big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2023 Let’s hang out!

Chapter 2023 Let’s hang out!

"Your Majesty, a large number of celestial refugees have rushed to the border. They are kneeling on the ground begging us to go back again." Li Jiange knocked on the door and walked in.

"The Ming Dynasty Congress has just passed, and the emperor has just passed the bill. It is impossible to change the order overnight.

No matter what, we have to wait until the next conference, which is three years from now. "Qin Mo said lightly.

If you do something, you have to bear it. Why didn't you think of these consequences when you opposed it?

Are you afraid now?


Li Jiange nodded and then said: "However, the effect is still very good. All the people in Silla Prefecture were frightened. Early this morning, I don't know how many people reported that they wanted to study at the grassroots level.

Many people proposed to demolish those obscene temples, and Wei Chen all agreed! "

"Have a good attitude and let them take the initiative." Qin Mo said.

"These people are so frightened that they dare not take the initiative?" Li Jiange said with a smile. This move not only killed the Sun Cult members, but also beat up the stubborn elements in the state.

It can be seen that no one will dare to hinder the next innovation.

Qin Mo threw a cigarette to Li Jiange, "You've done well, how about serving as the state king for another term?"

Li Jiange has never made a mistake in anything he has done since he started working with Qin Mo. He is definitely one of the most capable people under him.

"Teacher, when I took over this position from Xu Que, it was a lot of pressure for me. I am an educator and I came to be a spy. You really made things difficult for me." There were no outsiders here, Li Jiange sighed. .

"Isn't Xu Que unable to escape in Xijing?" Qin Mo spread his hands helplessly, "A stall as big as Jinyiwei has to be managed by someone. As one of my beloved disciples, you are not like the other two. Focus on academic research, as you said, you must conquer the world with one person and one sword! "

Li Jiange had a grimace and was speechless, "Then it's up to you."

"That's right!" Qin Mo nodded with satisfaction, "Do it for one more term, and then someone will take over your class. I estimate that by the time the next term comes, the Western Region will be even.

When the world is unified, I will let you retire in glory. "

Li Jiange and Qin Mo are similar in age, and they will indeed reach retirement age in the next term.

Make him king, let him study in the cabinet for a few more years, and continue to shine. When he is seventy or eighty, it is not too late to go back and rest.

"Thank you, teacher!" Li Jiange said.

"By the way, you guys go out first. I have something to ask Jiange alone!" Qin Mo said.

Li Yong fiercely took a picture of Dou Yiai who was chewing happily on the side, "Let's go, I want to go home and eat!"

Dou Yiai snorted unhappily, picked up the rose and left, "Go home, go home, let's go home, wife, let's go home and make out!"

Rose slapped him shyly, "There is someone else here, can you save some face for me?"

Dou Yiai smiled naively, "We are all on our own, what are we afraid of!"

He really likes roses, even more than those concubines. They are beautiful, sing well, and have many tricks. It’s so fun!
After the two left, Qin Mo said: "Have you found out who the leader of the Sun Sect is?"

"From all the current news, it can be inferred that there is one orthodox leader of the Sun Religion, but there are many deputy leaders, and Wudu is just one of the leaders. Therefore, the analysis of the intelligence team infers that those deputy leaders are likely to be from the countries in the Western Regions. Lord or King."

"Are you playing this trick with me?" Qin Mo touched his chin, "It's interesting!"

"Teacher, we have been investigating, but the other party has a particularly strong sense of counter-reconnaissance, so he should be a professional."

"You mean, someone from within the organization?" Qin Mo narrowed his eyes.

"Well, it should be, and this person's position is not low." Li Jiange said.

"The Ming Dynasty is so big, it is normal for one or two miscellaneous fish to be mixed in. For example, not all members of the Li family are loyal to the Ming Dynasty.

There are always one or two people who think one thing on the outside but another on the inside. There are also some careerists who use their power to hook up with those who are rebellious, which is normal. "

Qin Mo takes this kind of thing very seriously. Throughout the dynasties, if there are loyal ministers, there must be treacherous ministers and rebellious ministers.

This is inevitable.

What can you do if that person is crazy?
I can only knock out my teeth and swallow it in my stomach.

"I guess it's not that simple to seduce the person behind it." Qin Mo said: "Unless I am really dead and the two capitals are in chaos, it will be possible to seduce that person.

But for a fish, it is not worthwhile to go to the two capitals of Cholera.

So, you still have to search privately.

Let's do this, put a reward internally, catch this big fish, and be made a marquis.

Never underestimate the wisdom of others. "

"is teacher!"

After talking about the business, Qin Mo also felt relaxed, "I heard that your son has gained a lot from his recent experience at the grassroots level!"

"Children are misbehaving and making teachers laugh."

"In a remote area of ​​Xijing, in just two or three years, he was able to make people in several impoverished towns and villages prosper. This is no small feat. He has real abilities.

A few days ago, I read your son's article, which was very insightful.

As the saying goes, you can rely on mountains to eat mountains, and you can rely on water to drink water. Your son can do this to the extreme and bring life to a lifeless and impoverished place. This is something that many people cannot do.

Given time, it will become a great thing. "

Hearing this, Li Jiange was overjoyed and said, "Thank you teacher for the compliment!"

"Let him be a county magistrate next year and walk step by step with a steady pace. It will only be a matter of time before he enters the cabinet in the future." Qin Mo said.

The Ming Dynasty is full of talents, and what Qin Mo wants to see most is that these young people can rise up.

In the early years, the Ming Dynasty experienced a shortage of jobs. It relied solely on the elderly to withstand all the pressure and gave the younger generation a chance to develop.

Today, many years later, the talents of Ming Dynasty have shown a gushing attitude.

No more worries about running out of manpower.

Qin Mo just wanted to keep this group of people in the yellow soil and let them practice down-to-earth.

Once their pride and impetuosity are washed away, the road ahead will be clear!
After Li Jiange left, Qin Mo also rubbed his temples a little tiredly.

Bai Yu came over at this time and rubbed Qin Mo's shoulders obediently, while Wu Xia knelt on the ground and squeezed Qin Mo's feet.

With a look from Qin Mo, Wuxia understood what he meant.

She blushed slightly, still not used to doing such things in front of her sister.

But it's not the first time, you have to get used to it.

She lowered her head, and Qin Mo narrowed his eyes.

But at this time, Wu Xia started to retch.

Qin Mo frowned slightly, "What's wrong?"

"Maybe I caught a cold." Wuxia was startled and hurriedly explained, "It's okay, Your Majesty, I..."

(End of this chapter)

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