big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2027 The Invincible Grand Duchy

Chapter 2027 The Invincible Grand Duchy

Seeing that everyone was silent, Victor took over Charles II's words and said: "All kings are sensible people, and they should be very clear about Ming Dynasty's strategy.

It is to annex the Western Regions and then turn us into human servants. When the time comes, you and I will become dogs in front of Ming Dynasty.

They fight whenever they want and kill whenever they want.

They steal your women and occupy your land at will, but there is nothing you can do.

Only by jointly establishing the Grand Duchy and everyone uniting can we resist the invasion of the Ming Dynasty and dialogue with the Ming Dynasty.

Only this is the final way out!

Our country, Grand Vilia, has decided to take the lead in joining the Grand Duchy! "

"I, Charles II, represent the Kingdom of Gauland and join the Grand Duchy!"

After the two finished speaking, they looked at everyone.

The two most powerful countries in the Western Region have taken a stand. What can they do?
"White Horse Country is willing to join the Grand Duchy!"

"Blackwater Country is willing to join the Grand Duchy!"

"The Great Britain is willing to join the Grand Duchy!"

For a time, everyone responded.

Regardless of whether they are sincere or fake, at least this is the general trend and they must comply.

Moreover, this is Gaolan. If you refuse, who knows what will happen?
"Very good, we are all smart people." Charles II and Victor looked at each other and said with a smile: "Now I declare that the Grand Duchy is established!"

There was loud applause.

The next step is to give the Grand Duchy a name. It cannot be called Grand Duchy or Grand Duchy. It doesn’t sound good!
Someone suggested that it be called the Invincible Grand Duchy.

Some people also say that it is called the largest principality in the world.

But they were all denied.

Finally, Victor said: "The Ming Dynasty is known as the Empire on which the sun never sets, so naturally we can't be worse than the Ming Dynasty. Otherwise, we should be called the Empire on which the sun never sets?"

"Why is it so hard to read?"

"I don't think it's very good. It's better to call it the Invincible Grand Duchy!"

Charles II glanced at Victor helplessly and said, "Vote. Raise your left hand if you choose to be invincible, or raise your right hand if you choose to be invincible."

In the end, Invincible gained the upper hand.

Charles II didn’t want to complain about this name.

But there is no way, everyone elects, "Then let's call it the Invincible Grand Duchy. From now on, I am the first Grand Duchy Chairman. Victor is elected as the first Grand Duchy Principal Director."

Now let’s start the election of two vice-directors.”

This is another war of words.

The entire roundtable meeting lasted two days before it ended.

However, everything that needs to be finalized is basically finalized.

First of all, countries are not allowed to transport people externally and internal strife is not allowed.

Each country sent troops ranging from a few hundred to dozens, and each country selected a place to serve as the meeting place of the Grand Duchy, with each country paying for its maintenance.

Then they targeted Tianxiang Prefecture and sent troops to arrest the people of Tianxiang Prefecture to enrich the internal population.

What followed was the establishment of the Grand Duchy's diplomacy. In the future, important visits to the Ming Dynasty would have to go through the Grand Duchy's diplomacy, otherwise they would be held accountable. After the establishment of the Invincible Grand Duchy, the entire Western Region was shaken.

Qin Mo also received the news immediately.

Looking at the information sent by the people below, Qin Mo couldn't help but laugh, "It's interesting. This King of Gaolan and King Daweilia are quite smart. It's a pity that he was born at the wrong time."

Li Yongmeng also said: "That's good, it will save us the trouble of fighting them one by one. When the time comes, it will be served in one pot!"

But brother, these people are planning to arrest people from Tianxiang Prefecture, won’t they stop them? "

"Why stop it?" Qin Mo said: "The most important thing in Tianxiang State is voluntariness, not people. The Ming Dynasty has no shortage of people now, so it would be better if they were captured together. In the future, more territory can be given to immigrants.

Of course, after so many years, it would be false to say that they have no feelings, but this is the price they have to bear. "

"Yongqiang, I would say that you are a soft-hearted person. People who are not of my race will have different hearts. Have you ever heard of this?" Dou Yiai lay in the rocking chair, crossed his legs, and curled his lips and said: "These people just can't be fed. Familiar wolf cubs, why do you feel sorry for them?"

"You don't fucking care about anything. You only know how to take concubines every day. Of course you don't feel bad. This is what I have spent decades of hard work on. How can you not feel uncomfortable if it is ruined?" Li Yong fiercely cursed.

"Don't feel bad, I will give you a better Tianxiang State when the time comes." Qin Mo said.

Li Yongmeng drank tea depressedly, "Brother, can you let me be the head coach when we play in the Western Region League?"

"Okay." Qin Mo nodded, "But not now. We have to let them clear out Tianxiang State and let them develop. We have to find an opportunity to conquer them from the beginning."

"I understand."

On the other side, Xijing also received the news.

"Western Region Alliance? The Invincible Grand Duchy, you don't take the Ming Dynasty seriously." Tianxin couldn't help laughing when he saw the information, "The Ming Dynasty won't talk about being invincible, but they are better, they are directly invincible. !”

The cabinet elders took turns to read the information and couldn't help laughing.

"The Western Region Alliance is nothing to mention!"

"In front of the Ming Dynasty, which one is undefeated?"

"Your Majesty, what will happen to the world if this happens? The Invincible Grand Duchy has announced that all foreign affairs in the future will go through their Foreign Affairs Department. Then won't our world association become a decoration?" said a pavilion elder.

Tianxin said calmly: "Just ask them. If there are only two countries in the world, then there is no need for another country to exist besides the great people."

"These people are arrogant and dare to claim to be invincible. They must be condemned!"

"Your Majesty, first condemn them. If they don't bow their heads, then give them some means to see."

"I don't think they will bow their heads easily this time." Tianxin said: "Since they have the guts to establish a Grand Duchy, I don't know if the Ming Dynasty will, but they don't take us in their eyes.

Moreover, maybe they have something to rely on behind them.

The Sun Sect attacked my father in Tianxiang Prefecture, and although they killed seven or eight thousand people, who dares to say that there is no Sun Sect in the Western Region?

Who dares to say that the Sun Sect is only in the Western Regions and not in the Central Plains?
Who said that these people from the Sun Sect are not from the Central Plains?
Or is it a big shot? "

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden silence in the cabinet.

Tianxin smiled and said, "Okay, don't think too much, I'm just giving an example. We must not take it lightly. Even if Ming Dynasty is now invincible, we cannot relax until we don't know who the enemy is.

I don't want to see such a thing as a boat capsizing in the gutter! "

Everyone in the cabinet also raised their hands and said, "Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Go down and make arrangements. First, denounce the Grand Duchy and ask them what they mean. If they don't give an explanation, then give them a slap on the wrist.

Pull the fighter plane out and fly above their heads, let them see the pride of Ming Dynasty! "

(End of this chapter)

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