big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2019 They are just afraid!

Chapter 2019 They are just afraid!

In the courtyard, Wu Du was surrounded by everyone.

"Young Master, everyone has arrived. Please review, Young Master!"

Around Wudu, there are several middle-aged men. These middle-aged men are said to be the most powerful young men in front of their father. They were also secretly trained by his father. They have been anonymous all these years and secretly developed power for themselves.

Wudu asked: "How many people came in total?"

"A total of seven thousand people came, each armed with a long gun and a pistol. No one was issued a hundred rounds of ammunition. There were about 30,000 grenades." One of the men said.

Wu Du nodded. Back then, Qin Mo's equipment was actually not very good. With these equipment, he had already swept across the grassland.

The weapons in their hands now have been out of date for 20 years.

But no matter how many years it takes to be eliminated, a gun is a gun, and its lethality will always be number one.

Strong people will be injured after being shot, and will die if they are hit in the head.

Needless to say, grenades are extremely powerful.

It's just a pity that we can't get white phosphorus grenades, which are the real killer weapons.

They made some earthen cannons of their own. The quality was not very good, but the power was passable.

As long as he can kill Qin Mo, that's enough.

"You are all survivors of the Northern Slaves. These years, you have been hiding in the Ming Dynasty and living a life of silence.

Starting today, I will support the Wolf God's banner again, and in the name of Beinu, I will make a comeback starting from today! "

The middle-aged men were extremely excited, "Long live the young master!"

"Young Master is the savior of Beinu and the co-master of destiny!"

Everyone roared together, as if they wanted to vent all the anger they had accumulated over the years.

Wudu couldn't help showing a proud look as he listened to the compliments of these people.

"But why are there only 7,000 people? I think it's still a bit small."

"Young Master, it was originally planned to be 10,000 people, but there are still some people who are too far away. It will take some time to get here." The old man said.

"It's better to wait first. It's not safe to attack in the first half of the night. It's best to wait until the second half of the night when people are most tired to catch them off guard." Wudu said: "I have studied Qin Mo's tactics for so many years. He What he is best at is winning by surprise. It's not that he is very good at fighting, but that he is so bold. He can do many things that ordinary people can't do.

We also have to catch them off guard.

Once the attack is successful, we will disperse. It would be best if we can kill Li Yongmeng, but if we cannot kill him, our goal will be accomplished.

As long as Qin Mo dies, the Western Region will be completely in chaos.

At that time, it was my opportunity as a slave.

When the time comes, we will find a way to seize the arsenal. Once we get the weapons, we can snowball and expand our power. "

Listening to Wu Dude's description, everyone felt a little superior.

Everyone was eating dry food with great pleasure.

Time passed little by little, and on the other side, in Xijing, the conference was coming to an end.

After Tianxin gave a summary of the children, she announced that the triennial conference was officially over.

There were no lengthy reports or quarrels. Everyone discussed the matter and ended the meeting as quickly as possible.

As soon as the news came out that the General Assembly would withdraw the national treatment of Tianxiang Prefecture and withdraw its troops, the whole country was shocked.

"Quickly, publish the news in the newspaper as quickly as possible, send the news to Tokyo quickly, and let everyone know the news!"

Whether it is a state-owned newspaper or a private newspaper, they all work overtime and work hard to publish.

"Just report this whole incident in detail and push other news later. This is the biggest thing in more than ten years." The editor said.

It is no exaggeration to say that depriving Tianxiang State of its treatment means that if other states also commit crimes, they are very likely to be deprived of their treatment. And His Majesty's words about total evacuation are even more inspiring.

One can't help but wonder, is the imperial court preparing to abandon Tianxiang Prefecture?
Tianxiang Prefecture is directly bordering the Western Region. Does this mean that the next war will spread to Tianxiang Prefecture?

Once the war spreads, what will the people of Xiangzhou do that day?
Honglu Temple also issued a statement asking all the Qin people staying in Tianxiang Prefecture to be transferred to Nile Prefecture or other state capitals.

People of the Qin tribe can leave with their immediate family members, but no one else is allowed to leave Tianxiang Prefecture.

The current Qin people no longer only represent the people of the Qin clan, but also the people of Central Plains descent.

On their identity certificates, their ethnicity has changed to Qin.

This statement from Honglu Temple is all it takes to directly tell the world to leave quickly. The imperial court will give up on Tianxiang Prefecture and the stubborn people.

This means that the Western Region is about to be in chaos, and the current pattern will be reshuffled.

The court pushed again and again, and these people touched the court's red line.

Therefore, the imperial court took back all the benefits, and the army, officials, etc. all evacuated.

Of course, it was not that no one tried to persuade Tianxin. Countless officials from the Western Regions were kneeling outside, but to no avail.

This was voted on by officials across the country and is a done deal.

It is even more impossible to change orders in the morning and at night.

Even if this thing is wrong, change requires a mechanism.

"Your Majesty, the ordinary people of Tianxiang Prefecture are innocent!"

"Your Majesty, please don't give up on the people of Tianxiang Prefecture. They all long for peace and happiness!"

Hundreds of officials knelt there begging, and some even kowtowed until the ground was covered in blood.

But the soldiers guarding there didn't look at them seriously.

Among the cabinet elders, there were also those from the Tianxiang side, and they couldn't bear it either.

But Tianxin said: "Now that I know I'm afraid, why did I go there earlier? From the time the Supreme Emperor proposed it to the beginning of the conference, there was at least half a year between them.

What have they been doing in the past six months?
In order to promote innovation, the Supreme Emperor even rushed from Tokyo to the sky in person, regardless of danger.

Those people don’t restrain themselves and don’t know how to repent.

Why are you talking to me about knowing your mistakes now?
It’s not that they know they’re wrong, they’re afraid!

That's all! "

Tian Xin snorted coldly, "Whether it is the imperial court, me, or the Supreme Emperor, they will never treat the common people as a child's play.

They defied the general trend, acted in the name of ordinary people, acted arrogantly, and harmed others.

I have a lot of information in my hand that can prove that it was their acquiescence.

They even instigated it.

In an avalanche, no snowflake is innocent.

Since they think Ming Dynasty is cruel, then give them their freedom and let them understand what they are without Ming Dynasty! "

The old man looked sad and could not speak.

The Ming Dynasty gave the same preferential treatment to its people. Whether it was the Western Regions, Tokyo, or Xijing, the general welfare was basically the same.

Especially in the Western Regions, borderlands, some welfare subsidies even exceed those in prosperous places.

Daming has never treated them badly!

(End of this chapter)

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