big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1979 Face it!

Chapter 1979 Face it!

Then he walked over and untied Qin Mo's hands and feet.

Without saying a word, Qin Mo pulled Li Yushu over and beat him up. Then he started to practice family law in front of the other girls, and then gave all the dissatisfaction in his heart to Li Yushu.

"Are you satisfied now? It's all for you." Qin Mo snorted.

Li Yushu didn't dare to pout this time, because she had already been treated submissively.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Ruyu went to fetch water for Qin Mo to wipe, while Xiaojiu knelt obediently behind Qin Mo and rubbed his shoulders.

The girls who had bullied Qin Mo just now were all scared, fearing that Qin Mo would cause trouble for them in the future and would come forward one by one to subdue them.

"Now I know I'm afraid. It's too late. Just wait. Tomorrow we will implement the family law one by one. I want to see if you will dare to do it again in the future." Qin Mo almost lost Jingzhou because of his carelessness today, but starting from tomorrow, He wanted to let the girls know why the flowers were so red.

In the following days, Qin Mo really implemented the family law to the letter, and everyone obeyed.

But looking at the moisturizing looks of the girls, Qin Mo held his waist and suddenly felt that he had been fooled.

"Are you female fairies colluding?"

The girls looked at each other and made mocking sounds.

Qin Mo was so angry that he finally came to his senses.

Li Yushu chewed melon seeds and said, "You are not as good as you were then, so why shouldn't you be tested?"

Qin Mo gritted his teeth and said, "Believe it or not, I will deal with you in the next seven days?" '

Li Yushu was so frightened that he immediately shut his mouth.

While Qin Mo was on vacation in the courtyard, a storm quietly occurred.

Outside Chengtian Gate, tens of thousands of people gathered. They didn't have any weapons, so they just sat there, no matter who tried to persuade them, it was useless.

If you say no one organized it, no one will believe it.

The news quickly reached Qin Mo, and Qin Mo was no longer in the mood for vacation.

The people must have resentments in their hearts to gather at Chengtian Gate.

"Let's go back with you!" Xiao Yurou also realized the importance of the matter.

In all the years since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, nothing like this has ever happened.

Even if there was, it was during the Chinese New Year every year. People would kowtow to Qin Mo outside Chengtian Gate to pay New Year greetings. This was almost a routine in the Ming Dynasty.

Qin Mo sighed, shook his head and said, "No, I'll handle it myself."

These people finally came, and if this matter was not handled well, it would definitely cause a lot of trouble.

And Qin Mo also plans to use this time to find out the people behind the scenes.

The greater the resistance, the more it represents the power of the people behind it.

Innovation is for this country and for this people.

Qin Mo entered the palace through the back door on a special train. The special train originally built for Lao Liu was still serving the royal family until now.

It's just that this special train is rarely dispatched because it is too troublesome. There are nearly ten special trains in Beijing at the same time. If they are not coordinated well, it can easily lead to traffic jams and other troubles.

Although trains are updated quickly, it is not easy to build a train. Such a big thing is a great test of the country's industrial capabilities.

"Your Majesty, no less than 30,000 people have gathered below. It seems that they are all here for the second round of innovation. And among these people, they come from all over the world, and not all of them are from the capital!" said a pavilion elder.

Qin Mo nodded, "I'm going to Chengtianmen and energizing the microphone. I want to talk to them!

Also, let the soldiers step one at a time to prevent those who are interested in doing extreme things. "

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Qin Mo thought about what to say and walked up to Chengtianmen. At that moment, everyone's eyes focused on Qin Mo.

The people became restless and shouted one after another: "Please take back your order, please do not interfere with our trust!"

These people even have a unified slogan. If there is no one behind the plan, Qin Mo will not believe it.

Qin Mo looked at the people below and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, can you listen to me?"

The loudspeaker spread the sound in all directions, and there was suddenly silence below.

"Everyone should understand that Ming Dynasty is facing a severe test at this time, and this test does not come from the outside, but from the inside.

Perhaps in your eyes, the Ming Dynasty was the best in the world because of its abundant military virtues and prosperous singing and dancing.

But in my eyes, Daming Ren has many shortcomings.

Books and cars share the same track, this is what I want.

It is also necessary.

Ming Dynasty only needs one voice.

I know where you are coming from, and I know why you are here.

Go back, I hear your voices, but the situation is overwhelming.

I am not the kind of emperor who cares about such a shallow reputation.

I know someone asked you to come.

But have you ever thought about why they asked you to come?

Ming Dynasty is thorough, and everything given to you is full of sincerity.

I've been to Tianxiangjing, and I know where the backwardness there comes from.

It comes from their sustenance and their thoughts.

I don't want you to be like them.

Therefore, I want to pull out all the servility in your hearts.

You may not understand, but it doesn’t matter, I can live another twenty or thirty years, and two generations.

Two generations later, everyone will understand my painstaking efforts.

You guys, don't try to threaten me.

Because I will never give in to the darkness! "

(End of this chapter)

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