big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2028 The wisdom of people from the Western Regions

Chapter 2028 The wisdom of people from the Western Regions
Of course, the Invincible Grand Duchy is not making much publicity now, because Charles II is still considering the risks.

So, just some information revealed.

Of course, he knew very well that there was a traitor within the alliance.

But it doesn't matter, the news should reach Ming Dynasty smoothly.

This is just the right time to see what Daming's reaction is.

The Ming Emperor was still in the Western Regions.

Judging from the low map, the Ming Dynasty has completely surrounded the Western Region Alliance.

They have the sea behind them and are surrounded by enemies on three sides.

However, on the sea side, no one knows whether there are submarines in the water.

So we can't take it lightly, after all, they don't have radar.

On the other side of the strait is Ming's overseas military base in the South.

Moreover, there is the Ming Dynasty's navy in the North Sea, which is extremely dangerous.

Therefore, if you have to choose an enemy to fight against, the best choice is the Three States of Ross!

Rus has a small population, a vast territory and abundant resources, and a short history of establishment. It is not as developed as any country in the Western Region.

So they have the highest probability of beating Rose.

Of course, Ming reacted very quickly, and what they wanted was not to win all the time.

As long as they capture soldiers from the three Rus states of the Ming Dynasty, they will have the capital to negotiate with the Ming Dynasty.

Even if they have fighter jets, so what?
Is it possible that it can still fall on one's own head?
Ming Dynasty was indeed very arrogant, but he was very kind to his own people.

Therefore, they can buy more time to develop the Western Region Alliance.

For so many years, both Charles II and Victor were trying their best to make weapons.

Although they couldn't compare to Ming Dynasty, they were not completely without progress.

As long as they are given time, they will definitely be able to catch up with Ming Dynasty. At that time, they will not be afraid of Ming Dynasty, whether from the front or the side.

Victor did not leave Gaolan Country immediately.

To be honest, he admired Charles II very much. When the entire Western Region fell into madness, only Gaolan Kingdom was calm.

Whether it is with Da Qian or Da Ming, they are both inseparable.

He ascended the throne as a teenager and knew clearly how Da Qian lost to Ming Dynasty.

I know better what Ming’s ambition is.

"Are you scared, Charlie?" The tall quilt in Victor's hand, the scarlet wine glowing in the sun.

"Be afraid." Charles II said truthfully: "Facing the huge enemy of the Ming Dynasty, shouldn't we be afraid? But even if we are afraid, we must give it a try.

There is a saying in the Ming Dynasty that is called boiling frogs in warm water. I like it very much. If we don't resist now, then we will be frogs taking a bath in the pot. "

Victor raised his glass, "My brother, I like your honesty!"

Charles II smiled lightly, "The Ming Dynasty is probably thinking about how to deter us now. It is best for us to surrender first, and then attack Ross with lightning speed.

Ross is the closest to us. As long as we proceed secretly and capture one of the states, as long as we capture their people, it will be equivalent to taking the initiative.

Moreover, it will take time for Daming to react. I calculated that it will take three days at the fastest for their people to arrive here.

And in three days, as long as we win one of the states, we can win.

Blitzkrieg is our best strategy.

I have been reading books written by Qin Mo over the years.

He succeeded every time, using roundabout tactics.

The so-called roundabout tactics are to continuously penetrate deep into the enemy's rear.

Surround the spot for reinforcements.

It's really awesome. Although these are clichés, why is it that only Qin Mo uses them well?

Because he is not afraid of death.

So he wins.

First, he led Daqian to establish the invincible Ming Dynasty, and then established the Ming Dynasty overseas. With miraculous speed, he established the invincible Ming Dynasty.

Use one invincible to defeat another invincible.

Therefore, we can also imitate Qin Mo and imitate Ming Dynasty.

Over the years, our country, Gaolan, has made certain breakthroughs in the research of weapons, and the entire army has updated its equipment.

Only through constant in-depth research and constant updating of equipment can we truly have the right to speak in this world.

Victor, I know that your research and development of Dawelia weapons has reached a very advanced level. Otherwise, you would never cooperate with me.

Am I right, bro? "

Charles II was lifted up and smiled faintly.

Victor clapped his hands, "Charlie, I have to say, you are really smart, and everyone knows that you are a wise man.

But Ming Dynasty is hypocritical. While he wants to dominate the world, he also wants to find a legitimate excuse.

The Sun God Cult is just our temptation.

As far as I know, the internal supporter of this Sun God Religion is a certain big shot in the Ming Dynasty.

I even wonder if this is the operation of the Ming Dynasty's own people, just to achieve what they call the world's great unity.

Sometimes I think that Ming’s hypocrisy is definitely the most stinking thing in the world.

Poor Wudu, stupid and arrogant, how dare he kill Qin Mo?
That's a man like a devil.

However, your strategy is very good and is similar to what I thought.

Whether it is the Black Sea, the Nanguo base, the sky, or the states such as Nanfan, the strength is very strong.

The Western Region Alliance has hundreds of thousands of troops, but their strength varies.

It's actually very difficult to exert your strength.

Moreover, you also understand that many of these people have been bribed by Ming Dynasty.

For them, being a dog of Ming Dynasty is more important than independence.

What they want is glory and wealth. "

"You are right, this is what I am worried about." Charles II took a sip of wine and said lightly: "Then let's see what Ming's reaction is first. Then, we will sneak attack on Ross. As long as we capture the prisoners, we will Won.

Strive for ten or even twenty years to develop. "

"Cheers!" Victor clinked his glass with him and laughed.

Soon, someone came to report that they were from the Ming Honglu Pavilion.

"Look, if you talk about Ming Dynasty, Ming Dynasty will arrive." Charles II smiled and said, "Invite the people of Ming Dynasty in."

The official of Honglu Temple stationed in Gaolan Kingdom is called Cai Kun. He has been stationed here for ten years. If nothing happens, he will return to Tokyo this year. He should be promoted and become a senior official of Honglu Temple.

However, the emergence of the Western Region Alliance made his way home difficult.

However, he did not make a sound immediately. Instead, he sent the news back to the two capitals and waited for instructions.

He knew very well that there must be a battle between the Ming Dynasty and the Western Region Alliance.

This will speed up the pace of Datong under the Great Tomorrow.

And this might be his chance.

This time, he doesn’t want to go through qualifications and wants to strive for a future for himself. When the time comes, he might be able to serve as the third or even second-in-command of Honglu Temple!
Of course, he didn't dare think about it, but as long as his qualifications improved, the future might be his!

(End of this chapter)

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