big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2026 Roundtable Conference

Chapter 2026 Roundtable Conference
But the Western Region Alliance is not monolithic, and some people have been instigated by the Ming Dynasty to rebel.

This resulted in the Western Region Alliance appearing to be united, but in reality it was in disarray.

The weapons in their hands are all first-generation weapons that have been eliminated by the Ming Dynasty, such as fire guns. So what if they use three-stage strikes?
Is it even better than the Ming Dynasty's machine gun?

Take pistols as an example, Ming Dynasty has already surpassed the shell gun, and even the sand eagle has been produced.

There are also a lot of sniper rifles, and Barret, the world's cannon, has also been developed.

Not to mention fighter planes and tanks.

It is completely modern civilization attacking primitive tribes.

However, there are also strong backbones in the Western Region Alliance. From the beginning, they have been at odds with the Ming Dynasty.

For example, the Gaolan Kingdom, after Qin Mo captured half of the Western Region, has been fighting foreign wars and arresting slaves from the Kunlun slave land.

Let the slaves marry the Kunlun female slaves and have children continuously.

Purebred Kunlun slaves may not fetch a good price, but the price of mixed-blooded ones can be higher.

Relying on maritime trade, Gaolan Kingdom quickly became stronger.

When other countries sold slave women, they strengthened themselves by plundering from the outside.

Their navigation is relatively powerful among the countries in the Western Region.

Although the country is not big, it has millions of citizens. Over the years, through sea trade and plunder, the population has remained high.

While the populations of other countries are declining sharply, they are still growing rapidly every year.

In addition, there is a country called Daweilia, which is also a powerful maritime trade country, similar to Gaolan.

Among the countries in the Western Region, these two are the most powerful.

This Western Region Alliance was also established under the leadership of the two kings.

Today, the forty kings arrived at the round table meeting.

King Victor of Great Vilia and King Charles II of Gauland presided over the meeting.

The meeting was held in the capital of Gaolan. Even if Victor was unwilling, he had to admit that Gaolan was currently the strongest country in the Western Region.

In order to protect their country from being invaded by the Ming Dynasty, they gathered here.

Kings from all over the world were all dressed up to attend, and some even wore stockings and high heels, and were sprayed with heavy perfume.

The wigs on their heads make them look stupid.

But they didn't realize it. Instead, they felt very gentlemanly and elegant.

This is all bullshit aesthetics conveyed to them by the people of Ming Dynasty.

It turns them into boys and girls, and it makes them sick to watch.

Charles II knocked on the table, "Everyone, please be quiet. This is the first meeting of kings of the Western Region Alliance. Please treat it with caution!"

As the main director of the alliance, Victor also said: "If anyone wants to withdraw from the Western Region Alliance, they can say it now. We will never force any country.

The Western Region Alliance is free and will not be as overbearing as the Ming Dynasty! "

The kings present all fell silent. Even if they were reluctant, they had to respect this occasion.

"Very good, it seems that everyone knows what difficulties they are facing." Victor nodded and looked at Charles II, "The meeting can begin!"

Charles II smiled, "Then I won't talk nonsense. There is an agreement in front of you. It is the Western Alliance contract drawn up by King Victor and I. It contains hundreds of treaties, all of which will help us develop the Western Alliance. .

Give everyone fifteen minutes to watch! "

Charles II glanced at the big pendulum clock next to him, and then stopped talking.

All the kings also immersed themselves in looking at it. After watching it for a few minutes, a king said: "What kind of contract is this? It's clear that you are forcing us to join you. Isn't this the same as the Ming Dynasty?"

"That's right, I don't agree. The Western Region Alliance is for everyone to cooperate, not for a few people or one person to make decisions for us!"

The originally quiet scene suddenly became chaotic.

Charles II leaned on his chair, folded his hands in front of him, and did not speak. He only waited for them to stop arguing before he spoke: "The Western Region Alliance needs a more streamlined system, relying on one country or several countries alone. It is impossible to fight against Ming Dynasty.

We can follow the example of the East and establish a unified Grand Duchy. In this way, we can more effectively deter the Ming Dynasty.

Of course, the Grand Duchy does not mean that it will annex you, nor will it interfere in the internal affairs of your country.

Instead, all the kings reached a consensus on some things and joined forces to keep warm.

We now have a common enemy, and that is Ming Dynasty. This country is terrible, and 90% of the land in the world belongs to them.

Their population has exceeded 10 million, which is far larger than ours.

They have the most terrifying and advanced weapons in the world.

They are smart and they always have all kinds of ways to weaken us.

If we remain as before, we will only be embezzled by the Ming Dynasty in the end. Is this what you want to see?
Moreover, it is clearly written in the jump that the Grand Duchy has no king, only a lord, and under him there is a grand director and two deputy directors. The other kings are ordinary directors of the duchy.

Whether it is the Lord or the Chief Executive, they are all elected by vote.

Having said this, Charles II paused, picked up a cup of tea, drank it slowly, and then said: "In this way, no matter who you have a conflict with, the council can mediate, which can ensure the stability of the Western Region. peaceful development.

Of course, everything is voluntary.

You can leave here, but you must be clear about the Ming Emperor's attitude towards the Western Regions.

Look at what happened to Tianxiang State.

That was a territory that had been conquered by the Ming Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty for more than thirty years.

The population is over 10 million.

The economy generated by one Tianxiang State is equivalent to half of the countries here.

But for such a powerful Tianxiang State, Daming gave up right away.

Do you think you are comparable to Tianxiang State?
Or are you very valuable and important in the eyes of Emperor Ming?

What will they do if one day you don't act according to his wishes?
They will kill you and return to the land that abandoned you. Just like Tianxiang State, it will soon become a hell on earth.

After you have suffered all the hardships, Ming Dynasty will come to your people as a savior. Then, the people under your rule will no longer remember the king who once ruled them. They only have Ming Dynasty in their eyes!
Is this what you want to see? "

Charles II's words made many people present fall into deep thought.

Everyone knows the prosperity of Tianxiang State. It is no exaggeration to say that it is the most prosperous place in the Western Region!

But within a month, it became a hell on earth, a piece of fat that everyone could take a bite of.

Daming gave up when he said he would give up, and did not drag his feet. Who is not afraid of this kind of execution? Who is not intimidated?

(End of this chapter)

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