big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1976 The rotation of 2 state kings!

Chapter 1976 The Rotation of the Twelve State Kings!

Therefore, the strategy kept changing, always adapting to the national conditions of the Ming Dynasty.

In Qin Mo's view, Ming Dynasty has been moving in a good direction.

However, the fate of these twelve kings has become a problem.

Xiao Dou has served for five years and it's time to come back. He is actually not suitable to be the king of this state, but at that time, there were not many people to choose from.

Li Yongmeng was about to be reincarnated, and Qin Mo decided to call him back from the sky to the hinterland of the Central Plains. He had been working hard all these years, and it was time to come back and enjoy the blessings.

After all, he is also a member of Ben Liu. Unlike me, he is very good at keeping his appearance, and he already looks like a little old man.

Cheng Xiaobao is still young, so he can continue to stay in his post. Cheng Dabao can come back, and he is not young anymore.

Li Jiange too, it's time to come back and enjoy the blessings.

His two apprentices, one is the elder, and the other is the deputy mountain chief at the Royal Academy. They are in charge of everything on weekdays.

It can still continue to shine for a few more years.

The Liu brothers are guarding everywhere, so you don't have to worry about this, Tianxin will take care of it.

In other words, there will be four vacant positions for the Twelve Kings. This is Qin Mo's decision after careful consideration.

Each round leaves four spots open for younger players.

For now, suitable candidates will still be selected from the Qin family or relatives.

After all, these young people are still young. In three to five years, they may be able to take on important responsibilities.

When this group of people is completely rotated, Qin Mo estimates that Tianxin will come down.

Qin Mo sent a telegram to Tianxin. To be honest, he missed this guy a little.

Including Huo Lin'er and Feng Ge'er, these two good boys gave up their high positions for the country and went to the most remote and difficult places to take root.

This journey lasted four years.

More than a thousand days and nights.

Qin Mo missed these children.

But he could only hide his thoughts in his heart and occasionally send them some telegrams to encourage and affirm them.

Only if their generation pays their dues can future generations be on the right track.

Qin Mo knew very well that some of his children hated him, but so what?
They have already enjoyed the wealth and honor in the world, so they should be responsible for their own status.

"Still not resting so late?" Xiao Yurou came over with ginseng tea.

"I can't sleep. The older I get, the less I sleep." Qin Mo took the ginseng tea and sighed, "I'm so mean. I'm looking for trouble. I'm already retired and I still can't make a living!"

Xiao Yurou snorted, "Who says it's not the case? I can't wait any longer!"

As he said this, he put Qin Mo's leg on his own, and then gently rubbed it, "You haven't slept well in the past six months. How about going to Qinzhuang to relax?" Xiao Yu Judo: "It happens to be summer, you will be happy wherever we go!"

Qin Mo was really moved. The fruit forest in Qinzhuang had undergone a second expansion, and Old Qin and his wife lived there.

And on weekdays, after finishing classes at Qinzhuang School, the children would run to Lao Qin's side.

It's already holiday, the children have all gone to summer camp, and they are no longer in Qinzhuang.

Lao Qin was worried about his children and went with him.

In other words, there is no one in the grove now.

"Yes, I haven't been there for a long time. I just have some free time and have some time!" Qin Mo put down the tea cup and said.

"Actually, you don't have to force yourself. You've done enough. Why are you in such a hurry?" "Parents always hope that they can do better. There are some things that children can't do and only I can do them." , I made a sample, it will be easier for them to do it in the future.

The resistance of the imperial court to implement policies has reached its lowest point in history, and innovation has also reached its most critical moment.

In two years, there will be a third round of innovation.

At that time, Ming Dynasty will completely change its appearance, completely break away from the shadow of previous dynasties, and completely embark on a new path. Do you understand?
I have been waiting for this day for twenty or thirty years, and now I finally see the hope of success. "

"You are too scary. No one knows how many trump cards you have." Xiao Yu said Judo.

"They were all forced." Qin Mo hugged her over, "You are not living a happy life these days. Let's go back and rest!"

The next day, Qin Mo's family packed up and went to Qinzhuang for vacation.

It's a cool time in the mountains and forests, so there are a lot of mosquitoes. If you don't put insect repellent around, you will be killed by mosquitoes.

Qin Mo looked at the girls wearing the latest clothes and playing in the water, and couldn't help but clicked his tongue, "Thirty years ago, you guys had this figure, and thirty years later you still have this figure, I, Qin Mo, am really lucky, I found you My wives are both stunning beauties!”

In fact, he has already felt the power of time now. Although it is still very strong, it is not as exaggerated as it was ten years ago.

He could feel his physical decline.

But thanks to the health-preserving skills and Qin Mo's daily exercise, he is now around forty.

It seems that this is a man's golden period.

These women are also more enthusiastic about health care.

But aging is inevitable, such as gray hair and wrinkles.

But Qin Mo still loves them.

He could no longer hold anyone in his heart.

Even Liu Ruyu has been following him for more than ten years.

However, he had tried his best to avoid things that left Qin Mo speechless. Xiaojiu was still caught at the end of last year.

He once again had a son.

Xiaojiu is now four years old and a serious mother. At this moment, she can only lie on the beach chair, drinking coconuts out of boredom and not daring to get into the water.

She was not nervous as her due date was approaching, but it made Qin Mo extremely nervous.

There is always a female imperial physician accompanying her everywhere, for fear that something might happen to her.

Perhaps because of her age, her belly was covered with stretch marks and she felt ugly.

"Why are you unhappy?" Qin Mo said.

"You don't allow me to go into the water. This is not the beach. I'm not allowed to do this, and I'm not allowed to do that." Xiaojiu pouted, looking like a girl.

In fact, Qin Mo protected her very well, and she never suffered much. It could be said that her brother-in-law and sister had always been in the palm of her hand, which truly meant that she was raised as a little daughter.

Of all the women, she felt that she was the most unruly and willful.

But she couldn't help Qin Mo's love for her. Sometimes even Li Yulan said that Qin Mo doted on Xiaojiu too much.

"Aren't I afraid that your feet will slip?"

"No way, aren't you here?" Xiaojiu said unhappily: "I wasn't so pretentious before. I've already given birth to five or six children, and I still care about this?

What you did is like giving birth to a baby for the first time! "

"Auntie, it's different. You are almost forty. You are an advanced maternal age. Can I not care about you?" Qin Mo could only coax her carefully. After calculation, the baby in Xiaojiu's belly should be Xiaoqiu. Qin Mo This is not the first time he has become an old father, but he needs to be more careful than ever.

(End of this chapter)

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