big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1994: There is a lovely wife at home, and it is difficult for gods to cure her!

Chapter 1994: There is a lovely wife at home, and it is difficult for gods to cure her!
Qin Mo's face was full of sorrow, "How can you get married?"

Niang Qiong said: "Why should the Supreme Emperor worry about my daughter? I like a sentence in your book very much. Everyone has their own way. As long as you are happy and do not harm this country or others, that will be fine."

"Little girl, you are quite brave." This Niangqiong was not like other girls who looked at her submissively.

If Qin Mo were thirty years younger, he might be able to chat with her.

But now, forget it!
"You should still be studying at your age. Work hard and be a useful person to the country. Don't come to the Red Palace again!

Also, from now on, there will no longer be a statue of me in the temple! "Qin Mo waved his hand.

Niangqiong was stunned.

Bai Yu said: "Girl, let's go this way, the Emperor is going to rest!"

"Your Majesty, why are there no more immortals of yours in the temple?"

"Because living people are not suitable for eating incense!" Qin Mo smiled, "Little girl, I wish you good luck. Remember, live the life you want, do what you should do, and never do it for someone who has nothing to do with you. People, change your life!

I'm the man you can't have! "

Qin Mo waved to her, "Goodbye!"

Niangqiong was pulled down by the Baiyu sisters. After leaving, she didn't come back to her senses for a long time.

Before meeting Qin Mo, she was full of imagination about the Supreme Emperor.

And now, the Supreme Emperor, who is as high as a god, has unveiled the mysterious veil.

Humor, compassion, compassion, she felt that everything described in the book about this great emperor was consistent.

Isn't this myth reflected in reality?
She felt more religious.

All the gods in this world are inferior to this one.

She knelt on the ground, "Since the Emperor doesn't want to see me, then I will kneel here until the Emperor is willing to see me again!"

Bai Yu said helplessly: "Don't make things difficult for the Supreme Emperor. The Supreme Emperor is not the kind of person you think."

Are they two worse looking than Niang Qiong?
Not will.

But the Supreme Emperor kept them at a certain distance, and said that after this tour, he would act as a matchmaker for the two of them, and he would definitely find a good family for them.

They understood that this man who had been doting on those ladies for twenty or thirty years could no longer accommodate anyone in his heart.

Even though they all hope that Qin Mo will be lucky once, even just once.

Niang Qiong said: "I understand, it is my business that I believe in the Supreme Emperor, and it is his business whether the Supreme Emperor sees me or not.

I even believe that sincerity is a person’s best business card! "

"It's up to you!" Wuxia glanced at Bai Yu, "Go back!"

After the two girls returned to Qin Mo, Qin Mo was helpless when he learned that Niang Qiong was still kneeling there, "Hey, I didn't expect that the older you get, the more charming you become."

Both Bai Yu and Wu Xia couldn't help laughing.

"Why are you laughing? If I were thirty years younger, I would be a young girl and a master's killer!" Qin Mo said stinkingly: "It is no exaggeration to say that if I say the second handsomest, no one would dare to say the first!"

Bai Yu Wuxia followed Qin Mo, thinking that he would be very serious along the way. In fact, this master was an extremely humorous and approachable master.

Being with him always brings countless joy.

So there are many idols about Qin Mo, but what they have in common is that he has the ability to bring peace and joy.

"You can't imitate that Niangqiong, you know, what's the future for an uncle like me?" Qin Mo couldn't help nagging, "Look, older uncles are just verbose, can you bear it?
In another seven, eight, or ten years, I will smell like an old man. Can you bear it? You were still in your prime at that time."

Bai Yu and Wu Xia looked at each other, "I have nothing else to think about in this life!"

The tone of the two of them was firm.

Qin Mo is autistic.

Young girls in the new era are too disdainful.

He can't force it, after all, marriage is free.

But if these two girls are really single all their lives, wouldn't they be committing evil themselves?
Qin Mo stretched his chin with his hand, looked at Luoshucheng under the moonlight, and fell into thought.

Dalu Dongzan moved very quickly, and he started to take care of the things Qin Mo had arranged the next day.

In recent years, Da Lun Dongzan has also been to Tokyo, but he has not served as a cabinet minister. Qin Mo once asked the court to issue a document, but Da Lun Dongzan refused on the grounds of being too old.

This old guy is just lazy.

But considering his age, forget it.

Qin Mo lay on the beach chair and applied sunscreen.

The sun in the Red Palace is very hot. If you don't apply more, you will get sunburned easily.

At this time, in Luozhe City, the pilgrims knelt on the ground and cried bitterly.

Tens of thousands of people spontaneously knelt in front of the Red Palace, begging Qin Mo to come forward and punish those bastards who destroyed the gods.

Qin Mo was eating fruit and listening to small songs. The mountain breeze made him feel particularly cool.

Li Shuangan lay next to him, "Brother-in-law, isn't this too cruel?"

"Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Just bear with it and it will be fine. If Nanfan wants to expand the upper limit, it must do this!" Qin Mo said: "The future of Nanfan will be bright!"

Li Shuangan nodded, "This time, I was scolded to death."

"What are you afraid of? You won't lose a piece of meat!" Qin Mo handed over a cup of tea, "Come on, drink tea, don't think about those unpleasant things!"

Taking the tea cup, Li Shuang'an said: "Brother-in-law, that little girl almost fainted on her knees. You really don't want to go and take a look?"

Qin Mo was also a little confused, "No, there are so many people who like me. If everyone does this, wouldn't I be too busy?
The harem is so big, and I am the only one, can I survive in the future?
Nowadays, the little girl knows how to play movies again. Now that I am old, please stop tormenting me! "

Li Shuangan clicked his tongue, "Such a charming little girl, are you really not attracted to her?"

"It's a lie not to be moved, but I can't be moved. Which of your sisters is the most economical lamp? I came out this time to give myself a long vacation. If I bring another little sister back, they won't tear me apart? "Qin Mo feels more energetic these days. Sure enough, he has to stay away from women occasionally in order to live longer.

As the saying goes, "If you have a lovely wife at home, it is difficult for a miracle doctor to cure you."

Qin Mo has fourteen lovely wives. If it weren't for his extraordinary talents, he would have died a long time ago.

This girl is so beautiful, she is a perfect juicer.

Li Shuangan laughed loudly, "Brother-in-law, you are also afraid sometimes. I thought you wouldn't be afraid!"

"Go, go, why am I afraid? I was leaving opportunities for other male compatriots!" Qin Mo was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and he suddenly became unhappy.

"But I think that little girl is really sincere. What if she never leaves?"

"If this is the case, I will leave quietly!"

(End of this chapter)

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