big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2024 Mercy

Chapter 2024 Mercy
"Go and call the great doctor." Qin Mo said.

Bai Yu frowned, "Maybe I'm catching a cold, just grab some medicine and it'll be fine."

"No, it's very possible that he won't die from the cold!" Qin Mo shook his head, and then pulled Wu Xia up with a confused look on his face.

"It's not a cold, what's wrong?" Wu Xia lowered his head, "Could he be seriously ill?"

"Don't scare yourself, maybe it's a good thing?" Qin Mo pulled Wuxia to sit down.

Soon, the great doctor came. After taking Wu Xia's pulse, the great doctor happily said to Qin Mo: "Congratulations to the Supreme Emperor on the birth of Longzi!"

Qin Mo grinned, "It's just as I expected."

Wu Xia was stunned, "Great doctor, what did you say? I, I."

"You are so lucky to be pregnant with Longzi." The doctor smiled and said: "The pulse is very stable, it should be two or three months old."

After the doctor accepted the reward and retired, Bai Yu was also extremely surprised, "Sister, congratulations!"

Wuxia bit her lip and said, "Yes, but I have taken measures. I took it off every time."

Qin Mo said funnyly: "No matter how good the measures are, there is always the risk of being caught. Besides, after so many times, if there is nothing wrong with you two, I will doubt my ability."

"But from now on I won't be able to accompany the Supreme Emperor." Wuxia said frustratedly.

"Who said that there won't be any big problems in the Western Region in a short time now, so you can rest assured to raise your baby here.

There are more than 300,000 troops here. If there is real danger, you will not be able to protect them. "Qin Mo has seventy-two children, and the one in Wu Xia's belly should be the seventy-third.

He is happy with both men and women.

Seeing that Wuxia was still a little unhappy, Bai Yu comforted him: "This is a happy event, so don't be depressed."

"Sister, why are you okay?"

Bai Yu sighed and subconsciously touched his belly, "Maybe it's because luck hasn't come yet."

"Why are you so reluctant to give birth to a child for me?" Qin Mo said pretending to be angry.

"No, no, I am willing, but I just can't serve you properly now." Wu Xia said with a grimace.

"You have served me well along the way, and now that you have a child, you have done a great job." Qin Mo picked her up and kissed her, "You have to go through this step eventually. The sooner you give birth, the better. Take advantage of it." Since I am still young and energetic, I will not slack off on you two sisters.

In another ten or twenty years, I will be very old and senile, and I won’t have that much energy to worry about you. "

After hearing this, Wu Xia's mood improved.

As soon as he was in a good mood, he immediately cleaned up Bai Yu so much that he had no time to stand aside and blush.

In the end, Qin Mo didn't favor one thing over another. He calmed down a little bit and soaked up the rain and dew.

In the evening, Qin Mo called Dou Yiai, Li Yongmeng, and Li Jiange over, and even cooked a bunch of delicious food himself. "I haven't cooked for a long time. Let's see if the cooking skills have deteriorated."

"Brother, I have been thinking about you for many years." Li Yongmeng said in surprise: "I have eaten all kinds of delicacies from all over the world for so many years, but I can't forget your cooking skills."

Dou Yiai also groaned while eating.

Rose reminded from the side: "Eat slowly, no one will compete with you!"

"These two guys always eat. Eat quickly, otherwise you won't be able to eat if it's too late." Dou Yiai said, "If Dabao and Xiaobao are here, we can only eat some leftovers."

"Do you think brothers Dabao and Xiaobao are as selfish as you?" Li Yongmeng curled his lips and picked up the wine glass, "Brother, congratulations, you have another son."

"Teacher, congratulations!" Li Jiange also raised a toast. Speaking of which, they were still envious of him. Qin Mo was the oldest, but he looked the most youthful. His appearance was almost fixed at thirty or forty years old.

This age group happens to be the most golden age for men.

Not immature, yet mature and masculine.

Everyone was envious when they thought that Qin Mo was about to have his seventy-third child.

Dou Yiai also said with envy: "I followed the secret recipe for giving birth to a son that my elder brother gave me, but the effect was very poor."

Qin Mo took a sip of wine and said: "Over the years, I have seen those women, and your women have been replaced one after another, and they left after being shot. Before they were shot, you forgot about them.

It’s amazing what you can do! "

"That's right, although I can't compare to my eldest brother, I still have twenty or thirty children." Li Yongmeng also had many wives and concubines. The big millstone women his father found for him were quite fertile.

Although he later took in many beautiful concubines, he did not abandon his poor wife.

Li Jiange said enviously: "I can't do it anymore, I only have three sons and four daughters!"

"Those who have few wives, don't talk." Dou Yiai said.

Li Jiange is autistic, how amazing is his wife?
His wife and three concubines are not bad.

Everyone is from a famous family, and everyone is a lady. Isn’t it better than you casting a wide net?
"Can't you stop your mouth with rice?" Qin Mo glared at Dou Yiai, and then said to Li Jiange: "Ignore him, that's how good he is!"

Li Jiange said with a smile: "I have the same experience as him, and I am so angry."

Qin Mo laughed loudly, "I hope we can still have dinner together in twenty or thirty years!"

"Come on, let's go!"

Everyone clinked their wine glasses together.

After eating and drinking, Qin Mo asked the women to go down, and then said: "I heard that there are many people from Tianxiang running to the border, preparing to sneak across, right?"

"Yes, everything has been strictly controlled, but there are always areas where control is not in place. After all, the national border is too long." Li Jiange said.

“What I mean is, don’t control it too strictly, and always give them a little hope of smuggling over. If they smuggle over again, they can only work and live in Silla State as a gangster.

Without proof of identity, you will definitely be arrested.

Let them have a taste of it, and then they will know how precious Ming's identity certificate is.

When the time comes, the celestial phenomena will return.

When the time comes, they will have to beg us to go back, and when that time comes, they will have to be obedient to whatever we say.

But now, it is still the same as before. The women who extradite the celestial phenomena, remember, they are women, and no men are wanted.

Transport these women of the right age to the hinterland of the Central Plains and let them flourish. "

Hearing this, Li Jiange took a breath and said, "Teacher, are you someone who uses the same methods you use to deal with the countries in the Western Regions to deal with the celestial phenomena?"

Qin Mo drank tea and said calmly: "So what, they are not citizens of the Ming Dynasty now, do they still want me to show mercy?
My pity and compassion are only for my own people! "

"Brother is right. The best way is to disintegrate the celestial phenomena and completely break them. Anyway, more immigrants will come from the Central Plains to enrich the population.

In a few generations, the celestial phenomena will completely change into the shape of the Ming Dynasty! "

(End of this chapter)

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