big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2017 Night Attack

Chapter 2017 Night Attack
Wu Du was still a little worried, "I always feel that this matter is not that simple. Qin Mo is such a cautious person, but I still don't believe that he fell into the hands of Rose so easily.

"Young Master, this opportunity must not be missed, it will never come back." The old man was anxious, "Have you forgotten Shan Yu's last wish?"

"No, I always keep my father's last wish in mind, but the Ming Dynasty is too powerful, and the enemy Qin Mo is too terrifying, and I always feel uneasy.

Let's do this, wait one night, even if Qin Mo is not dead and is rescued, he will not be able to leave the hospital casually. We can attack at any time.

Moreover, tonight, their defense is definitely the strongest. If we act rashly, we will have a greater chance of losing.

We still have to plan before we act, and be patient a little longer to make sure that the rose is really successful.

Then we will mobilize more manpower and more weapons. We must not fight an uncertain battle. "

Wudu had to be cautious and left the old man speechless, "Young Master, do you know why Shanyu lost back then? It was because he was too cautious and missed the opportunity.

Qin Mo was so decisive when he led thousands of people across the grassland. Does the young master think that he is worse than Qin Mo? "

"I, of course I am no worse than him!" When he said this, Wu Du felt a little guilty. Who is Qin Mo?
That was the ruthless man who destroyed Beinu.

His uncle had also died a long time ago, and now his cousin is the king of the state.

And now there is no Beinu tribe.

Those people have long forgotten that they are the descendants of the Wolf God!

"In that case, why don't you have the courage to move forward?" The old man said with red eyes: "If you miss this opportunity, you will be attacked fiercely next.

Once Xijing withdraws its favor, it means that the Western Region will be abandoned, and then the Western Region will become a place of war again.

This also means that we can recruit troops.

You are afraid, you are timid, you keep saying that you have not forgotten Shan Yu's legacy, but in fact, you have forgotten it a long time ago.

You become worried about gains and losses. You are afraid of failure.

But let me tell you, if you are not successful now, you are nothing.

Only if you succeed, you will be the next generation of Chanyu, the descendant of the Wolf God, and the future King of Beinu.

Otherwise, you are just a bed bug hiding in the sewer and hiding from the light! "

The old man's words completely stung Wudude's heart, "I am not, I am Wudu, I am Beinu Shanyu, I am a born king, and I will use Qin Mo as my stepping stone.

So what about Qin Mo, he is an old man now, and heroes are dying, why should I be afraid of him! "

"Then attack the hospital, kill Qin Mo completely, and use his blood to pay homage to Shan Yu's spirit in heaven!" the old man roared.

Wudu's eyes were red, his fists were clenched, and he was panting like an ox, "Give me the order to attack the Astronomical Hospital tonight!"

Hearing this, the old man nodded happily, "Young Master, from tonight onwards, you will be the son of the Wolf God, the real Chanyu!"

Wudu clenched his fists, with infinite prospects in his heart.

At this time, in the seemingly calm Celestial Capital, there were raging storms in the hinterland.

In the sauna room at Li Yongmeng's home.

The maid was washing the two of them.

"Brother, you really don't need me to take command?"

"Give young people a chance!" Qin Mo smiled, "You can't let us old people bear everything.

How can we with old arms and legs compare to young people? "

Li Yongmeng smiled bitterly and said: "You are much more powerful than young people!" Qin Mo smiled but did not refute.

After the maid left, Qin Mo lit a cigarette and said, "Yong Meng, tell me, why don't these people give up?"

"It's just that power is alluring." Li Yongmeng sighed, "It just so happened that the Western Region was in chaos again. This place was too complicated and spawned too many things that shouldn't exist.

In fact, in these years, we should be more ruthless, clean up what needs to be cleaned up, and kill them until they are afraid. "

"Killing is good, but it is not a means of governance. Only kindness and power can be used together." Qin Mo said: "Whether it is from the Sun Sect, it just ends. When this happens, the entire Western Region will be reshaped, not just the Western Region, From east to west, the world's territory of thirty thousand miles has all transformed into the shape of the Ming Dynasty.

At that time, a solid foundation could be laid for the long-term peace and stability of the Ming Dynasty.

As early as ten years ago, I thought that being soft would not have a very good effect."

Li Yongmeng smiled bitterly and said: "If those people in the Sun Sect knew that you were conniving, acquiescing, and even promoting all this behind their backs, would they collapse?"

"So what if you know, so what if you don't know?" Qin Mo exhaled a breath of smoke, "Those who play chess don't have to come forward. As a chess piece, you must have the awareness to be a chess piece!"

Li Yongmeng couldn't help but shudder. He thought, fortunately, he was Qin Mo's brother. If he were Qin Mo's enemy, he would die without knowing it.

The Western Region is so chaotic, but everything is actually under Qin Mo's control.

He accidentally saw a page of Qin Mo's plan, which even recorded everyone's reactions in detail.

Almost exactly the same.

"Brother, although you were powerful in the past, you were not this powerful. I think you are no longer as powerful as a mortal!"

"Who am I? My master is the most powerful one. That Lao Deng is the number one mastermind in a century!"

"Master Yuan Tian?" A figure with an immortal spirit appeared in Li Yongmeng's mind.

"Well, over the years, I have been studying some books in Ziwei Star Sect, and I have gained something. This world is a big chess game.

How to play this game of chess well is really not that easy.

If you have time, take a look! "

"I, I won't read anymore. I get a headache from reading, so I might as well kick my concubine more often!" Li Yong said with a wink and a smirk.

"That won't work. Live and learn." Qin Mo said with a smile: "I think you seem to be doing well in your health-preserving skills."

"Well, I have been banned for the sixth year. After this year, I can be released."

"You are such a cruel person!" Qin Mo smacked his tongue.

"No way, it's too late to start." Li Yongmeng shrugged. In fact, everyone around Qin Mo has learned this health-preserving skill.

It's magical, but it's magical.

To put it bluntly, it means consolidating one’s roots and cultivating one’s talents.

At this age, he is still as satisfied as he is in his thirties or forties.

The two brothers chatted and became sleepy while talking. Not long after, snoring came from inside.

On the other side, Rose said in a trembling voice: "I'm begging you, please let me go. I'm really afraid of you. I've already confessed and confessed. Why are you still bullying me?"
I can't even walk like this! "

She's going to cry!
Dou Yiai was also very conceited, but she still said stubbornly: "I'm afraid you have something to hide, so I have to find out!"

(End of this chapter)

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