big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2018 Stripping Treatment!

Chapter 2018 Stripping Treatment!

On the other side, it was daytime in Xijing.

Continuous rainy days have made the air pressure in Xijing very low.

Tianxin looked at the telegram sent by Tianxiang and couldn't help but feel worried for his father.

"If you don't break, you don't build. How about breaking and then building?" Tianxin murmured, "Is this what my father does?"

He couldn't help but smile bitterly. His father traveled all the way from Tokyo to the west, cleaning things up all the way. When he arrived at the sky, he showed unparalleled courage and skill.

If it were him, he definitely wouldn't have such execution ability.

"In this case, let's take back the treatment of Tianxiang during the conference. That place must be rebuilt." Tianxin said to himself, and then he slowly walked into the conference site.

The triennial conference of the Ming Dynasty was held, which immediately attracted the attention of the whole country.

This time, not only will some bills be revised, but the most important thing is to take back the treatment of the Western Region and other states.

It concerns the people of the whole country.

As Mr. Ge made his opening remarks, Tianxin walked to the front of the stage and sat in the middle under the spotlight.

On both sides are Mr. Ge, the governor of each state capital in Xijing.
Because of the implementation of the two-capital system, the highest official in Xijing Prefecture is the governor, while the state-king system is implemented in various places in the Central Plains.

In fact, the soup does not change the medicine. Whether it is the governor or the state king, they are all the highest officials of the state capital.

Tianxin took the speech script and made his opening remarks, then said: "This year is the fourth year of Changle, and the country's innovation achievements have been remarkable.

The first round of innovation has achieved remarkable results and local achievements have been evident.

However, the second round of innovation encountered great resistance. I received feedback from various places and was very dissatisfied with the intensity of innovation in some places. Here are a few state capitals to name! "

With that said, Tianxin reported several state capitals.

The governors all looked particularly ugly and frightened.

Being named during the Ming Dynasty Conference basically announced their political career.

You know, whether it is Xijing or Tokyo, the last-place elimination system is implemented.

Even the governor cannot just wait to die.

Failure to win results is not as simple as abdicating one's position and giving way to a more talented person.

The Ming Dynasty implemented a system of high salary and integrity.

To be able to reach the level of governor, the salary is very high.

Once you withdraw, there will be a comprehensive investigation by multiple agencies.

Once problems are discovered, they will be held accountable.

Moreover, the liability period was extended to twenty years.

In other words, if the governor discovers anything within twenty years after he comes down from his position, he will be put on trial.

It is precisely because of this strict system that the administration of officials in the two capitals is relatively clear.

Coupled with innovation, those people no longer dare to mess around.

It can be said that the new atmosphere and new style of Ming Dynasty were established at this time.

“In the state capitals I named, all officials will conduct self-criticism, and key officials will publish their self-criticisms in national newspapers.

I will check.

In addition, all officials will be demoted three levels and their salary will be halved. If you have any questions, just ask.

If you don't want to be this official, you don't have to do it. You can submit your resignation immediately. I agree on the spot. Tian Xin said seriously.

Everyone present was silent.

The reporters were also tapping their typewriters quickly.

This year's conference was particularly strict.

After announcing several revised bills and treatments, Tian Xin said: "Now, let's vote on the treatments of several states in the Western Region of the Central Plains."

Everyone was sitting upright.

They knew the real highlight was coming.

Earlier, the two emperors expressed their opinions.

It is necessary to recover the state government benefits that are a huge resistance to reform.

"Supi Prefecture and Tianxiang Prefecture have the greatest resistance to reform."

"Start voting now and count later!" Following Tianxin's words, everyone put their opinions into the suggestion box. Then, in front of everyone, the counting of votes began.

"Su Bizhou, ten votes!"

"Tianxiang State, thirty votes"

It only took about twenty minutes for all the votes to be tallied.

"The one with the highest number of votes is Tianxiang State, with a total of 230 votes!" Mr. Ge said.

Tianxin nodded, “Then, let’s start a discussion now on whether Tianxiang Prefecture should strip away the Ming Dynasty’s national treatment!

Start voting now! "

The voting speed was also very fast. After half an hour, the results came out, and most of them agreed to the divestiture treatment.

Everyone understood that since the two emperors made a public statement, it meant that the treatment would be stripped away.

The main point is to kill the chicken to scare the monkey.

These people may have had such a good life that they have forgotten the hard times they once lived.

If you don't let them have a long memory, they may become evil again in the future.

“Since the vast majority of people agree, I declare that from now on, all Ming residents in Tianxiang Prefecture will be stripped of their benefits.

Military, political, commercial, agricultural and all walks of life have all withdrawn from Tianxiang Prefecture.

No matter the deadline! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked and confused.

Don't you want to teach me a lesson?
Is it necessary to be so cruel?
The army has withdrawn, and all walks of life have withdrawn. Does this mean that Ming Dynasty will abandon Tianxiang Prefecture?

Does this mean that future wars will affect Tianxiang State?
Maybe, Tianxiang State will be completely destroyed like the Western Region.

But looking at the emperor's serious look, it didn't look like he was fake.

At this moment, everyone understood what the two emperors meant.

Never test the court's bottom line, because the price is simply not something they can bear.

"Okay, let's discuss the next question!" Tianxin didn't seem to realize their surprise, as if giving up Tianxiang State was just an unimportant matter.

In fact, in Tianxin's heart, Tianxiang State is really of no importance.

Because of that place, Daming has many alternatives.

There is no shortage of resources in Ming Dynasty, and there is no shortage of transfer stations in Ming Dynasty.

Ming Dynasty has no shortage of money.

There is no shortage of food in Ming Dynasty.

There is no shortage of Ming Dynasty now!
And as the court intensifies its efforts to encourage childbirth, the next ten years will usher in a period of population explosion.

The two capitals are the dual core of the Ming Dynasty.

Ming culture is the sharpest weapon.

On the other side, in Tianxiang State, the night was already deep.

Tianxiang Prefecture has not had a curfew for many years. After the sudden curfew, it seems a bit desolate.

Some people even turned off the lights early to rest.

Some people also turned on the radio to listen to opera or music.

They just hope that this storm will pass as soon as possible.

However, there are many people in black where they can't see them.

These men in black held firearms in their hands, and their arms were tied with scarves printed with the pattern of the wolf god.

They were running through the alleys, gathering from all directions.

Finally they gathered in a large courtyard.

This yard is about to be demolished, and all the residents inside have been evacuated.

So it's quiet here.

Except for stray dogs and cats, even homeless people dare not come to such a place.

But today, it was crowded with people!

(End of this chapter)

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