dynasty, the treasury revenue should be in the tens of billions, but the coins of the Ming Dynasty are too valuable to preserve their value.

This may be the strength of the first world power.

And those countries in the Western Regions are not as good as Tianxiang. This also leads to the fact that the local economy is basically controlled by the Ming Dynasty.

It is actually very easy to destroy them. As early as twenty years ago, Qin Mo had completely lost their economic lifeline. He only needed a few simple orders to completely destroy their economy.

It is true that they are now ready to give it a go, but the Ming Dynasty is targeting the nobles of these countries.

While they were still enslaving the people, the people of Ming Dynasty had begun to take charge of their own affairs.

Do you think the local people still care about their king?

Will not!
In the blink of an eye, it was the fourth year of Changle.

Last year, Ming Dynasty was not peaceful. Especially after the second round of reforms began, there were some serious reactions in the local area.

These reactions were immediately suppressed.

Many people came up to complain, but Qin Mo ignored them, except those related to people's livelihood.

The results of four years of reform have also come out. After those young people took up their posts, they were indeed more enthusiastic and worked harder to implement the government's policies.

After getting rid of the old thinking, everyone actually lives more freely and happily.

At the very least, the vast majority of people are satisfied with their current lives.

There is food, drink, housing, land, a stable job, relatively sound social welfare, and no agricultural tax burden. Although various taxes are included in daily life, the cost of living is actually not high.

Moreover, the per capita population of the Ming Dynasty has actually increased nearly ten times compared to thirty years ago.

Prices have not risen too much, but there are too many choices now.

In addition, during the Ming Dynasty's wars over the years, a huge territory was taken away every time, so resources became the cheapest.

The imperial court invests a lot of money in infrastructure every year, and the benefits are extraordinary. And these investments come without any return.

At the end of last year, the highway from Tokyo to Ross was built, leading directly to the capital of Dingzhou.

In the future, there will be roads and airports connecting grassland, Nanfanzhou, and Tianxiang states to the three states.

These are all business opportunities and will make a lot of people rich.

The resources of Ross have also been controlled by the imperial court. For a long time to come, the price of resources in Ming Dynasty will be controlled at an extremely low price, which is extremely beneficial to people's livelihood.

Qin Mo solved the four basic problems of food, clothing, housing and transportation, and also gave the greatest tolerance for spiritual entertainment.

In addition to those strictly prohibited in the Ming Dynasty's laws, people now have too many entertainment options to choose from.

It is worth mentioning that in the second round of innovation, those places of brothels and fireworks were also completely swept into the garbage heap.

Daqian, brothels are government-run.

Even in another world, until the new century, government-run brothels were a major source of tax revenue.

But now, these are no longer allowed.

It is no exaggeration to say that almost all the commotion caused at the end of last year was caused by these people.

These people are enjoying the benefits and making money just by lying down. This is no longer allowed.

Nearly 200,000 bad guys have been arrested, and a complete business chain has been formed behind it. Those who voluntarily work as prostitutes are fine, but those who force good girls to do so are afraid.

So a lot of people were shot and killed because of this last year.

These people were severely shocked.

The masters behind these people also disappeared. Until their arms could no longer twist their thighs, they no longer dared to shout for fear of being spotted.

Instead, there are various wine bars and dance parties.

This turmoil lasted for half a year before it finally subsided.

With the delivery of Tokyo New City, Qinzhuang and Qinzhuang are completely integrated with the capital, enough to accommodate another two million people.

In just a few years, nearly 200 million have been invested, but the results are obvious.

The roads in the new city are nearly half wider than those in the old city, and this will become a new district in the future.

In the second round of reform, the twelve states will be gradually divided into thirty-six states in the next three years.

Except for the twelve kings, in these new states, the highest official is the governor, and no new kings are being added.

The original twelve states were no longer enough to stabilize the place.

It can only be subdivided again and the power distributed.

This is another distribution of benefits.

Qin Mo took the opportunity to arrange for those young people to come up.

In a few years, these thirty-six states will probably not be enough to satisfy the ruling requirements, and it is estimated that they will become fifty-four states, or even seventy-two states.

Qin Mo already had a budget in mind.

On the Xijing side, new geographical divisions have also begun. The two places must complete the distribution of seventy-two states within three years.

This means that there will be sixty more officials.

And this official has no rights.

I'm not worried about the trouble of Jiedushi having a big tail.

As for these more than sixty officials, to a certain extent, except for King Qian, the remaining twelve kings are not hereditary, but are occupied by capable people.

The fourth year of Changle happened to be the time when the twelve kings rotated.

Some of these twelve kings will continue to serve, while others will step down and take up idle positions, and then be replaced by others.

The successor will inherit the status of the state king, and after he retires, he will no longer be crowned the state king!

(End of this chapter)

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