big dry son-in-law

Chapter 201 Cutting constantly, reasoning is still chaotic!

Chapter 201 Cutting constantly, reasoning is still chaotic!
Qin Xiangru sighed and nodded, "Yes, she is the little girl of the Chai family!"

"My father-in-law is like a roundworm in my belly!" Qin Mole was dumbfounded. Now Li Shilong granted marriage to see what else the little widow had to say.

"Dad, but Lao Chai, oh no, can my other father-in-law agree to let her be his concubine?"

"It's not about being a concubine, it's about being an equal wife!" Qin Xiangru said: "If you refuse now, your life will be quieter in the future. If you don't refuse, I tell you, those people will annoy you to death."

"If you don't refuse, why should you refuse? I think the wife of the Chai family is quite good. She is a good mother and father. She will give birth to five or six sons for our family.

Dad, don’t go out anymore, just stay home with your grandson every day! "

Qin Xiangru thought of the scene of his grandchildren surrounding his knees, and grinned unconsciously, "If you really can give me such grandsons, I won't care what you do!"

"So dad agreed?"

"Hey, I really owed you something in my last life, so just marry me. Anyway, I have been a shield all my life, so I won't miss it for a while!" Qin Xiangru sighed. He worked so hard just for Qin Mo.

Qin Mo walked over and shook the rocking chair gently, "Dad, please take me away. I don't want to stay in this prison for a day. It's wet, cold, and not free. I'm still young. If you contract rheumatism here, you will suffer from it in the future, and it may even affect the continuation of the family line!"

"You fart, don't bluff me, I think you want to see the little girl of the Chai family, right?" Qin Xiangru glared at Qin Mo, "Your eldest father-in-law said that if you want to stay here for two more days, you can Just stay in there!"

"Dad, take me with you!" Qin Moxin had flown out a long time ago. What kind of jail would he be in? Wouldn't it be nice to go find Sister Chai?

He chased him out of the prison, but was kicked in by Qin Xiangru, "Get in, if you dare to leave this compound today, I will break your legs!"

Qin Mo rubbed his butt, "Dad, can I go out during the day and come back to jail at night?"

"Do you think Dali Temple is your home, and you can come and leave whenever you want? If others find out, will you, Uncle Li, bear the responsibility?" Qin Xiangru glared at Qin Mo.

Qin Mo sighed, turned around and returned to the cell. He didn't want to stay in this broken prison for a day. He first wrote a letter to Li Yue, then spread out a large piece of paper and started writing.

Since Widow Chai will soon become his own little lady, there is no need to be too reserved.

We must use a sweet offensive to completely make her fall!

A day without seeing each other is like three autumns apart, and if our love lasts for a long time, how can we stay together day and night?

After writing thousands of words eloquently, Qin Mo nodded with satisfaction, sealed the envelope with wax, took out an ingot of gold from his pocket, and quietly stuffed it into the hand of prison chief Zhang, "Old Zhang, please help me again for your hard work. Run an errand!”

"Hey, Prince Consort, you think highly of me when you ask Lao Zhang to run errands. You must not accept this money."

"Old Zhang, it's getting cold. It's not easy for brothers to keep vigil at night. Take it and treat it like I'm inviting brothers!"

Zhang Laotou nodded gratefully, accepted the gold, and went to deliver the letter to Qin Mo himself.

After sending the letter, Qin Mo thought to himself that he should be able to go out today.

The result was good, it was already dark and Li Shilong didn't come to see him. Not only Li Shilong didn't come, but Li Yue didn't come either, only a letter came.

Li Yue said in the letter: "My father didn't let me come. He said I came to see you. He broke my legs and told you to calm down inside!"

Good guy, Qin Mo’s nose was so angry that he was so angry!
This sixth man is so dishonest.

I have helped him solve so many troubles, even if he wants to go out early.

He was lying on the bed sulking. He didn't know how the little lady was doing or whether he had received the letter.

Ouch, headache!

He couldn't get out, and the young lady didn't reply. Qin Mo didn't have the appetite to eat, so he hid under the quilt and fell asleep.At this time, in the attic, Li Yulan was blushing because of Qin Mo's letter!

Those bold words of love made Li Yulan's heart beat like a deer. She looked at Qin Mo's letter and smiled foolishly.

But suddenly I felt bad again.

But the poems Qin Mo wrote that day in the Lizheng Hall were clearly written for her.

The pain in his eyes made Li Yulan's heart feel like a knife.

"I was born before you were born, but you were already old when you were born!"

Back or not?
But what can she reply to?
Should you continue to refuse, or
Just as he was thinking about it, Hong Dafu's voice came from outside the door, "Princess, Miss Chai is here!"

Li Yulan panicked and hurriedly locked Qin Mo's letter in a special cabinet, and then said: "Quick, let her come up!"

After calming down, Chai Sitian opened the door and came in, "Sister-in-law!"

"Come in, it's cold outside!"

Li Yulan quickly took her hand and swept the snow off her shoulders, "It's so late, have you eaten?"

"have eaten!"

Chai Sitian said: "Sister-in-law, I, I, I came here today to ask for your opinion on something, I"

Seeing Chai Sitian's cheeks were red and her eyes were ashamed, she was clearly pregnant with spring, "What's the matter?"

"Dad asked Your Majesty for a favor to protect my matchmaking!" Chai Sitian's pretty face turned red.

Li Yulan was overjoyed and said, "This is a good thing. Did you fall in love with some young master at my mother's birthday party last time?"

"No, no, no!" Chai Sitian admitted.

"Little girl, you still haven't told the truth to your sister-in-law!" Li Yulan stretched out his white and tender finger and poked her forehead, "Tell me, which young master is so lucky that he can win the heart of the young lady of the Chai family!"


Chai Sitian lost all her previous fierceness and was completely ashamed.

"Since you have come to me, then tell me and I will help you check. Men are afraid of getting into the wrong profession, and women are afraid of marrying the wrong man. This matter cannot be taken carelessly!" Li Yulan said softly.

The eldest sister-in-law is like a mother, and the family is full of boys. Everyone has ostracized the Chai family since she was a child. Chai Sitian doesn't even have anyone to talk to. The only person she can rely on is Li Yulan.

"Dad said he is the eldest son of the Duke of Qin!"

"Oh, it turns out he is the eldest son of the Duke of Qin!" Li Yulan nodded, but immediately, as if struck by lightning, the expression on her face froze. She looked at Chai Sitian in disbelief, "My father-in-law asked my father to protect the matchmaker. Is it my seventh sister’s consort, the eldest son of the Duke of Qin, Qin Mo?”

"Yes!" Chai Sitian felt very confused at this time, with two complex emotions of expectation and confusion intertwined, so she did not notice the change in Li Yulan's expression.

How and why?

At that moment, Li Yulan's nose was sore. She suppressed the sourness and said, "Oh, then, what do you think? Does my father-in-law want you to be a child? Does my father agree?"

(End of this chapter)

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