big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2035 No more fun!

Chapter 2035 No more fun!
Defending against thieves for a thousand days is naturally not as good as being a thief for a thousand days.

Qin Mo never liked being led by others.

He learned this trick from Gangzi.

Although it is slow, the effect is very good. Doesn't this wipe out all the people in Wudu?

The entire Western Region was included.

"Don't be impatient, it's not the time yet, the Western Region Military Exercise is about to start, but those people are very forbearing and it's not time to close the net yet.

You have to wait a little longer until they can't stand it anymore and get out on their own. Then you can close the net.

This time, I won't lose my tail. Qin Mo said: "In my life, I have fought all the wars of several generations and completed all the things that generations have to do. In this way, my descendants will not have to fall into an endless cycle. They will only The world needs to be repaired.

If one day, the world falls apart again, it doesn't matter, we are all our own people, and if our flesh rots in the pot, we are still our own people.

do you think so? "

Qin Mo picked up Fang Shu and held her chin, "Thank you for your hard work. You have been acting with those people these days."

"Then how do you reward me?" Fang Chuan exhaled like a blue breath.

"Of course it's a reward for your hard work!" Qin Mo carried her on his shoulders, then waved his hand to pick up Gao Yao, and then strode towards the inner room with lightning speed.

Not long after, the sound of crying came from the room.

After an unknown amount of time, Qin Mo looked at Fang Shu and Gao Yao, who were as docile as kittens, and felt very proud, "Next time you talk to me, speak lower!"

Fang Shuan rolled her eyes at him, "You're dead!"

In the blink of an eye, Fang Chun arrived in Silla Prefecture for three days, and an army of 300,000 troops had already arrived at the border of the Western Region and began to gather.

The kings of various countries became nervous.

Facing the heavily armed Ming army, there is no one who is not afraid.

No one is not afraid of the tall warships, the chariots and main battle tanks, and the torrent made of steel.

In particular, they all hold the latest steel gun in their hands. This gun is called Yongle.


They also have a super powerful shotgun, which is suitable for taking in money. Even gods can't save you from being sprayed.

Wearing special helmets, combat teams can communicate across great distances.

This kind of advanced equipment is beyond their reach.

And these 300,000 troops actually have one manpower.

They also don’t think about how much the court invests in military expenditures every year.

Moreover, there are too many resources available to the Ming Dynasty. When all the resources are gathered in one country, the equipment that can be mass-produced becomes sparse and common.

Even the weapons and ammunition produced by the Ming Dynasty in one year were enough to support an army of one million people for five years.

These soldiers are all fed with real guns and live ammunition, and each one of them is an elite.

In the second round of reform, the Ming Dynasty's army carried out the third streamlining.

The number of people has been reduced from more than 2.5 million to 2 million.

And these eliminated soldiers began to change careers, either to the Security Agency or to other departments.

The army is maintained at a healthy number to intimidate the enemy.

But the number of people in the Security Service will continue to rise in the future.

Now arresting and detecting thieves has been separated.

Of course, these are all digressions. The soldiers from the Western Regions looked at the fully armed Ming warriors, and they all laughed.

Can the firecrackers in their hands really penetrate their body armor?
As the coach of this military exercise, Li Yongmeng delivered a speech at the venue.

"This time, it is a real exercise to wipe out the remnants of the Sun Sect. At present, we have obtained some clues about the remnants of the Sun Sect.

All clues will now be distributed to each team.

The one with the fewest casualties and the biggest gains will be ranked first in this military exercise. Everyone is trying their best to convince me not to lose the face of Ming Dynasty. Do you hear me clearly? "

"Listen clearly!" everyone shouted in unison.

The shocking momentum overshadowed the soldiers from the Western Regions. Next to these Ming soldiers, they were more than a little shorter.

"Okay, then I announce that this time, the drill will begin, and the team will be divided into forty people and enter the countries in the Western Region.

The drill lasts for seven days, and the results will be reported within seven days! "

After Li Yongmeng finished speaking, the 300,000-strong army began to move.

Anyone who sees that scene will be afraid.

The Ming Dynasty's army was so strong that no one could resist at all.

The cavalry, once regarded as the pride of Gaolan Kingdom, was not worth mentioning in front of the steel spear.

The four tires of the chariot rolled, throwing the war horse far away.

The fighter plane passed by in the sky, picking up the airflow on the ground, and almost rolled people over.

What makes these kings a little desperate is that this time there are not only fighter planes, but also helicopters like dragonflies.

They had only seen this kind of helicopter in newspapers, but this was the first time they actually saw it.

This aircraft can take off without a runway and can go straight up and down. Even if it enters an urban area, it can still observe the ground very well.

The plane is equipped with machine guns that can fire thousands of rounds in an instant.

They have the strongest army, the strongest air force, and the strongest navy. They are simply too strong.

Charles II's palms were sweaty.

Unless they see it with their own eyes, they will never know the true strength of Ming Dynasty.

"This is already your twentieth glass of water. Are you so thirsty?"

"The weather is so hot, I'm sweating a lot!" Victor forced a smile.

"Is it hot? It's already winter in the Western Regions." Charles II said in a funny tone.

"Maybe!" Victor asked back, "Aren't you hot? I see that you have wiped the sweat dozens of times. If you continue to wipe it, your forehead will be scratched."

Charles II looked at the sweat towel with faint blood stains and smiled awkwardly, "Your soldiers in Dawelia are very brave!"

"You, Gao Lan, are not bad either!"

The two started complimenting each other for no apparent reason.

The other kings were silent.

They have realized the gap between themselves and Daming.

This huge gap cannot be made up by the number of people.

"I quit the Western Region Alliance!"

"I also want to withdraw from the Western Region Alliance. The Ming people are too scary and they are simply not something we can defeat."

"I'm sorry, King Charlie, I, the Dark Horse Kingdom, are quitting!"

"We, the White Dragon Kingdom, are also quitting!"

One king after another stood up. They thought that Charles II and Victor were simply madmen trying to kill an egg with an egg.

The Ming Dynasty's army was divided into forty divisions, with an average of nearly 8,000 people per country.

Not to mention eight thousand steel guns, there are also various auxiliary weapons, fighter planes, tanks, machine guns and other supplies.

What do they use to fight?
Take their blunderbuss?

Or take dozens of times as many lives as theirs?
So, they decided.

No more fun!
(End of this chapter)

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