big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1984: Not a single one!

Chapter 1984 Take none!

Lao Qin didn't say anything, so he acquiesced.

Left sulking.

Qin Mo breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he didn't want to go to the Western Regions, but staying in Tokyo all year round was not necessarily a good thing.

Emperor, always go down to see the real situation and appease people's hearts.

Always fulfill your responsibilities.

There is truth in the saying that a rich man will not sit down in court.

But if this is the case, what is lost is the human heart.

At this position, Qin Mo had a lot to consider.

Returning to the dormitory, Qin Mo was surprised. The entire dormitory was very quiet, but on the exaggerated big bed, the girls were waiting for Qin Mo in pajamas. They were all quiet and did not chat.

Qin Mo was startled, "What's wrong?"

He walked to the calendar and looked at it, "Isn't today the day for the meeting? Don't mess with me!"

Thinking back to thirty years ago, Qin Mo wanted to hold meetings every day.

It’s no longer possible. I can still have it occasionally, but I still feel nervous and scared when I have meetings so close to each other.

After the meeting, I felt my waist and knees were sore.

Qin Mo looked wary.

Fang Shun patted the bed, "Take off your shoes and get in bed!"

"Don't even think about resisting, you won't be able to leave." Li Yushu said.

Qin Mo swallowed and wanted to leave, but looking at the girls, he held back. The senior sister was here and he couldn't escape.

"Wives, it's easy to discuss what we have to say, there's no need to get involved!"

Qin Mo took off his shoes and was immediately pulled over by Li Yulan.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Qi pressed him down on the bed with both hands.

Then her head rested on Li Yulan's lap, Li Yushu, and Li Lizhen took his arms.

Li Jingya, Li Xue, Chai Sitian and Xiaojiu were sitting on either side of his waist.

Xiao Yurou put one of his feet on her body, and Fang Chun followed suit.

Liu Ruyu, Churui, Xiahe, Qiuyue, Suga Sachiko, and Subi Mojie are on both sides of the legs.

The fourteen wives look beautiful without makeup.

Thanks to health regimen and medicine, they look twenty years younger than their actual age.

Flowering period is long.

In particular, the graceful and luxurious temperament on his body is incomparable to others.

Qin Mo glanced at his wives and said with a dry smile: "I have entered the Pansi Cave. Madams, can you be gentler?"

"Say, don't you have anything to tell us?" Fang Chun grabbed Qin Mo's ear.

Qin Mo gasped in pain, "Sister, be gentle, it hurts!"

After so many years, Fang Chun is still the same as before, always taking advantage of others, but Qin Mo still has no temper at all.

There is no other way, as he said, Fang Chun will take care of him for the rest of his life. A man must always keep his word, right?

"It hurts you to death!" Fang Chun didn't use any force at all. Every time this guy screamed so loudly, she was reluctant to deal with him.

"Senior sister, what can I say to you? Do you want to hear love words? I've been saying this for more than thirty years, and I really don't have much left. How about writing a few love poems for each of you?" Qin Moqian smiled. , he still has some survival, and can still pretend a little bit.

"It's not unusual!" Li Yushu bit Qin Mo's chest, "Tell me, why have you been so sad and sighing these past two days that you haven't told us?"

"I don't have any conscience!"

"Sisters, if he doesn't tell the truth, beat him!"

Fourteen pairs of jade hands began to ravage Qin Mo.

Sugako was the worst, bullying Xiao Qinmo.

It made Qin Mo feel pain and happiness.

"Surrender, don't torment me, I'm fine!" "Stop lying, we've all heard the news. You're going on a cruise in the Western Regions, right? You're going to be there for a long time, and you don't plan to take us with you. Really?" Li Jingya simply lay on Qin Mo and said angrily: "Do you want to send us away to find your mother-in-law in the Western Regions?"

Qin Mo smiled bitterly. He knew that he couldn't let these women know about this, "I'm already old, why should I find women from the Western Regions? They smell so strong, I don't like it!"

"How would you know if you didn't look for it?"

Qin Mo stopped talking. How many Brahmin aristocratic women were there to serve in Tianxiang back then?
I almost took turns one by one, and I can’t even remember how many.

Of course, most of those aristocratic women were given as concubines by Qin Mo to the accompanying soldiers.

"We are going too!" Xiao Yuju said: "You can't even think of getting rid of us. We have been together for decades. What will we do if you go out for so long without warning?"

"Yes, we want to go with you!" Li Yulan said, "Just treat it as a trip to relax."

Qin Mo said helplessly: "The Western Region is not peaceful right now. I'm not going to travel."

"Then you still go!" Xiao Jiu said with a big belly: "I'm going to give birth soon. If you weren't there, I wouldn't know what to do!

Can't you go out at another time? "

Qin Mo sighed, "Time has not waited for me. The second round of innovation has reached a critical juncture. Only by going can I win this tough battle and get new opportunities for the Ming Dynasty. Do you understand?"

The unification of the Ming Dynasty, if people do not move around, then this unification will be a false world harmony.

You must be in me, and I must be in you.

Just like Xijing, there are not many ethnic groups, but the Qin ethnic group accounts for the majority. This is the guarantee of world unity.

And almost all of the immigrants at the beginning were women.

Their bloodline is that of the Qin clan.

Like the Western Regions, there are actually a lot of men because they are simply underpopulated now.

Coupled with the immigration from various places, there are only women under the age of thirty, so many women have fled.

Because in the Western Regions, the status of women is really low.

Life was very hard, how could they not escape to Ming Dynasty?

This is why, after the reform, men are still allowed to have more wives.

In fact, the ratio of men to women is imbalanced.

There are many boys and girls.

In Xijing, you can see many men with two or three wives with foreign faces.

But in Tokyo, this ratio is very small.

They still prefer local.

The closer you get to the northwest, the more this happens.

Therefore, when Qin Mo went there, he wanted to do something cruel.

Not only for the Western Region, but also for Tianxiang and other states.

Cultural identity is fundamental and necessary.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for the world to be unified.

After a brief period of peace, it will inevitably lead to disintegration.

There are no such examples.

Qin Mo would not learn from them and expand blindly.

Just like in the army, the entire Ming army has more than two million.

The Central Plains bloodline accounts for 90%.

It's not that Qin Mo doesn't trust them, but there are a lot of stinky people among these people.

Qin Mo had to be on guard.

"You are not afraid, but we are afraid?" Xiao Yuju said: "Wherever you go, we go, you go and do your business, we go to the celestial phenomena, and we don't go to the palace, can't we?"

"No." Qin Mo shook his head, "This time it's not a child's play. I don't even plan to take Little Gao Heel with me!"

They were no longer thirty years ago and could no longer be attacked. Qin Mo had to think about their safety.

(End of this chapter)

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