big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1985 Fearless

Chapter 1985 Fearless
Gao Yao suddenly became anxious, "No, I have to follow you. As you said, mainly when traveling far away, you have to take mine with you."

Fang Chun also said: "This matter cannot be discussed, we must be brought together, even if we are not as good as before, but the head office can block the sword.

You must have someone to take care of you outside. There must be someone close to you, otherwise I won't worry. "

Her words were unquestionable, but this time, Qin Mo shook his head, "You two are my wives, not dead soldiers. If you want to block a sword, I will stand in front of you two.

Going to the Western Regions is not that simple.

Those people are crazy, hidden among the people, and you don't know if those smiling people are good people.

They tie bombs to their bodies, rush out suddenly, and die with you. They are the real dead soldiers.

Those people are brainwashed and trained puppets. In their world, there is no right or wrong.

There is only destruction and killing. "

"The Ming Dynasty has no soldiers, so it's up to you, the Supreme Emperor, to charge into battle." Li Yulan's eyes were also red, she was very scared and worried, "You tell me, what can you do at your age?

There are so many people down there, why can't you send an imperial envoy to handle this matter?
Do you really think that you are still seventeen or eighteen years old and have nothing to fear?
If something happened to you, how would you let this whole family live?
How do you let us live?
In your eyes, there is only you, not our little family, right? "

Qin Mo wiped her tears gently, "Third sister, I said that in my heart, you are more important than everyone else.

But I conquered this world, and this world became what it is because of my will.

If I don't push, sooner or later the world will become what it was before.

A world changed beyond recognition, not what I want

Good people do it to the end and send Buddha to the West.

You know that I am always the most afraid of trouble.

But this time, I have to go.

When this time is over, I really won’t go on long trips again.

I was too lazy to move.

I will guard you and live the rest of your life safely.

Really, I promise you. "

Qin Mo said extremely sincerely.

"I don't care, I will go with you anyway." Li Yushu hugged Qin Mo tightly and cried.

"It's not about life and death, does it matter?" Qin Mo stroked her back, "I used to go on inspections a lot, so it won't matter."

"In the past, you were always in Xijing or in the Central Plains. Of course we are not nervous, but most of the people in the Western Regions are Hu people.

Who knows whether they truly surrendered to the Ming Dynasty?
If he was sincere, such a thing would not happen. Li Lizhen said: "Brother-in-law, we can't take risks. The worst is, we just need to beat them again. After a few times, they will naturally behave." "

Qin Mo shook his head. If it wasn't at the last moment, he would not have used such brutal methods.

Otherwise, wouldn't all the manpower, material resources and money invested in the Western Regions over the past twenty or thirty years have been in vain?

That's not what Qin Mo wants.

He went there this time with the intention of taking over the Western Region at the minimum cost. In this way, so many years of hard work would not be in vain.

He knew that the people there yearned for life.

But maybe things have developed so fast in recent years and so many people have become so rich that they think this is normal.

We have to let them have a taste of the past before they can cherish their hard-won life now.

"Yes, good brother, please don't go. We will stay with you at home. You can have fun as you want." Li Jingya begged, "Didn't you want me to do that last time? I agreed, wouldn't you? As long as you stay at home, I will do whatever you want me to do!”

"That's right, we can bully you as much as you want, and we will never tell you to stop. We will do whatever you want, and let you do whatever you want!" Li Xue couldn't help but nod.

Qin Mo sighed and said nothing, lying among the girls. At that moment, he was really shaken.

Soga Sachiko is busy somewhere, and she is not afraid of being laughed at by others.

Qin Mo patted her face and said, "Stop working."

Sachiko Soga was stunned and burst into tears. When she cried, everyone started crying.

Qin Mo had a terrible headache and couldn't be comforted at all.

Since he couldn't comfort them, he simply stopped comforting them. After they stopped crying, he said: "For the last time, I will complete the task of unifying the world, and I will be complete.

It may take as little as one year, or as little as three years, and I will definitely come back.

When the situation stabilizes, I'll call you to come over, okay? "

"You are so cruel. We are all crying like this and you don't comfort us." Li Yushu said and turned away angrily.

Others followed suit and turned their backs.

Sugako said: "Master, this time, I won't pay attention to you either!"

Qin Mo scratched his head and was speechless.

He simply rolled up the mattress, covered his head and fell asleep.

Isn't it okay to just ignore him and let him sleep?

But before he could sleep for a while, these women began to torment him again.

After struggling for most of the night, Qin Mo almost collapsed.

He finally figured it out and wouldn't give up until they agreed.

Qin Mo quickly slipped away and went to the longevity palace to rest alone.

This time the girls didn't chase him, but he couldn't sleep.

Qin Mo has a big heart, and he can rest well no matter what time.

But this time, he was worried about gains and losses.

Maybe it’s because I’m older and less confident in myself.

Or maybe it’s been too long since I’ve been away from home, and I feel a little reluctant to leave my family.

He tossed and turned like this all night, and the next day he stared into the eyes of a panda.

Before setting off, Qin Mo summoned the cabinet ministers and told him that he was going to inspect the Western Regions.

This time the cabinet department was in trouble.

Everyone tried to persuade Qin Mo, "Your Majesty, that's not a joke. The Western Region is not stable right now. It's not safe for you to go there."

"Your Majesty, please, just stay here. Someone will naturally take care of the matters in the Western Region.

You are the Supreme Emperor, not a general, why take risks? "

Qin Mo looked at everyone, "Precisely because I am the Supreme Emperor and the Emperor has no time to come, I can only patrol the Western Regions on behalf of the Emperor.

First, it is to stabilize public sentiment.

Secondly, I wanted to go down and take a look at the lives of the people, and then I would know whether the other side of the Western Region was what I thought.

Third, I will take charge of the Western Region. This time I will catch all those damn things in the Western Region.

Many people dare not do it, fearing that the Western Region will be in chaos and they will not be able to survive.

But I'm not afraid.

Even if the Western Region is destroyed, I can still bear it.

It's just a matter of starting over, and it won't damage Daming's vitality.

I have this confidence! "

As Qin Mo said, the foundation of the Ming Dynasty has never been in the Western Regions, but in Xijing and Tokyo.

So Qin Mo has nothing to fear.

(End of this chapter)

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