big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2013 The Choice of Roses

Chapter 2013 The Choice of Roses
Rose slapped his hand away. For Rose, Wudu was the cause of everything.

She knew very well that she couldn't actually blame Dou Yiai.

If there was no Wu Du, then he would not lose anything by rejecting Dou Yiai.

Perhaps, she can choose a husband she loves, have a group of children, and live a happy life.

In fact, 99% of the people here in Tianxiang want peace.

These are the damn careerists trying to get their hands on the artifact.

"I hope you will do what you say, and if you look at me with such disgusting eyes again in the future, I guarantee you will regret it!" Rose sneered.

Wu Du snorted coldly, the greed in his eyes faded, but he thought in his heart that this cheap servant is difficult to control, and he must get rid of her as soon as the matter is done.

"I'm waiting for your good news." After saying that, Wudu left.

When Wudu completely disappeared from sight, Rose collapsed on the ground. Then she looked at the mess of bellybands, got angry and threw all the bellybands into the fire, burning them completely.

Immediately, she boiled a large bucket of water for herself, soaked herself in the water, and washed away Dou Yiai's scent.

Early the next morning, Rose dragged her tired body up.

After a night of rest, the pain was no longer that great.

She thought about it all night long. Wu Du was unreliable. Even if he really killed Qin Mo, so what?

Whether the emperor is dead or not, Emperor Gaozu is still there.

There will be chaos in the Western Region, but it will bring more killings.

Udu's slap actually woke her up.

In the end, she will die, her parents will die, her brother will die, and many, many innocent people will die.

She loves it here, she loves the kind of attention that comes from singing in the Grand Theater.

She studied the Ming Dynasty's course, and she understood the power of the Ming Dynasty.

"Perhaps, I shouldn't put all my bets on Wudu." Rose thought in her heart.

But she was confused and scared.

Until there was a knock on the door, she followed the sound and did not dare to open the door, "Who is outside?"

"Rose, I, I went to the Opera House this morning. The dean said you were resting and gave me this address. I brought you old hen soup!" Dou Yiai's voice came from outside.

Hearing this, Rose felt like crying inexplicably.

She opened the door and saw Dou Yiai coming in with a smile and carrying various tonic things, "You haven't eaten yet, come on, eat. By the way, my future father-in-law and mother-in-law are there. Over there, I But I’ve prepared a lot of things.”

While talking, Dou Yiai's entourage came in with a lot of things, all of which were the best gifts.

Rose looked at Dou Yiai, her nose suddenly sore.

She felt that Dou Yiai was actually not a bad person, he was just a playboy, that's all.

At the very least, he does what he says, which is better than many men.

She rushed over and hugged Dou Yiai, "I thought you wouldn't come."

"How is it possible? Am I that kind of person?" Dou Yiai hugged her slim waist, "Where is my father-in-law and mother-in-law?"

"They went to visit relatives and it will take a few days before they come back," Rose said.

"Oh, I see, what about these things about me?"

"Put it in the room. I will tell them when they come back."

As soon as she finished speaking, Dou Yiai picked her up and hugged her.

"What are you doing? I, I haven't recovered yet!"

Dou Yiai said, "I was too nervous at the Grand Theater yesterday. Today I'm at your house, so I can spend time with you." Rose couldn't move away, so she simply didn't bother to struggle.

After some exchanges, Rose didn't want to move.

She became increasingly bitter inside. It seemed that Dou Yiai was not a reliable person.

Just as she was thinking about it, Dou Yiai touched her belly and said, "Be brave and give birth to a son. In this way, all the real estate and business I have prepared can be given to you."

Dou Yiai was smoking, his eyes seemed a little worried.

Rose now had nothing to cover up, so she took the towel and wiped it, "What if it's my daughter?"

"A daughter is fine, just give me a little more dowry." Dou Yiai exhaled a puff of smoke and then brought the chicken soup over, "Here, let me feed you. Why don't you have an appetite?"

Rose glanced at Dou Yiai and then opened her mouth.

"During this period of time, I have become more reckless in my vegetarian diet. Don't be angry. I will make it up to you in the future." Dou Yiai said.

Rose shook her head. In fact, Dou Yiai was quite good to him.

Putting this aside, don’t all women experience it?

Moreover, isn’t it just because Dou Yiai is so obsessed with herself because she likes him?
"Why do I think you are just obsessed with my body?"

"Nonsense, who doesn't start with the skin at first glance? Only after a deeper understanding can you understand the soul." Dou Yiai said: "No matter how beautiful that ugly monster is at heart, I'm not in the mood to understand it, am I?"

Rose was speechless, it seemed to make sense.

"Then you should tell me now who you are, right?" Rose said, "You can't wait until I have the child and you don't even know the name of the father?"

"There is nothing to hide about this. My surname is Dou, my name is Dou Yiai, and I am the king of Nile State!"

Rose pretended to be extremely surprised, "You, are you King Dou?"

"Well, it didn't scare you, did it?" Dou Yiai smiled, "I went back and told my elder brother yesterday, and he said I could meet you."

"You, your eldest brother, aren't you?"

"Yes, that's the person you mentioned." Dou Yiai said, "I begged my eldest brother for a long time yesterday before he agreed. Otherwise, I would have sent chicken soup over yesterday."

Hearing this, Rose suddenly felt warm in her heart.

It turns out that he didn't come last night, and he really went to beg Qin Mo.

I have no intention of doing calculations, it seems
Thinking of this, she suddenly said: "I should be considered your woman now, right?"

"Of course, you are my woman." Dou Yiai said in surprise: "Do you want to be someone else's woman?"

"Of course not." Rose smiled. She originally wanted to tell Dou Yiai the truth, but when the words came to her lips, she couldn't say them out.

She was not sure, as she had said, whether Dou Yiai had the ability to rescue her parents.

Or does he feel like a liar?

A lie requires countless lies to cover it up. How can she cover it up?
"That's good." Dou Yiai smiled, "I'll spend the day with you today, and I'll take you to see my elder brother tomorrow." "Okay!" Rose nodded.

She actually didn't hate Qin Mo in her heart, and had no feelings at all for her father, whom she had never met.

She didn't care at all about those so-called responsibilities.

She just wants to be a normal person.

On this day, Dou Yiai really didn't step out of the house. Rose also fell asleep when she was tired, and was bullied when she woke up.

The two of them were in a state of confusion, and Rose didn't know what crime she had committed.

She finally made it to the second day, but Rose's body felt weak and she could hardly walk. "How can I see your elder brother if you are like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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