big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2025 Western Region Alliance

Chapter 2025 Western Region Alliance
Li Jiange frowned, "Isn't this a bit too cruel?"

"People cannot stand firm if they are not ruthless. Since the sky is no longer the territory of the Ming Dynasty, it is the enemy. There is no need to be merciful to the enemy.

I have raised them for so long, and I have had enough of this white-eyed wolf. "Qin Mo said: "Yongfeng is right. When the time comes to replenish the population from the Western Regions, men like Tianxiang will have no choice but to join the army in order to survive. They will inevitably die on the battlefield.

I, Chengjun King, am brave and brave. I have spent more than thirty years studying the celestial phenomena, and finally came to the conclusion that those who are not of my race must have different minds.

We must use special means to deal with them. "

Li Jiange sighed and said nothing more. He could only say that these damn rebellions are too harmful.

These ordinary people were harmed.

But these ordinary people, why don't they look at what's in the bowl and eat what's in the pot?
While enjoying Daming's preferential treatment, he scolded his mother.

Now that Daming has turned the table over, they are starting to get scared again.

It can only be said that there is no free lunch in the world!

"I'm ready to smash the sky to pieces. It's nothing more than starting over. By then, hundreds of thousands of Central Plains people will be relocated from all over the country, and all problems will be solved!" Qin Mo said lightly: "The location of Tianxiang Prefecture is too It is important. It connects the north and the south. It is an important transfer station. Without this matter, it can be built into the third super city with a population of over 10 million. "

Li Yongmeng sighed, "It's just that they are too stupid."

"The situation has been decided, so there is no need to regret it. It was because they were not lucky that they caused the disaster!" Qin Mo poured tea for several people, "Let's go, I heard that the singer's performance in Silla State is very famous. Let's go and see it." look!"

For several days, Qin Mo wandered around Silla Prefecture.

The capital of Silla Prefecture has a population of two million, making it the leading metropolis in the Western Region.

The most famous thing here is the elephant cart. Elephants and camels often walk on the wide streets.

However, due to this major change in the sky, the capital of Silla Prefecture had an influx of more than 600,000 people at once, and it suddenly became crowded.

All the inns were full.

If you can't live there, you can only stay in the residents' homes temporarily.

But this time, the people of both Silla and Nile states were all frightened.

Acting extremely well-behaved.

In just a few days, the second round of innovation has extended to the countryside.

This is what Qin Mo hopes to see.

If Qin Mo was more ruthless and believed in nationalism, he could let the people of the Central Plains occupy all the resources in the world and only need to give others a bite to eat.

But Qin Mo was still unwilling to extend his butcher knife to others.

As long as these people can be obedient and go to in-depth transformation and study, then they will be qualified people of the Ming Dynasty.

This world should be colorful and not so narrow.

National integration requires a process. Qin Mo told himself that he must have more patience.

At the same time, after seeing Ming's reaction, the countries in the Western Regions had completely confirmed that Ming had abandoned the sky.

Originally, they only dared to rob people secretly.

But now, they have done so blatantly.

In just over half a month, the territory of Tianxiang Province had become a mess.

Without a leader, more than a dozen temporary government offices appeared in Tianxiang territory.

These people plundered the people's surplus food, and many people were forced to die.

Coupled with the various harsh miscellaneous taxes they imposed, it almost crushed them.

Some places were ransacked over and over again by these people.

They could no longer survive and had no choice but to find a way to immigrate, either to Nile State or to the three states of Silla and Ross.

But what makes them despair is that there were always people who successfully smuggled across the border, but now only women can smuggle across. If men try to smuggle across, they will be shot by border guards. This completely destroyed their hope.

And these women will be taken away as soon as they enter the Ming Dynasty.

After another ten days, the once vibrant and prosperous Tianxiang City was now almost an abandoned city.

Old people, children and men all fell to the ground like zombies.

Originally, they could still catch fish from the holy river, but now those people have even occupied the holy river. Anyone who dares to fish casually will be killed.

On the contrary, the people in the countryside have a chance to survive.

Everyone was filled with resentment. They resented the rebels and those who stood in the way of the imperial court.

The court did not use force against them and left in disappointment, leaving these poor people behind.

People starve to death, die of illness, and are killed every day.

Tianxiang City, known as the Pearl of the West, has become a place abandoned by the gods.

They prayed every day that the court would return and that the army would enter the city and sweep away all the turmoil.

They want to return to the rich days of the past.

But everything is just illusion.

The imperial court abandoned them and no longer wanted them.

The emperor has passed the bill and completely abandoned Tianxiang State. They are no longer Ming people.

Those people began to work for their own purposes, putting pressure on innocent people under the banner of saving Tianxiang State.

Not only did they plunder the food, but they also plundered all the iron tools in their homes just to smelt weapons.

Now they were literally defenseless.

Even half a month ago, power transmission had stopped in Tianxiang Prefecture. They were used to the dark nights illuminated by lights, and they didn't even prepare candles.

Lying in bed at night, hungry.

People who are tortured by illness are even more tortured and want to hang themselves.

But no one will pay attention to them.

The countries in the Western Regions are greedily plundering young Li Zhuan, as if they want to replenish the manpower that has been plundered by the Ming Dynasty over the years.

But at the very least, if they go to the Western Regions to become slaves, they can still have something to eat.

Therefore, the slaves in the Western Regions, whom everyone looked down upon, even became a valuable job in the eyes of these people.

They have no human rights or even dignity. They must sacrifice their wives and daughters as long as the slave owners want them.

Their lives were controlled by slave masters and they had no freedom at all.

They have to work hard every day, eat two meals a day, and can only eat a little dry bread and cold water to stay alive.

Those who can be selected into the team are better off, at least they can have enough to eat.

This is like a carnival for the countries in the Western Regions.

Everyone knows that this is Ming's last indulgence.

If they don't seize this opportunity, they will never have the chance to confront Daming again!

Dozens of countries came together to form the Western Region Alliance.

They have assembled an army of five to six million people, and this number is still increasing.

They thought that if they gathered an army of one million people, they would have the capital to talk to Ming Dynasty. At the very least, they would not dare to let Ming Dynasty attack at will.

They want to let Daming know that the Western Region Alliance is not something to be messed with, and if you mess with it, you will have to pay the price!
(End of this chapter)

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