big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2031 Family Letter

Chapter 2031 Family Letter
Charles II said: "Don't Ming people often say that rules are dead and people are alive? I am just a sister, and I want her to marry a good family. Isn't it possible that Ambassador Cai is not willing to satisfy this wish?"

Cai Kun said: "I am me, and the country is a country. We cannot mix them up. Moreover, I have a wife. Thank you King Charlie for his kindness.

If King Charles refuses this military exercise, then I will report it truthfully. Thank you to the King for taking care of me over the years. I wish you good luck! "

Cai Kun cupped his hands, then turned and left.

Charles II's face darkened. Cai Kun's toughness was beyond his imagination. This also proved that Ming Dynasty was well prepared this time and it was definitely not something that could be done easily.

Therefore, it is necessary for me to be patient this time.

"Envoy Cai, walk slowly." Charles II hurriedly stepped forward, "I didn't say no, it was just a personal wish. Since Ambassador Cai is not willing to be the son-in-law of the Gaolan Kingdom, we can only say that our Gaolan Kingdom does not have this blessing. This military exercise We still have to participate.

However, I would like to ask, how many people from Gaolan Kingdom will be dispatched for this military exercise? "

Cai Kun smiled faintly and said, "I am too impatient. The military exercise is actually very simple. Gaolan State can send out as many people as they want, even if it involves all the troops of one country."

Charles II’s pupils shrank, was Ming Dynasty so confident?
So arrogant?
He took a deep breath and said, "I know what I know, but it's getting late. How about taking a rest in the palace tonight?"

"No, Honglu Hall has rules. No matter how late it is, we have to go back. If someone reports me, I won't be able to return home safely." Cai Kun made a joke and left immediately.

As soon as he left, others also left one after another.

Charles II left a few close ministers behind, and then sent the others away, saying: "The plan has changed. The raid must be slowed down. The Ming Dynasty is carrying out a military exercise of 300,000 troops. It must not be done to the Ming Dynasty at this time." A little excuse to fight.

Once the other party finds an excuse, Gao Lan is in danger! "

"Your Majesty, why don't you arrest Cai Kun? The hundreds of people in the Hongluguan can also be taken as prisoners."

"Stupid, catching these people will only completely anger Ming. If we win Dingzhou, we can not only deter Ming, but also have more prisoners and more negotiation capital. Do you understand?" Charlie II Shi was a little angry, "I still said the same thing, keep your mouth shut. If I hear the slightest bit of news, you will be dead."

Several people nodded, "Yes, His Majesty the King!"

On the other side, armies from several states were also gathering for a military exercise involving 300,000 troops. This was the largest deployment of troops in the history of the Ming Dynasty.

"Brother, I'm leaving then." Li Yongmeng said.

"Go ahead, don't embarrass me. Today's young people are very powerful." Qin Mo said.

The military exercise was not for deterrence, but also for a better review of the Ming Dynasty's army.

There are also differences in military strength between states.

Qin Mo hopes that Ming Dynasty can ensure the combat effectiveness of the army no matter what time.

In peacetime, if there is no combat, combat effectiveness is ensured through various training and exercises.

After the Western Region is pacified and the world is at peace in the past two years, there may not be another war for many years.

The prosperous age is precisely the time when the military's combat effectiveness is most tested.

The Tang Dynasty destroyed itself, while the Song Dynasty sought death by itself.

Ming Dynasty must not repeat the same mistakes.

Dou Yiai also hugged Li Yongmeng and said, "Don't embarrass me. If I hadn't been reluctant to let go of my eldest brother, I would have participated in the military exercise this time no matter what."

"I think you can't let go of women!" Li Yongmeng snorted coldly, pushed Dou Yiai away in disgust, and then said to Qin Mo, "Brother, farewell!" "Bon voyage!" Qin Mo waved his hand and watched Li Leave bravely.

As an old brother, he really needed to vent his inner anger, so it was just a good time for him to vent his anger during the military exercise.

"Brother, I recently found another interesting place, why don't we go and have a look?" Dou Yiai said mysteriously.

"Not interested." Qin Mo waved his hand, turned around and left. Wu Xian found out that he was pregnant a few days ago, and Bai Yu was also pregnant yesterday. The two sisters were pregnant, and Qin Mo was not in the mood to go out.

Now that I have a son, I value it more than before.

"No, I heard that there is a new singing studio opened in the city, and it is filled with aristocrats from the Celestial and Elephant Brahmins. They are so beautiful." Dou Yiai was anxious, "Please, come with me to have a look." !”

"Are you here fleeing from Tianxiang Prefecture?"

"Yes, I heard that the boss behind it is a big businessman from Silla Prefecture. This man was once the lowest slave, and now all the servants in his house are Brahmins." Dou Yiai said.

"Not interested." Qin Mo shook his head. Brahmin aristocratic women were just like that. They were tired of playing and there was nothing new. "You have to go alone. Roses are so beautiful. Are they not more beautiful than those Brahmin aristocratic women?"
Also, I want to correct you, there are no Brahmins here, let alone nobility, everyone is the same. "

After saying that, Qin Mo whistled and left.

Dou Yiai sighed, "Hey, forget it, don't go if you don't want to go. My eldest brother has already won two awards in a row. I work so hard every day, and Rose's belly hasn't moved yet. I may have left my eldest brother too far behind!"

When Qin Mo returned to the courtyard, the two sisters Bai Yu Wuxia hurriedly greeted him.

Now Qin Mo no longer allows them to follow him all the time.

"Your Majesty, there is a letter from Tokyo. It is from the Queen Mother." Bai Yu handed over the letter.

Qin Mo took it and didn't read it immediately. Instead, he pulled the two women to sit in the pavilion aside, and then opened the letter and started reading.

The letter was handwritten, not a telegram.

The first sentence at the beginning is: The telegram seemed not to be taken seriously enough, and at the request of all the sisters, I was specifically asked to write it.

Qimei asks you, is it fun to go to the Western Regions? Have you forgotten about her, a wretched wife?

Sixth sister asked me to ask you, have you forgotten that there is someone in your family who is thinking about you?
Sitian asked me to tell you that everything is fine with her, she just misses you so much.

Xiaoxue said that if you don’t come back, she will almost forget what you look like.

Sister Xiao said that if you don't come back, she will go directly to find you.

Senior Sister has already left early. You also know her temperament. She is always decisive and we can't stop her.

Xiao Gao was also walking with her. She said she was going crazy thinking about you, so she went to find you with her senior sister.

Jingya also left, and that girl was also a bold master.

Xiaojiu said that she couldn't sleep because she missed her brother-in-law. How cruel are you to leave an orphan and a widowed mother alone?

Qin Mo looked at the content of the letter and smiled bitterly, "Hey, we're in trouble now, senior sister is here to kill us!"

(End of this chapter)

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