big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2014 Rose on the verge of collapse

Chapter 2014 Rose on the verge of collapse

This man is like a bull, tossing himself to death.

Her legs were as soft as noodles now, and the traces left by this man were everywhere she could not see. If she walked closer, she could smell an inexplicable smell.

"I, I'm going to rinse it off." Rose bit her lip and said, "I can't go see your brother like this, can I?"

"Rinse together." Dou Yiai picked her up unreasonably.

After rinsing, half of Rose's body was hanging on him, "You really want me to die."

Dou Yiai said, "No, I just want to get you pregnant as soon as possible."

"You have so many children, are you still missing one?" Rose let him hold her, weakly leaning on him. For some reason, although this man was rough, she felt quite at ease in his arms.

"I am a person who likes children. The more the better. It's not that I can't afford to raise them anyway." Dou Yiai said, "How good would it be if you got pregnant as soon as possible and came with me to enjoy the blessings as soon as possible?"

Rose looked at Dou Yiai, and a woman's sixth sense told her that there seemed to be something in Dou Yiai's words.

She touched her belly. In the past two days, Dou Yiai had bullied her five or six times at least.

Until now, it has not been rinsed.

She has always been in good health, and if nothing else happens, the results will be known next month.

But now, it's hard to say.

"If you can really get pregnant, I will give you many babies." Rose said.

"There is no if. I will definitely get pregnant." Dou Yiai said and got into the car.

The car is not luxurious, but the interior is very sophisticated.

Rose said: "I didn't expect that a leader as big as you would drive such an ordinary car."

"This is a special supply. The court has rules. We can't go beyond that line." Dou Yiai pulled down the middle partition and said to the driver: "Let's go."

Immediately, the partition was closed, and the entire back seat was a small independent room.

Rose said: "Should I just wear this dress? Will it look frivolous?" '

"It has been prepared for you. Wear this to look more formal." Dou Yiai handed over the cheongsam prepared in advance.

"I change here?"

"Don't worry, the glass is specially made. You can see the outside from the inside, but you can't see the inside from the outside." Dou Yiai said with a smile.

Rose had nothing to be shy about and started changing her clothes directly in front of Dou Yiai.

Looking at the traces he left behind, Dou Yiai felt a sense of accomplishment.

Soon, Rose changed her clothes, put on high heels, and even tied her hair up again. Although the hairpin on her head looked particularly simple, it served as the finishing touch.

"This hairpin doesn't work, use mine." Dou Yiai smiled and took off the hairpin on her head.

At that moment, Rose was stunned, "Isn't this hairpin bad?"

"It's not bad, it's too bad. Use this one!" Dou Yiai took out a hairpin out of nowhere, "This jade hairpin is worthy of your status."

Rose mechanically took the hairpin, "I, can you give me back my hairpin? It was a hairpin gift from my parents."

Dou Yiai played with the hosta, "After seeing my brother give it to you, please understand that except for the things I gave you, you can't bring anything in, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

I've checked your whole body and there's nothing wrong with it, except this hosta. "

"Are you doubting what I will do?" Rose suddenly said angrily.

"This is a rule. I can't help it. Please understand." Dou Yiai put the hairpin away and said, "I'll give it to you in a moment."

The rose was a little bitter. Looking out the window, I suddenly felt a sense of suffocation.

That suffocating feeling was like someone had laid a trap on the road in advance, and her every step and every movement had been discovered by others.

Without that hairpin, she wouldn't have been able to complete the task.

Moreover, she may only have this chance in her life.

Her mind was confused until Dou Yiai reached out again.

Rose was startled, "What are you doing? Aren't you tired?" Dou Yiai said a little weakly, "You're not tired."

"This is the car!"

"Don't be afraid, no one will know about the thickened soundproofing."

"Dou Yiai, you want to kill me!"

"Silly girl, I love you!" Dou Yiai said.

Rose sobbed.

"Don't cry, my makeup will be gone soon and it will be hard to see people!"

"I beg you, please spare me. I really have no strength. I really can't. I'll take care of you tonight, okay?" Rose cried out in pain.

This man doesn't look like a middle-aged man. Even young people don't have as much energy as him, right?
"The feeling is coming, let's go here!"

The driver felt the movement in the back seat and couldn't help but slow down.

They circled around half of the inner city of Tianxiang before stopping.

Rose could no longer walk, she was even unwilling to move her fingers.

"Dou Yiai, if you want to kill me, just say so. There's no need to bully people like this!" Rose felt extremely aggrieved.

Dou Yiai also felt weak for a while, "Silly girl, I really love you."

"Your love is too heavy, who can bear it? How can anyone eat meat to the point of death?" Rose cried sadly.

After all, she is just a young girl in her prime, nothing more.

Dou Yiai took a large tonic pill, then looked at the time and opened the partition a crack, "You can go to the palace now."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The car then drove towards the Tianxiang Palace.

At this moment, Rose has no strength at all.

When the car arrived, everything was sorted out.

When I got off the car, my legs were shaking.

Dou Yiai also felt that her steps were wandering, but she still held Rose.

"Slow down, I can't walk anymore, let me slow down!"

Rose felt extremely uncomfortable, her whole body ached and sore, as if she hadn't rested for three days and three nights.

You have to be careful when walking.

Every step I take, it feels so sour and refreshing.

Even, slow down
The accumulation of grievances and humiliations brought her to the edge of collapse.

She felt like a broken doll that could be torn apart at any time.

The palace was prosperous, but she had no time to appreciate it.

She didn't know how long she walked, but when she got there, Dou Yiai took her to a courtyard.

"Bai Yu, is my eldest brother in there?"

"Waiting for you!" Bai Yu said.

Dou Yiai nodded, and then said to Rose: "You will meet my eldest brother later, you have to be polite, but don't be nervous, my eldest brother is a very good person, if he asks anything, you should answer honestly.

Remember, you must answer honestly without any concealment, otherwise, I can't help you, you know? "

When she thought that she was about to see Qin Mo, whom everyone feared, Mei Mei felt extremely nervous and scared.

She nodded mechanically, "I, I understand!"

(End of this chapter)

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