big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2036 Zhang Dapao!

Chapter 2036 Zhang Dapao!
When Charles II looked at the defecting kings, he was trembling with anger. "The Ming Dynasty is right, they are just a loser. They fall on both sides. If they withdraw now, the Western Region will have no chance at all."

Victor took a deep breath, "What should we do now?"

Charles II forced himself to calm down, "What can I do? Take it one step at a time."

Victor said: "I think this is a good opportunity. They dispersed 300,000 troops into our country. Although they have well-equipped weapons and equipment, I have the advantage on our territory.

If we can defeat one of the corps, we may be able to take the opportunity to negotiate with the Ming Dynasty to establish a neutral country and a country that the Ming Dynasty will never conquer. "

"What about the others?" Charles II did not expect Victor to be so crazy. "Even if the two of us win, it will be difficult to avoid being isolated by then."

"So what? Can't we grow food ourselves or catch fish?" Victor said, "If you don't dare, just pretend I didn't say anything today."

"Of course I dare." Charles II took a deep breath and said, "Join forces, capture the two corps, and negotiate with the Ming Dynasty. By then, the two countries will cooperate in depth and cooperate with the outside world."


Victor nodded. The reason why Great Vilia and Gaolan are strong is because both countries are close to the sea and have extremely developed maritime trade.

At the same time, in the easternmost part of the Western Region, it is the farthest from the Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, even if they are blocked by Ming Dynasty, it doesn't matter, they can be self-sufficient.

They know very well that if they don't stand up and resist, they will also be swallowed up.

By standing up and resisting, you can also buy yourself more time to develop.

After the group left, Victor and Charles II rushed back to their own country as soon as possible and began to mobilize their troops and prepare for war.

And the other side is in the southernmost part of Xijing.

In the tropical rainforest, the annihilated indigenous rebels resurrected inexplicably.

And this time, they went deep into the rain forest again.

Many of the officials who were sent here to hone their skills were plundered.

The news reached Xijing, which made Tianxin furious. He came to the cabinet and said, "If I remember correctly, all the indigenous rebels in New South Road have been killed. How can they resurrect?

They took away hundreds of officials who went there to help.

This is provoking Daming, and this matter must be investigated clearly! "

The Ming Dynasty was so big, with one country and one world, and the east and west capitals were very stable. However, the further away from the two capitals, the more strange things happened.

Over the years since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, there have actually been twenty or thirty uprisings in remote areas every year.

It stands to reason that the Ming Dynasty’s system can guarantee the interests of the people.

The father even initiated reforms and further enhanced the people's right to speak and supervise.

Don’t these people think it’s enough?
"Your Majesty, in fact, most of these uprisings are the work of some ambitious people who rely on the fact that the sky is high and the emperor is far away.

In the spring of this year, in a remote town in New South Island with a population of less than a thousand people, the local mayor secretly claimed the throne. Although he was still the mayor on the surface, he lived an extremely extravagant life in private. Hundreds of civil and military officials were established.

The entire town fell into a semi-closed state. It was not until the officials appointed by the mayor oppressed the people too much and someone escaped from inside that the matter was exposed.

And that town has been bullied by that villain for six years! Zhang Ge, who had just been transferred from Tokyo to the Xijing Pavilion Department, said: "So I thought that any uprising must be in a remote and ignorant place."

The purpose of the emperor's reform was to rescue the people from ignorance.

It’s not just about tempering officials.

Moreover, the territory of the Ming Dynasty was too vast, and there were too few available people.

The country's population is only over 20 million. Looking at the country, it is also vast and sparsely populated.

The imperial court has more than two million soldiers and generals, which may seem like a lot, but in fact it is not enough.

Therefore, I believe that the number of troops should be increased to three million. The policy of elite troops is correct, but it is not in line with the current national conditions.

In addition, the Security Bureau should be greatly expanded to ensure local security to the greatest extent and to prevent such things from happening.

Secondly, the great unity of the world is the core national policy of the Ming Dynasty, but I believe that the Qin people should be the core foundation. "

Tianxin frowned, "It's easy to raise three million soldiers, but management is the most difficult. It's like the original indigenous soldiers. My father trusted them very much, but they turned around and betrayed."

"Betrayal is because people who are not from our race must have different hearts. Some people are born with white-eyed wolves and cannot be raised well." Zhang Ge said: "Tianxiang Prefecture is the best example. Strong medicine must be used. In fact, the two capitals' native Assimilation is very successful, but beyond this limit power is greatly weakened.

That's why the Supreme Emperor divided the world into state capitals and ruled them with state kings.

This is actually a supplement.

However, I believe that this supplement is not enough and should be more detailed.

The world should be divided into seventy-two state capitals, or even one hundred and eight state capitals. The more detailed the division, the easier it will be to manage.

And the competition is getting bigger.

Prosperity for all is one of the core national policies, but I believe that we have not yet reached the point where everyone can enjoy common prosperity.

It will take at least another fifteen to twenty years. At that time, the slogan of common prosperity for everyone will be more convincing. "

Everyone present took a breath, this Ge Lao was really fierce.

After attacking the Supreme Emperor's several strategies in succession, no wonder people call him Zhang Dapao, and it's true.

But what people say is reasonable and well-founded, and they are not just random comments.

Tianxin thought for a while and said, "Then based on what you see, what should we do about the situation on Xinnan Road?"

"Didn't the Supreme Emperor teach it already?" Mr. Zhang Ge said with a smile: "Abandon it first, then destroy it and reshape the New South Road."

Everyone exclaimed again.

"Too radical!"

"I object!"

"Yes, there are many Qin people in Xinnan Road. We have worked hard for so many years. If we give up, it will mean incalculable losses!"

"If you don't destroy, you won't establish. If you destroy, you will establish. We, the Ming Dynasty, went all the way south, and they were naturally conflicted.

The most important thing is that many major events have happened during the fusion of hundreds of races. You must be aware of these events.

I won’t go into too much detail.

This kind of problem exists, and forced fusion is fatal.

And it will continue.

I think back then, the First Emperor ushered in the era of great unification.

It took hundreds of years for later generations to agree with this statement.

Otherwise, there would be no need for countries to fight each other in the past.

Daming’s problem is still the same as before.

The emperor was merciful and gave them a good life.

Since they are ignorant, take back all the gifts! "

(End of this chapter)

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