big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2016 Qin Mo is dead?

Chapter 2016 Qin Mo is dead?

Rose trembled, her eyes filled with disbelief, "So at that time, you, you actually doubted me?"

Dou Yiai nodded, "How many people know my identity? Who would take the initiative to seduce me?

I'm not as handsome as my elder brother. "

For some reason, Rose wanted to laugh when she heard Dou Yiai say this, but immediately after, she started crying for no reason.

She thought of Dou Yiai touching her belly and saying that he wanted to have a baby as soon as possible, so he was actually trying to protect herself?
Is it because I changed my hairpin and exhausted myself just to prevent myself from having the strength to commit the assassination?
Thinking of this, her heart was indescribably complicated.

"Say it, don't waste time, and don't waste my brother's feelings." Qin Mo said lightly.

Rose bit her lip tightly and said, "Please, Your Majesty, save my parents and my brother. They have all been abducted by Wudu."

"Who is Wudu?"

"He, he is my brother, but I don't know if it's true or not." Rose smiled bitterly, and then told her life experience.

Qin Mo laughed when he heard this, "As far as I know, Yi Zhixie is not that capable of getting so many women pregnant at the same time.

In fact, he has a physical problem. Wudu may really be an illegitimate child, but you are not sure.

You are very smart, there is no way to go dark and still be saved. "

"Really? I don't know. Since I was a child, people have come out from time to time to tell me that I am the princess of Beinu, but I don't want to be a princess at all.

For me, having someone love me is enough.

Moreover, under the protection of the Ming Dynasty, everyone lives and works in peace and contentment, and everyone has enough food and clothing. Why should we sacrifice our lives because of those ambitious people? "

"From now on, don't leave the palace. Just let me handle it." Qin Mo glanced at Dou Yiai and said, "Please stay with her!"

"Thank you, thank you brother!"

"Your Majesty, what about my parents?"

"Whether it succeeds or not, I don't think Wudu will guarantee your parents' lives, because with one more person, there will be one more risk of leakage.

Even if I die, don't forget that I still have a son, my father is still there, and the Kyushu soldiers and horses are still there.

Do you think that with Wu Du’s little tricks, you can overthrow the entire Ming Dynasty?

Even if I completely destroy the sky, he will never succeed.

The core of the Ming Dynasty has never been the Western Regions, do you understand? "

Rose felt a lot of pressure, "Then my parents."

"However, I will try my best to search and rescue them, but the premise is that you cooperate." Qin Mo said.

Rose's head is like pounding garlic, "People's girls cooperate, let the people's girls do whatever they want."

Compared to Wu Du, she naturally trusted Qin Mo more.

After Qin Mo left, Dou Yiai rubbed his sore waist and said, "These past few days have almost exhausted me to death." '

Rose gritted her teeth and said, "You have known for a long time that I have ulterior motives, so why are you still getting close to me?"

"I have investigated you and I know that you are a good girl. Don't worry, my eldest brother is very powerful. He will definitely be able to save my future father-in-law and mother-in-law."

Rose spat at him, "You, you are older than my parents!"

"Then let them call me big brother?"

At the same time, outside the palace, in the teahouse not far away, there was a man with a telescope monitoring everything inside.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of soldiers were seen rushing into the palace, and all the doors of the palace were blocked.

After more than half an hour, many cars came out and drove anxiously towards Tianxiang First Hospital.

Soon, news of the accident in the palace spread like wildfire.

For a time, the entire capital of Tianxiang Prefecture was in panic.

Who doesn’t know that the Supreme Emperor is in the Tianxiang Prefecture Palace?
Could it be that something went wrong with the Supreme Emperor? But ordinary people don’t know.

At this time, a person who claimed to be from Tianxiang No. 1 Hospital revealed the news that the Supreme Emperor had been fatally stabbed and was being rescued.

As soon as the news spread, the entire Tianxiang Prefecture capital exploded.

Who can stab Qin Mo?

That must be an assassin!
All the ordinary people are in confusion. If the Supreme Emperor is stabbed at this juncture, then Xijing will definitely withdraw its treatment of the people in the Western Regions. By then, they will be low-level slaves.

They don't want to go back to the days of precarity and lack of food.

Many people knelt outside the palace to pray.

They hoped to meet Qin Mo and ask the palace officials to come out to refute the rumors.

But no one stood up to refute the rumors.

Everyone's heart sank.

Not only that, Tianxiang Prefecture has implemented a curfew again more than ten years after it was opened, and the roads are filled with soldiers armed with live ammunition.

It seems to confirm the assassination of the Supreme Emperor.

"Why are these damn rebels doing this?"

"Your Majesty, please don't let anything happen to you!"

"We have to find a way to find those people. By then, not to mention the Western Region, the sky will be destroyed in the hands of these rebels."

Everyone started to get scared.

Xijing has not yet decided whether to take back the treatment.

But if Qin Mo was really assassinated, they could all think with their toes that Xijing would definitely withdraw its treatment of the people of the Western Regions.

At that time, life was truly worse than death.

This time, they were afraid and did not dare to do anything against the court.

This news naturally reached Wudude's ears.

In fact, he received the news immediately.

"Quickly, have you found out whether Qin Mo is in the hospital?" Wu Du asked anxiously.

There are also people from Tianxiang Hospital, but why hasn’t news been spread for so long?
"Young Master, don't be impatient. Looking at it now, Rose has a high probability of success. The entire Astronomical Hospital is under strict control. Even if they want to pass on the news, no one dares to pass it on."

The old man said: "The top priority is whether we should take action. If Qin Mo is not dead, then we will fall short and we will never have such a good opportunity again.

So, our actions.

Kill the Qin Demon completely, and then the entire Western Region will be in chaos.

At that time, we will rise from the killing.

The era that belongs to me, Beinu, will come again! "

Wu Du frowned, but he was not as optimistic as the old man. "Is there any news from Rose? Was he killed, or..."

"The news came that there were gunshots in the palace, a woman was shot dead, and Dou Yiai has also been controlled.

It is said that troops have gone to Nile State to arrest Dou Fang.

It can be inferred from the existing information that Rose was indeed successful, but it is not yet certain that Qin Mo is dead or is still being rescued.

What I mean is, seize this opportunity, attack the hospital, and kill Qin Mo completely.

If we miss it, we will never have another chance! "

(End of this chapter)

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