big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2030 Not interested

Chapter 2030 Not interested
"Then what should we do?" Charles II looked at Victor, suddenly feeling anxious, "How about we also hold a military parade?
To frighten Ming Dynasty? "

"All our military strength combined is not as good as that of the Ming Dynasty. How can we be intimidated?" Victor sighed, "A few years ago, I went to Xijing to watch the military parade. At that time, the Ming Dynasty's military equipment was probably five times ahead of ours. More than ten years.

So after I came back, I tried every means to build an army according to the Ming Dynasty's methods.

But many things are not useful just because you think about it. The industrial foundation of Davilia is too weak, and the Ming Dynasty has strict control over the Western Region to the extreme.

Even if we have developed a flintlock gun, it is still not enough to face their fully automatic rifle.

You fire one round of bullets, and they've all fired a bunch of bullets.

And you also know that these flintlock guns were dumped to us by the Ming Dynasty.

After so many years, many countries are still using firearms that were eliminated by the Ming Dynasty.

Including the armors that are no longer used in the Ming Dynasty, they were all eliminated during the Ming Dynasty.

In fact, it was the equipment before Daqian's innovation.

It's twenty or thirty years old, and it's even better than what we make.

Therefore, Dongfang is truly blessed with great strength and is well taken care of by God. "

When Victor talked about this, his tone was full of envy.

Charles II frowned, "Although Ming Dynasty is very strong, there is no need to be so afraid. As long as our firearms can kill the opponent, this battle can be fought.

I would rather subjugate the country and be hanged than be Ming's lackey. "

"Perhaps Daming wants us to take action?" Victor took out a Qin cigarette. He has smoked it for more than ten years. At first, he just smoked it for fun to follow the trend, but now, he wants two packs a day, and he values ​​cigarettes. Even more than women, "Look at those areas of Yuezhi, after being attacked by Daqian and Ming Dynasty in turn, the people were very docile and did not dare to offer any resistance at all.

Killing is both cleansing and reshaping. The people of Ming Dynasty are willing to give up Tianxiang Prefecture, which they have experienced for many years, so the Western Region is not important in their eyes. "

Victor exhaled a breath of smoke and said: "We can't take ourselves too seriously. Of course, whether it's burning the boat or..."

Charles II slammed the table, "Please bear with it for a while, the time is not right. Going to war at this time means facing 300,000 Ming troops.

We have a geographical advantage, but the opponent has fighters, artillery and tanks. This is a gap that cannot be filled by numbers, so we must bear with it for now.

Wait until this military exercise is over, wait for Dingzhou's troops to turn back, and then we will sneak attack from behind. how do you feel? "

Victor thought about it and said with a smile: "This plan is very bold and very good. I like it!"

"You and I are both the same people. We are unwilling to be ordinary. So what about the Ming Dynasty. If you want my country, be prepared to bleed!" Charles II smiled faintly. There was no fear in his eyes, but there was a trace of excitement.

At six o'clock in the evening, Cai Kun came to the Gaolan Palace in formal attire.

Charles II even welcomed Cai Kun ceremoniously.

Next to him was his wife and his unmarried sister Princess Isabel.

The princess is twenty, with a tall figure and an off-shoulder V-shaped dress that extends all the way to her navel.

"Messenger Cai, thank you for coming to the palace." Charles II stepped forward with a smile.

Following closely, the lords of Gao Languo also took off their hats and paid tribute to Cai Kun.

Cai Kun smiled. He didn't think that Tian was the boss and I was the second child. Instead, he was very humble. Accompanied by soft music, Princess Isabel invited Cai Kun to dance, "Envoy Cai, can you teach me the dance of the Ming Dynasty?"

Cai Kun was all right, but he wanted to see what Charles II wanted to do.

Holding Isabel's slender waist, the woman boldly hugged Cai Kun. Her hot red lips breathed into Cai Kun's ear, "Envoy Cai, don't leave tonight. Go to my palace. I Ming Dynasty is really curious. Can you tell me about Ming Dynasty’s customs?”

"Princess Isabel, I have a wife." Cai Kun said.

"So what? Doesn't the Ming Dynasty allow polygamy? It's the same in Gaolan. I can serve you with your wife." Isabel said: "I have always wanted to marry a Ming Dynasty man. Can you satisfy my wish? ?"

"Is this what you mean, or what King Charlie means?" Cai Kun narrowed his eyes. To be honest, what woman has he not seen in all these years in the Western Regions?

Let alone the princess, even the queen has not tasted it.

Of course, these are secrets that cannot be told.

"Of course that's what I mean." Isabel said: "I know you are going back to China this year. I want to go back to Daming with you to enjoy the blessings. I heard that ordinary counties in Daming are more prosperous than the capital of our Gaolan Kingdom. is that true?"

“Not all cities have rich areas and poor areas, but in terms of infrastructure, it is invincible.

Even in villages and towns, the sanitary environment is better than that in your Gaolan capital city. "Cai Kun said truthfully.

People here defecate casually on the streets. After Gauguin shoes were introduced to the Western Regions, both men and women found them as treasures.

Because of this, you can avoid stepping on smelly things.

And the reason why these women wear big skirts is to facilitate covering up.

Etiquette, justice and integrity are extremely weak in the Western Regions.

Just like this Princess Isabel, it is said that when she was fourteen or fifteen years old, she had several male pets and did not go out for three days and three nights.

Moreover, I heard that she had an illegitimate child. Cai Kun had no interest in such a bastard.

"Really?" Isabel looked longingly.

"That can still be false." Cai Kun smiled, and then answered a few more questions. After the dance, Cai Kun found Charles II and said, "King Charles, it's time to give me an answer."

"Envoy Cai, we are willing to conduct joint military exercises with Ming Dynasty, but I also have a request."

"you say!"

"I want to betroth my sister to you." Charles II said with a smile.

"Honglu Temple has an order that those who are on diplomatic missions cannot marry into other countries, so I can't agree to this." Cai Kun is really not talking nonsense. Officials stationed overseas cannot marry in order to prevent betrayal.

Some things happened in Honglu Temple before. Some people relied on themselves as envoys of the Ming Dynasty and then stationed in the country to stir up trouble. Not to mention the princess, the queen was regarded as a singer in the brothel. They even made the queen's belly bigger and gave birth to a child. child.

In order to prevent others from knowing, he finally leaked some secrets. When the court found out, he and his family were confiscated.

Sooner or later, the Western Regions will belong to the Ming Dynasty, so Cai Kun is not interested in Charles II's request at all!

(End of this chapter)

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