big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2021 Purgatory on Earth

Chapter 2021 Purgatory on Earth
"The enemy has entered the shooting range, do you want to carry out the mission?"

"The East Side is ready!"

"The West End is ready!"

"The South District is ready."

A voice came from the intercom.

After hearing everyone's report, Li Jiange exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "Fire!"

He had arrived in Tianxiang State many days ago. After being the king of the state for so many years, he had never left behind in his duties.

He has always been in charge of the Western Region Jinyiwei.

On the surface, he is the king of the state, but in fact, he is the mastermind behind the Western Region.

A long time ago, he followed Qin Mo's instructions and penetrated into the Sun Sect.

Over the years, his people have also reached high-level positions.

The Sun Cult is internally complex. In addition to the remnants of the Northern Slaves and the lords and kings of various small countries in the Western Regions, there are also Celestial Elephants and Nibala nobles involved in it.

Li Jiange also received news that Wu Du was not the leader of the Sun Sect, and that the real leader was someone else.

This person comes from Liangjing and is a very high-status person.

But who it is, Li Jiange has not been able to find out for so long.

In other words, Wudu and the Sun Cult are just black gloves supported by that person.

Li Jiange reported the matter to Qin Mo, but Qin Mo just said to continue observing.

In a country as big as the Ming Dynasty, it is very rare for everyone to be united.

There is no shortage of careerists in this world.

After withdrawing his thoughts, Li Jiange opened the window slightly and saw people running wildly below.

Following his order, sudden gunfire rang out.

Tongues of flame spurted out from the muzzle.

Bang bang bang!
Bang bang bang!
Thousands of machine guns fired, and the bullets were staggered, almost filling the entire space.

The sudden attack made Wudu dumbfounded, "No, we have fallen into a trap!"

However, on this long street, they had nowhere to hide.

In an instant, tens of thousands of bullets were fired at an angle, beating the people on the outermost edge into sieves.

Some people were even beaten into pieces.

The smell of gunpowder and blood mixed together to make you sick.

Li Jiange shook his head, "How stupid, I thought that thirty or forty years ago, someone could rebel.

Times are different. One machine gun can contain hundreds of cavalry, thousands of them. Even if the wolf god comes, he will die here.

In the era of thermal weapons, manpower is too small, how dare you. "

No one knows how strong the Ming court is, because even in the battle against Da Gan, they still did not use all their strength.

Submarines, the latest fighter planes, the latest tanks, powerful missiles, these are the pinnacle weapons.

It's far beyond what these people can imagine.

"No, no!"

"Ah, I don't want to die!"

Everyone fell to the ground, crying and shouting.

Some people had their heads torn apart by bullets before they even realized what was happening.

There were stumps of limbs and broken arms all over the ground, and some people fell to the ground dying, their eyes blurred by blood.

They saw the flesh foam flying all over the sky, and their hearts were filled with fear.

Wudu was in the middle of the crowd and was best protected.

But countless bullets shredded the protective layer around him, and he felt a pain in his thigh. When he looked down, a huge bloody hole appeared in his thigh.

He was stunned for a moment, then severe pain hit him, and he screamed, "Ah"

But what comes with it is fear.

He didn't want to die, he really didn't want to die.

He still has a lot of things to do. He doesn't want to rebel or liberate Beinu.

He just wants to be an ordinary official, marry an ordinary woman as his wife, have a few children, and then grow old slowly and enjoy his old age.

What Beinu and Yizhixie are fake, everything is fake.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me"

How can the flowers in the greenhouse survive the wind and rain? He had never seen such a scene before, so he blindly believed that as long as there were more people, it would be possible.

But times have long since changed.

These Beinu remnants still think about what they did thirty years ago.

However, these bullets have no thoughts and cannot hear his voice.

"Old housekeeper."

"Young Master, leave quickly." The old man was hit by several bullets and fell limply to the ground, still muttering: "Keep yourself useful and regain the north."

Before "Slave" could finish speaking, his head was hit by a bullet.

Red, yellow, and splattered black hair were all over his face.

"Old housekeeper!" Wu Du saw many dead people, and many people were killed by him, but when he looked around, they were all with broken limbs and arms.

His subordinates are like stacking Arhats, stacked one on top of another.

Covered in flesh and blood, their original appearance could not be clearly seen.

A minute ago, they were excited and wanted to enter the Tianxiang Hospital.

At this time, they were speechless.

The strong smell of blood made Wudu feel unspeakably nauseated.

He wanted to run away, but the pierced thigh made him lose his strength.

He felt his body shake, and then fell to the ground.

Blood and flesh covered his face.

The heavy gunfire continued.

Until he felt a pain in his head and lost consciousness.

"The first squad has finished shooting!"

"Second shift shooting completed!"

"The third squad has finished shooting!"

"Take care of all the garbage below!" Li Jiange said: "Some little mice escaped, don't let any of them escape!"


Li Jiange closed the window, put the walkie-talkie in his pocket, lit a Qin cigarette, and walked downstairs slowly.

Immediately afterwards, a group of people began to clean up the garbage.

A car comes in and is constantly being transported out of town.

Some of the people who were not dead were re-shot, useless garbage, and did not even need treatment.

Until dawn, there were very few people on the streets.

The gunfire last night was heard by half of Tianxiang City.

Especially the smell of blood in the air spread far away.

Even though the ground had been washed many times, the flesh and blood in the cracks was still clearly visible.

I don't know how many people were vomited by that smell.

An ominous premonition came to mind and enveloped the hearts of all the people in Tianxiang Prefecture.

"Last night, a group of rebels attempted to attack Tianxiang Hospital, and 8,400 people were killed.

After receiving the latest notification from Xijing, the preferential treatment for Tianxiang Prefecture will be withdrawn from now on.

From now on, Tianxiang Prefecture government offices, troops, schools, and caravans all withdraw from Tianxiang Prefecture.

Not in charge of Tianxiang State.

Take back the Ming Dynasty identity of the people of Tianxiang Prefecture.

From today on, the identity certificates of the people of Tianxiang Prefecture will no longer be recognized by the Ming Dynasty.

Over the years, the imperial court has treated you favorably and with utmost benevolence.

Have a good time together and have a good time together. I hope you will have better days in the future! "

Everyone stared blankly at the loudspeaker above their heads.

Then a sense of panic spread in everyone's hearts.

"No, this is not true. Is the court going to abandon us?"

"We were wrong. We will no longer oppose the court's decision. Don't leave, don't leave!"

For a time, there was a lot of crying in Tianxiang City!
(End of this chapter)

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