big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2020 Kill!

Chapter 2020 Kill!

Tianxin's words left these people speechless. The imperial court had indeed not treated the people of the Western Regions badly, and even gave them unimaginable preferential treatment.

Afraid that they would be wronged, even maternity allowances are higher than those in the two capitals, because considering the low wages and inconvenience in remote areas, public schools even have school buses to pick them up.

The exemption of grain taxes was implemented nationwide, and in order to encourage the development of the Western Regions, even other taxes were exempted from half. Since Daqian was transferred to the Ming Dynasty, a half-tax system has been implemented in these years.

It is to give the Western Region time to thrive.

But now it's good, everyone is full and has nothing to do, and they are taking the lead in opposing the court's strategy here.

First, it did not undermine their interests.

Secondly, they were not oppressed.

Do you really think that the imperial court is endlessly trying to please you?
Didn’t you see that the people in the two capitals already have strong opinions?
However, they are generous and feel that if they are richer, it doesn't matter if they have more subsidies.

After all, Ming Dynasty is getting rich first and then getting rich later.

Prosperity for all the people is one of the main national policies of the Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, everyone consciously maintains this strategy.

But now, while they disagree, they also want benefits. How can there be such a good thing in the world?
"I say for the last time, I will give treatment to my own people, no matter how much I give, I will be willing to do so.

But it is absolutely impossible to give benefits to white-eyed wolves.

Those are all taxes paid by the people, how can they be used to support the enemy? "

Tianxin waved his hand impatiently, "If anyone dares to intercede again, I will definitely punish him severely!"

Having a final say in matters does not mean asking for mercy.

The Ming Dynasty National Conference followed this process.

If Tian Xin is soft-hearted, then the order will be changed in the morning and at night, which is even more serious than changing the order in the morning and at night.

That means violating the rules at will, which is not conducive to maintaining stability.

When those people saw this, they also smiled bitterly.

"Go back, don't test your Majesty."

"If you do evil by God, you will live. If you do evil by yourself, you will not live!"

"I hope this incident can teach them a lesson."

Everyone left dejectedly.

At the same time, Xijing.

Wudu held the firearm in his hand, and everyone around him was taking a nap or eating dry food to replenish his strength.

"What time is it?" Wudu picked up the water bag and took a sip of water.

"Young Master, it's two o'clock in the morning, it's time to start!" The old man was a little tired, but very excited.

Wudu nodded, poured another handful of cold water to wash his face, so that he could wake up, and then ordered: "Wake everyone up and prepare for battle!"

Soon, everyone woke up.

"Kill the Qin Demon and recover Beinu. Brothers, follow me to kill the enemy together!"


Everyone roared in unison and quickly left the demolition site.

Wudu followed behind, indescribably excited and excited.

For as long as he can remember, he has known what his mission is.

At that time, he was very panicked because all the students were learning to be loyal to the emperor and patriotism and to protect their compatriots.

Because the book clearly describes the Beinu and other nomadic peoples.

The book says that it is because the nomads are not good at production. If they encounter natural or man-made disasters, in order not to starve to death, they must go south to plunder.

Therefore, through the ages, the nomads on the grasslands have always been the great enemy of the Central Plains.

But now, the Beinu are gone, and there are only herders singing and dancing on the grassland.

They live on the grassland, eat delicious food and drink spicy food, and no longer have to worry about food.

Their children can study, become officials, and go out on the grassland.

At that time, he was confused.

Since everyone is living so well, why do we need to liberate Beinu?
He was terrified that his identity would be discovered. So he worked hard to hide his identity and become gregarious.

In their seriousness, the Beinu were a very evil nation. They burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of evil.

They can even eat people.

Hearing that they described their own nation as so evil, for a while, he even resisted his own identity from the inside.

He wanted to get rid of his identity as the young master of Beinu like crazy.

But these people are like maggots, following me.

They threatened themselves, saying that if their identities were exposed, they would be killed mercilessly by Qin Mo.

Not only himself, but also his adoptive parents would be killed.

It was in this fear and pain that Wudu grew up little by little.

He began to become twisted inside.

Know that he can control his emotions perfectly.

In front of others, he is a good student, a teacher, and a good boy in the eyes of his adoptive parents.

Later, with excellent results, he was admitted to the Astronomical System and became a young official.

He is always the best in the area he is responsible for.

He even got the favor of the chief and wanted to marry his daughter to him.

But his commander didn't know that the subordinate he valued was actually the leader of the wild cult.

And his innocent daughter has also been played by him a long time ago.

Women will only affect his great cause.

He only has power in his heart.

As long as he liberates Beinu, he will be the emperor of Beinu.

When the time comes, he will build an extremely great country and do whatever he wants.

Anyone who can threaten him will die!
Thinking of this, Wu Du under the mask could hardly help laughing.

The night is dark.

The darkness before dawn is the darkest time of the day.

The entire Tianxiang City was quiet, except for the sounds of children crying, and the low voices of men and women in private houses from time to time.

Dogs barking and cats meowing make up the ukiyo-e at night.

They were getting closer and closer to Tianxiang Hospital.

They perfectly avoided the patrolling soldiers and finally gathered in front of Tianxiang Avenue.

Under the dim light, nearly ten thousand people rushed over quickly.

"Get ready to fight!" Wudu shouted.


This time, these northern slave remnants no longer suppress their voices. They have been silent for so many years. It is time to burst out the pain and anger that have been suppressed in their hearts for so long.

The Astronomical Hospital is among them, and their enemies lie in the hospital.

The thought that they were about to kill their enemies was like a shot of chicken blood.

After tonight, their names will resound throughout the world.

However, at this moment, there were dark muzzles extending from the houses on both sides of the road.

The thick barrel is like a looking glass of death.

These people are completely undecided. They only have Tianxiang Hospital in their eyes.

Wudu was also feeling hot all over, and at this moment, the blood all over his body felt like it was boiling.

He wants to be the emperor, and he wants to capture all the women around Qin Mo and humiliate them severely.

He wants to become famous, and he wants to make his father a hero.

Let everyone in this world praise his name and sing his greatness!
(End of this chapter)

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