big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2022 Fortunately

Chapter 2022 Fortunately
No one thought that this day would come so quickly.

In the Tianxiang Palace, the convoy left with various documents.

Even if the people knelt on the roadside and cried, it would not help.

"Your Majesty, do you really want to abandon your people?"

"We were wrong. We no longer dare to hinder innovation. Please stop!"

"Your Majesty, give us another chance!"

At this moment, men, women and children of five or six years all knelt down to repent and beg for mercy.

They know very well that without the blessing of the Ming Dynasty and their identity as people of the Ming Dynasty, they will fall from heaven to hell.

Without the protection of Ming Dynasty, they will fall into endless war.

Hunger, poverty, disease, oppression.
However, the convoy did not take pity on their cries and instead sped things up.

The shipment of various public equipment has left these people desperate.

Many patients must rely on medicines produced by Daming to survive.

Of course, Qin Mo is not so cold-blooded, they can still buy it at a high price, but without the imperial medical insurance subsidy, they will have to pay several times the price.

The last to withdraw was the army.

Tianxiang Prefecture's 150,000 troops all retreated, along with their families.

Tianxiang State is the most populous state in the entire Western Region, with a population of 14 million people.

With this evacuation, nearly one million people were evacuated.

These people were either incorporated into Nile State or went to Silla State, one of the three celestial states.

With a population of one million, the pressure on these two states is not great.

Moreover, Tianxiang Prefecture's official rations started operating when Qin Mo arrived.

So, it's basically been shipped.

From now on, the court will no longer distribute crop seeds, and they will no longer enjoy this benefit.

Whether it is education, medical care, transportation, or agriculture, we no longer enjoy it at all.

Without convenient farming machines, developed commerce, and advanced medical care and education, the entire Tianxiang Prefecture instantly fell into chaos.

On the first day of retreat, thousands of robberies and hundreds of murders occurred in Tianxiang Prefecture.

The mob defiled the woman and then killed her.

They grabbed food, money, and everything they could.

The city was filled with fire, and some people were burned to death in the fire.

But no one from the fire department risked their lives to put out the fire.

There is no one from the security agency who will arrest these thugs and bring justice to the victims.

The entire state was in chaos.

On the second day of the retreat, someone from Tianxiang Prefecture took the initiative to establish a temporary government office, but it also encountered strong resistance from the people.

On the third day, those in the Western Regions learned that Ming Dynasty had abandoned Tianxiang State, and people from small countries in the Western Regions began to infiltrate.

In less than half a month, the women in Tianxiang Prefecture were robbed and the men were taken as slaves.

The temporary yamen were also suppressed by the Western powers.

At this moment, everyone realized how miserable their life would be without the blessing of Ming Dynasty.

They really miss the days under the Ming Dynasty.

Having enough food and clothing, no worries about food and clothing, living and working in peace and contentment, and not closing the door at night, everything is the best.

Even the lives of ordinary people are no worse than those of the nobles thirty years ago. But now, everything has been restored to its original state.

In the study room of Silla Prefecture, Qin Mo was lying on a rocking chair, smoking a cigarette, looking at Dou Yiai and Mei Mei, who were smoking at the side, with an indescribable reaction, "I said you two can do it, but I didn't even look at it. Look where this is, if you want to make out, go back and make out, don’t stand out in front of me!”

Qin Mo was very annoyed. Ever since they came to Silla Prefecture, the two of them seemed to have grown together. Qin Mo even suspected that the two of them could do anything anytime, anywhere.

"Brother, you are just jealous." Dou Yiai curled her lips, hugged Rose's slim waist and said, "What's wrong with me being intimate with my wife?"

Li Yong glared at him, "I'll beat you up again!"

Rose quickly covered Dou Yiai's mouth, and then said with a smile: "Don't blame King Lizhou, he has such a temper!"

"He's an old tree in bloom, and he's squirting at everyone he sees." Li Yong snorted and didn't say anything more.

That night, after killing Wudu and others, he also successfully rescued Rose's adoptive parents and others.

They were also very lucky, and when they were rescued, all three of them were dying.

Fortunately, the rescue was timely, and he almost recovered after lying in the hospital for so long.

From then on, Rose completely returned to her heart and followed Dou Yiai every day to be ridiculous, no matter how ridiculous it was, it was up to him.

This old boy is not afraid of being squeezed dry. Doesn't he know how old he is?
"Brother, what should we do now?" Li Yongmeng said: "The entire Tianxiang Prefecture is in complete chaos."

"Are you feeling distressed?"

"Hey, can you not feel sad that two generations of hard work by me and my father have been wasted in one day?" Li Yongmeng said gloomily: "I don't know how many people will die this time. The foundation we finally laid is now completely gone."

"Damn, I am the first generation manager, what did I say?" Qin Mo exhaled a breath of smoke and said, "If you don't break, you can't stand. Break and then stand. If you want to change the shape of the sky like us, you must pass this level.

Kill the chicken to scare the monkey, completely establish our authority, and let everyone see our attitude clearly.

Moreover, if we conquer the Western Region in the future, the situation there will be even more complicated than the celestial phenomena.

There are many countries, all with their own thoughts.

The problems left over from history are serious.

If you are weak today, what will you do tomorrow?
Do you have to compromise with them endlessly?

This is impossible. "

Qin Mo put out the cigarette butt and said seriously: "While enjoying the benefits of Ming Dynasty, and at the same time resisting Ming Dynasty's strategies, how can there be such a good thing in the world?
I, Qin Mo, will not be such a fool! "

Silence fell in the room.

Li Yongmeng scratched his head, feeling indescribably annoyed.

He actually understood it, but after all, it was his years of hard work.

Father and son have devoted themselves to Tianxiang for twenty or thirty years, but in the end, these people still failed to live up to expectations.

Rose also felt fear in her heart.

When I think about what I promised Wu Du in the first place, I can't help but feel scared.

Fortunately, Dou Yi loved to protect her, and she herself did not commit a crime.

Otherwise, not to mention her parents, even she would end badly.

It is said that all the people in Wudu were beaten to pieces by machine guns, and the hands, feet and heads of thousands of people were all mixed together, making it impossible to piece together a complete body.

The blood flowed into the sewers and rushed into the holy river. It is said that half of the river was dyed red.

Countless people used to take a bath every day, but that day, no one dared to go into the water.

Those big catfish were eating minced meat on the surface of the water. Just thinking about that scene made Rose feel scared.

She couldn't help but hug Dou Yiai tightly, and felt happy in her heart.

Fortunately, I met Dou Yiai, and fortunately, I was calm-minded, otherwise I would definitely be one of those thousands of people!
(End of this chapter)

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