big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1980 Don’t agree? Then get out of Ming Dynasty!

Chapter 1980 Don’t agree? Then get out of Ming Dynasty!

“First of all, this is a national policy and it will not have any impact on your lives. Secondly, this is to allow you to live a better life and not be mentally enslaved.

Universal unity is an unstoppable trend. No matter who you are, you will be crushed to pieces in the face of this trend.

I can tell you very straightforwardly that if you try to act like a chariot, you will only get yourself into trouble.

Imperial officials can still go deep into the grassroots level to experience and transform.

Why can't you live a down-to-earth life?

Ming Dynasty is pragmatic. Anything that is not pragmatic and enjoys the benefits will not be recognized by Ming Dynasty.

I have been fighting for many years, in countless wars, big and small, and have killed not one million but eight hundred thousand enemies at my hands.

I, Qin Mo, was not scared.

People behind the scenes, please listen to me. Today you encourage these people to come to Chengtianmen to meditate. In the future, I will definitely tear you apart and kill all the ten tribes of you. "

Perhaps Qin Mo hasn't revealed his methods for so long that these people feel that they are old and that their methods are no longer good.

But they were wrong, completely wrong.

Ginger is only spicy when old.

Moreover, his heart is really not as soft as before, probably because he has experienced too many such scenes.

Looking at the agitated people below, he just felt pitiful.

The people obviously didn't expect Qin Mo to say such things.

"Your Majesty, don't you care about my waiting anymore?"

"Your Majesty, the court's supervision is too strict. Can you relax it a little?"

"I want to tell you one last time. In previous years, people in Tokyo and Xijing would only come outside the city gate to pay me New Year greetings during the Chinese New Year.

Only this year, you are here to cause trouble!

Daming, I have never sorry for you.

Me, too!

You don’t have to obey the laws of the Ming Dynasty, you don’t have to obey my control, I agree!
Anyone here who doesn't want to be a great Ming Zi Ming, who doesn't want to write Qin characters or speak Qin dialect, I will cancel your nationality now.

All the countries in the Western Regions, you can just go.

You can do whatever you want, and have whatever sustenance you want.

I won't ask any questions.

But I will take back all the generous treatment you have enjoyed from Ming Dynasty!

If you don’t agree with Ming Dynasty, don’t agree with Ming Dynasty’s culture, and don’t agree with me, then please get out.

Seal the scene for me and not allow any of them to leave. Register all these people for me, fight them back to the local area, and send people to send them away from Daming.

I don’t want such people.

I will definitely not let go of any ambitious person who tries to threaten the Ming Dynasty or me! "

Qin Mo's words completely panicked the people below.

Expelling people from their nationality and sending them abroad is something only a fool can do.

Why do these people come all the way?
The local people in Tokyo don't want to pay attention to them.

Moreover, with their status as people of the Ming Dynasty, they were indeed treated favorably.

Is there any country in this world that can compare with Ming Dynasty?

Some of them were slaves.

It was Ming Dynasty that gave them the opportunity to be human beings, and now they can live uprightly as human beings.

You can eat delicious food and drink spicy drinks, have meat for every meal, have a house and land, and dress decently.

Not their sustenance.

It's from the Ming Dynasty, given by the imperial court.

Moreover, everyone now knows that the Ming Dynasty will go to war in the Western Regions, and the world will be unified.

Everywhere in this world is the land of Ming Dynasty.

Where can they go?

There is no way to escape!
They were afraid.

The organizers in the crowd were also a little panicked. Those wolf-like and tiger-like soldiers, who stood five steps to one post and were armed with live ammunition, were no joke at all.

They didn't dare to act rashly.

Because the emperor above has issued an order, anyone who dares to do extreme things will not be spared lightly.

"I knew I couldn't come. I told them a long time ago that the great emperor would never be blackmailed.

No one can blackmail this person.

It's okay now, there is absolutely no way out.

Once they leave the Ming Dynasty and escape from protection, they will be the meat on the chopping block! "

But there were still people who wanted to take risks, but as soon as they stood up, they were suppressed and handcuffed directly.

"Whatever you want to do, just be honest and sit on the ground!"

"They are all waiting for their fate!"

There are even more tens of thousands of soldiers than these people. Even if they watch one by one, they can't even think of causing any trouble.

"Publish what I said today in the newspaper so that everyone in the world can see it.

Anyone who dares to hinder Ming Dynasty's reform and Ming Dynasty's prosperity is my enemy! "

These people were originally from a foreign race, and it was Qin Mo who gave them the opportunity.

They don't know how to cherish, so Qin Mo won't be lenient.

People from the Central Plains would not be like this. They all understood that the emperor's reforms were for them.

These people still have too little recognition of Ming Dynasty.

So Qin Mo needs to increase his efforts.

The second round of innovation must not only be massive, but also rapid, so that they all understand the determination of the imperial court.

Soon, these people were brought under control.

Some people stayed, while some were regarded as role models and denationalized.

For a time, the whole city was shocked.

Qin Mo did not kill them, but directly revoked their nationality and sent them away.

This time, Xiren secretly became more and more nervous and frightened.

However, rumors began to spread among the people that Qin Mo began to become faint.

But their methods are of no use at all.

The public opinion of the whole country is in the hands of Qin Mo, and the people in the Central Plains and Xijing regard Qin Mo as a god.

Qin Mo's foundation has never been there.

And people like them will only arouse the anger of the people in both places.

Some people even asked Qin Mo to withdraw the preferential treatment he had given them.

And Qin Mo did respond.

It was announced in the newspapers that preferential treatment for these individuals would be reconsidered at this year's national convention.

As soon as the news came out, it quickly spread throughout the country.

Countless people were in an uproar.

But anyone with a discerning eye can understand that this incident really angered the Supreme Emperor.

Memories of many old people came to mind.

"Huh, what do these people think about going against the Supreme Emperor?"

"Do you know what the title of the Supreme Emperor is? It's Qin Mo. Over there in the Western Region, Qin Mo's name can stop children from crying at night."

"If you ask me, we just treat these people too well, too much, so that they don't know their last names."

"The Ming Dynasty has treated its people so well. It can be seen throughout the ages that these people are still here to cause trouble for His Majesty.

It’s just that they should be given a taste of what suffering is.

If you take back the preferential treatment given to them, they will know what it means to regret! "

In the teahouse, almost everyone was talking about this matter.

If you don’t agree with Ming Dynasty’s culture and discipline, then get out of Ming Dynasty and never come back!
(End of this chapter)

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