big dry son-in-law

Chapter 200 I really admire this old man!

Chapter 200 I really admire this old man!

"Xiangru, you can tell me what you think. If you agree, I will guarantee the matchmaking this time. If you don't agree, I will reject it!
The main reason is that your family is very small, so it would be better to have more children and more happiness! "Li Shilong said.

Qin Xiangru thought to himself, having said this, does he still have any choice?
Forget it, I have been a shield for others all my life, and this time is no different.

He quickly made a grateful look and said, "Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. I have no objection. I'll just go to the princess."

"Don't worry about Jingyang. The most important thing is Qin Mo. You have to do your job well. I'm afraid he will make trouble again!"

"I'll go to Dali Temple and ask about it soon!"

Qin Xiangru said: "It shouldn't be a big problem!"

After leaving the palace, Qin Xiangru felt unhappy at all. Wasn't he just looking for trouble?

Originally, he had attracted fire for using Han Menzi, but if it happened like this in Lai Shang, some people would have a headache.

The more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became. It was all Qin Mo's fault. Why would he want to play with Chai Rong when he had nothing to do?

It's good now, are you remembered by the Chai family?
But then I thought about it, he, the old Qin family, was born to be excellent.

He suddenly felt very happy. When he arrived at Dali Temple, he walked in with a straight face and saw Qin Mo sitting on a rocking chair, holding a roasted wing in one hand and enjoying a delicious meal. There was also purified fruit wine next to him. A few jailors were drinking and boxing there, having a great time!

Seeing Qin Xiangru, Zhang Laotou was stunned for a moment, then quickly stood up and said, "I'm here to see Duke Qin!"

The jailers were frightened and quickly knelt down to say hello.

Qin Xiangru is also an easy-going person, "Everyone, get up, everyone, the dog is here to take care of you these days!"

Everyone felt very comfortable after hearing this. No wonder Qin Mo had no airs at all. It turned out that he was influenced by Mr. Qin. He was a very human minister, but he thanked them, the jailers. It was really a good family tradition and made people respect him.

"What did you say, sir? It's what we should do to serve the prince consort!" Zhang Laotou said with a smile, and led the people away in a sensible manner, taking away the sieve and leftovers on the table. .

"You're living quite comfortably!" Qin Xiangru was furious when he saw Qin Mo's mouth was full of oil after eating!

Qin Mo wiped his mouth, stood up and handed over the chicken wings in his hand, "Dad, they were just baked, do you want to try them?"

Qin Xiangru snorted, took the chicken wings from Qin Mo's hand, and sat on Qin Mo's rocking chair in a swagger.

Needless to say, this chair is very comfortable. It's quite warm in the prison today. It's really comfortable to have a sip of wine.

Qin Mo asked while eating chicken wings: "Dad, what are you doing here? It's not to take me away. I'm fine and comfortable here. It's more comfortable than outside. You tell my father-in-law Wait, let me stay here for two more days!"

"Are you trying to piss me off?"

"Dad, you are not so angry to death, are you? If you are really angry to death, I can inherit the position of Duke earlier!" Qin Mo said after taking a sip of wine.

"You, you, you idiot, I'm so angry!"

Qin Xiangru cursed and took a bite of the chicken leg. "Let me ask you, if dad is looking for a wife for you, do you agree?"

"I agree, what's wrong with that?"

Qin Mo immediately leaned over and said, "Aren't you pretty? How old are you? Dad, you've finally come to your senses!"

Qin Xiangru said in surprise: "You are not disgusted?" "Why should I be disgusted? Anyway, as long as it is not Li Yushu, I can accept anyone. Of course, I can't take anyone who is too ugly or too old!" What is Qin Mo's dream?She married six or seven wives, slept until she woke up naturally every day, and counted money until her hands cramped.

Li Yushu is the biggest obstacle standing in front of his dream!

He was eager for Qin Xiangru to find him more wives!

"But... not now!" Qin Mo thought of the little widow of the Chai family. The little widow hasn't been settled yet. Even if he wants to find a wife, he has to get rid of the little widow of the Chai family first!
"Why can't you do it again? Didn't you just promise well?"

"Oh, if it doesn't work, it won't work."

Qin Mo said: "Dad, you have to like yourself to find a wife. Who knows if the wife you find for me is good-looking or not? It's like opening a blind box. I'll choose it myself!"

Qin Xiangru blew his beard angrily and glared, "My parents ordered me to be a matchmaker. Do you still dislike this or that?"

"Dad, look, what are you calling the grace you asked for for me? I don't like Li Yushu at all!"

"If you don't like it, just keep it in. If you say it out loud, I'll beat you to death!" Qin Xiangru hurriedly looked outside, only to find that the jailers were hiding far away, so he felt relieved, "I think Princess Jingyang also It’s good. Dai Wei and those people forced His Majesty yesterday, but she scolded them all for your sake!”

"Real or false? What did she say?" Qin Mo was also very curious.

Qin Xiangru said it roughly, and Qin Mo was just listening to a story, "Dad, although I am naive, I am not stupid. How can Li Yushu say such a thing? Stop lying to me!"

"Idiot, can dad lie to you?"

"Have you lied to me enough? You agreed to give me a maid, but there was not even a trace of her!"

Qin Xiangru was speechless, "Can you remember just such a small thing?"

"Of course, I am the only one in our family. Have you ever thought about how much pressure I bear?" Qin Mo sighed: "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Dad, please take your time to find a wife. , you wait for my notification!”

Qin Xiangru spat out the chicken bones and said, "Are you itchy? Let me tell you, this is the Dali Temple Heavenly Prison, and you can't even escape!"

Qin Mo's expression suddenly changed, and he laughed dryly and said, "Dad, a gentleman talks but doesn't do anything!"

"I am your father, not a gentleman!"

Qin Xiangru raised his hand and gave Qin Mo a headache, which hurt Qin Mo so much, "Let me tell you, your father-in-law is a matchmaker and has found a wife for you. I can't refuse you even if I want to. This is also the case." You asked for it!"

Qin Mo covered his head and said aggrievedly: "Father, you are unreasonable. My father-in-law found me a wife, how come I asked for it on my own? I didn't ask him for grace!"

"Do you know who he is as your matchmaker?"

"I don't care who it is, I'm not happy anyway, he must have bad intentions!" Qin Mo said angrily.

One Li Yushu was enough for him. If another one came, would he be allowed to live?
"It's useless if you refuse!" Qin Xiangru said!
Qin Mo said unhappily: "I really surrender to him, this old man, he is too domineering, who are you going to push to me this time?"

"Hey, who else could it be? The little girl of the Chai family, Chai Rong's sister!" Qin Xiangru sighed.

"Oh, she turns out to be that boy's sister!"

Qin Mo didn't react for a while, but then he was stunned and stopped eating the chicken wings. Then he said excitedly and his whole body was shaking, "Dad, what are you talking about? My father-in-law wants to betroth the daughter of the Chai family to me? "

(End of this chapter)

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