big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1993 The pious saint!

Chapter 1993 The pious saint!
The girl was barefoot and wearing a white skirt, looking mysterious in the moonlight.

"Who are you?" Qin Mo asked curiously.

When the girl saw Qin Mo, she bowed and said, "My daughter is Niang's daughter, her name is Niang Qiong!"

"People from Niang's family!" Qin Mo remembered everything he had done in Niang's family, "Who is the leader of Niang's family now?"

"It's your father-in-law!" Niang Qiong had a temperament that didn't belong to the plateau, and she looked extraordinarily otherworldly.

"So mother, Shang Gao is your grandfather?" Qin Mo laughed, "Do you know what my relationship is with your grandfather?"

"I know!" The girl smiled with dimples at the corners of her mouth. Her smile was like a fairy from the sky who had fallen into the mortal world and gained a little popularity. "My grandfather said that meeting the Supreme Emperor was the most honored thing in his life.

Several aunts from my natal family were married to the generals around the Supreme Emperor. "

Qin Mo nodded.

That year, Li Shuangan's status was in jeopardy, and Niang's family was a big help.

With the addition of the Gar family, after Qin Mo left, Li Shuangan's prestige gradually surpassed that of Luo Buzadui and became the true king of the Nanfan area.

"Why are you in the Red Palace?" Qin Mo asked curiously.

"My daughter is the latest generation of saints!"

Qin Mo frowned, "What saint?"

"She is a servant of the gods. The Supreme Emperor can understand that my daughter is specially to serve you." Niang Qiong said with a smile: "This saint is chosen by the pilgrims. She comes to my daughter once every five years. She is already here for the third time." Seventh time!”

Qin Mo raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but laugh, "This is the first time I've heard of it!"

"Well, because the current situation is special and has not been widely publicized, usually the saint stays in the temple to serve the statue.

My daughter is more fortunate. Your Majesty is on this tour. It is my mother's highest honor to have my daughter serve His Majesty! "Nianqiong knelt on the ground, her eyes full of piety.

Qin Mo was pretty good at judging people, and the piety in this little girl's eyes couldn't be faked.

But he didn't like this look. As a living person, what kind of believer would he want?

It is not too late to offer incense to him after he dies.

He doesn't like this.

Throughout the dynasties, kings from all walks of life like to have statues of themselves in front of them.

For example, when Li Shilong was still alive, he built two statues for himself in the Taoist and Buddhist sects.
One is the Supreme Dharma Lord, and the other is the compassionate Buddha!

They are the supreme positions of both factions.

In today's Ming Dynasty, many people worship these two gods.

Qin Mo didn't like this.

"So Shuang'an arranged for you to come here?" Qin Mo said.

"Yes, it was your Majesty who arranged for your daughter to come here." Niang Qiong looked at Qin Mo, "The Emperor, you are younger than I imagined. When I was a child, I saw your photo in the newspaper. There is nothing like you now. the difference."

Qin Mo asked her to get up and said with a smile: "I can be your grandfather now. Tell me, where have all the saints gone?"

"They are all married." Niang Qiong said with a smile.

"That's good, I thought I was going to be a bachelor for the rest of my life!" Qin Mo shook his head with a smile.

"There are also those who stay single all their lives and serve as servants of the gods. Those people are the most devout believers of the Supreme Emperor!" Niang Qiong said.

Qin Mo frowned and couldn't help but sigh. In fact, he could understand this kind of thing.

Just like in the previous life, when those idols passed away, many fans would seek death together, or they would stay safe for the rest of their lives.

He doesn't even know who you are. Just do it.

does it worth?
Is it difficult to understand?
It's actually not difficult to understand.

It's nothing more than a kind of sustenance.

And how many fanatical believers did Qin Mo have in the Ming Dynasty?
That must be an extremely huge number.

Just like Qin Mo, if you didn't come here, you wouldn't know that there is a saint here, and that the saint has been single for decades for him.

How unjust is he?
Qin Mo sighed, "How are those single saints doing well?"

"Very good. In the temple, food, clothing, housing and transportation are all provided by the temple. If you are sick, you can get free treatment!" Niang Qiong said.

"That's good!" Qin Mo nodded, and then asked: "What did you sing just now?"

"It's a story about the Supreme Emperor, the story of your visit to Nanfan back then!" Niangqiong said, "But it's in Nanfan language."

Qin Mo couldn't help but smile, "I'm sorry to say that."

"You are the benefactor of all Nanfan people. These songs cannot describe your greatness. We can only let future generations know your greatness through songs passed down from generation to generation!" Niangqiong said.

"After you have worked for five years, you want to get married, you know? Find a husband who likes you and likes you too!" Qin Mo said.

Niang Qiong shook her head and said: "I plan to serve the Supreme Emperor for the rest of my life!"

"You also want to be a female bachelor?" Qin Mo couldn't help but shake his head, "That won't work. You are so beautiful. It's a pity to be a female bachelor. You have to get married, you know?"

"Can I stay with the Supreme Emperor for the rest of my life?" Niang Qiong said boldly.

"I'm already this old, what future do you have with me?" Qin Mo said: "If I were thirty years younger, I would definitely agree. I would have dreamed of a beautiful girl like you.

But I can't promise you now. You are too young, even as old as my seventy-second son. I can be your grandfather, do you understand? "

Qin Mo is not a beast. If he really wants to be happy, he has plenty of women, and he won't always be the same woman after so many years.

Including Bai Yu, Wu Xia and Qin Mo did not touch them.

He knew very well that these two girls came here prepared to give everything.

But can Qin Mo do it?
If you're lucky, you can live for twenty or thirty years. If you're not lucky, you might end up dead in just ten years.

The little girl is only in her early thirties, a good age when she is in her prime. If she has children, it will be really hard, and she will not be able to marry in the future.

Qin Mo was not happy about getting married, so it was best not to provoke her.

But Niangqiong said: "Then, I will guard you in the temple!"

"You little girl, why are you so stubborn?" Qin Mo frowned, "The statue is dead, and I will die in the future. You still have a good future."

"I don't want it!" Niang Qiong shook her head. The reason why they were chosen as saints was not because of their beauty, but because of their piety.

If they cannot pass the test, they are not qualified to be saints.

Qin Mo had no choice. A little girl of her age was very stubborn and would not listen to advice at all.

"I didn't need to call you over." Qin Mo was very upset. It was a good thing to have fans, but if it was because of his own delay in his future, then he shouldn't do it.

Why didn't you agree to Niang Qiong?

Nonsense, there are so many people who like him, is he too busy to come here?

It's not that Qin Mo is arrogant. At his age, among the uncles, his appearance is also the most resistant.

This is what little girls do!
(End of this chapter)

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