big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2037 Good News

Chapter 2037 Good News

Everyone was silent again.

Mr. Zhang Ge said to Tian Xin again: "Your Majesty, the territory of Xinnan Road is not small, but the population is sparse, and it is a backup resource road.

It would be better to destroy it and then fill it with immigrants. Then we can completely follow the strategy of Xijing in the early stage.

In less than ten years, there will be only Qin people in Xinnan.

Of course, it would be difficult for the Qin people to gain absolute suppression in a short period of time.

But just like playing backgammon, you can play regardless of each other.

In this way, it will definitely be suppressed.

As time went by, those problems became self-evident. "

"Let me think about it carefully." Tianxin sat above, and Mr. Zhang Ge did not urge him. Instead, he picked up the teacup and drank it silently.

Other elders and consultants also held their breaths and pondered the feasibility of this plan.

Because whether it is increasing troops or increasing the manpower of the Public Security Department, it actually increases the expenditure of the court.

Whether it is increasing troops or increasing the manpower of the Public Security Department, he has a process.

There are only so many public offices released every year, and filling them all at once will put a lot of pressure on the finances.

Although the two capitals are rich and wealthy, this is not necessarily the case for those remote state capitals.

But the seventy-two states and one hundred and eight states mentioned by Zhang Dapao were actually mentioned by Qin Mo.

Earlier, Qin Mo said that the twelve states in the world are just a transition of the integration of hundreds of races.

By the second stage, the twelve states may become thirty-six states.

This is actually a process of re-decentralization.

Just like Nanfan, the grassland is sparsely populated.

A big city in the Central Plains has a larger population than them.

Then at this time, it is not appropriate to continue to use the twelve states.

Therefore, it is inevitable that the state capital will continue to be divided in the future.

After a while, Tian Xin said: "The subdivision of the state capital involves too many areas, I still need to inform my father and grandpa.

As for the increase in troops, we will not consider it for the time being. The Public Security Department is expanding its recruitment every year.

This is not a blind expansion, it must be within the scope that the court can bear.

As for the disposal of Xinnan Road, I have decided, Mr. Zhang Ge, you will be responsible for this matter, but I have a request. The Qin people who have moved from Xinnan Province must be compensated in place, and this matter must be resolved as soon as possible.

There are already military exercises in the Western Region, and everyone knows that the world is unified, so this matter cannot be delayed. "

Mr. Zhang Ge also said hurriedly: "I obey my orders!"

"As I said before, if there is an uprising below, it means that the court's work has not been done properly. I know that many people have gone to places to act arrogantly and dominate, but the court will never tolerate such things.

Trying to fool around with that is impossible.

It is also impossible to get promoted and make a fortune.

In the Ming Dynasty, high wages support integrity. Every mouthful of food you eat and every penny of salary you receive is supported by the taxes of the people.

If anyone dares to cheat on you, I can guarantee that he will regret coming to this world for the rest of his life. "

After saying that, Tianxin left the cabinet.

Back in the imperial study, Tian Xin had a headache.

The Ming Dynasty was so big that it was easy to conquer the world but difficult to govern it.

After resting for a while, he immediately sent a telegram to Qin Mo.

When Qin Mo received his son's telegram, he thought about it for a long time before finally replying.

In fact, this time he visited various places and discovered this problem. The twelve states in the Central Plains were simply not enough.

Local jurisdiction is not strong enough. So after much thought, we decided to expand the twelve states into thirty-six states and retain the king of the twelve states.

In other words, except for the kings of the twelve states, the others are governors, just like the Ming Dynasty.

These twelve states are treated as the twelve Zhili states.

The status of these big cities remains unchanged and they must continue to be built until the population of these big cities exceeds one million, five million, or even tens of millions.

As for New South Road.

There are tropical rainforests there. No one can tell how many indigenous peoples there are, and there are even cannibals.

It has not been thirty years since the founding of the Ming Dynasty.

Unlike the Central Plains, this land has been baptized by repeated rule for a thousand or two thousand years.

Unlike those barbaric lands, although there is fertile land, the people there are dumber and stupider.

This is not what Qin Mo is talking about. The Ming Dynasty has a brilliant culture, and the people there don't even understand the simplest arithmetic, and their brain development is horribly low.

It's a good strategy in the Central Plains, but not necessarily in New South.

They may even take it for granted.

Therefore, there were many uprisings in various parts of the Ming Dynasty every year, but 99% of them came from these places.

There would be no such thing in the Central Plains and Xijing. The common people could not afford food, housing, or medical care, so no one would pay attention to them in the uprising.

But people over there are different, they don’t have this concept in their minds.

After more than 20 years of teaching, many places only have one or two teachers.

The fundamental reason is still insufficient teaching staff.

A good teacher is very popular in the twelve states of the Central Plains and in each state capital of Xijing.

There are very few people who support teaching.

These are all things that have not been done properly.

Thinking of this, Qin Mo dialed Lao Qin's phone number.

Lao Qin and Qin Xiuying are now back from their trip and are in a good mood, "You also know that you have a father?"

As soon as the call was connected, Lao Qin glared at Qin Mo and cursed him.

The older the old man gets, the louder his temper becomes.

But there was no other way. Qin Mo could only hold back his laughter. Seeing that Lao Qin was agitated, he had to persuade him to scold him slower so as not to make himself angry.

Seeing Qin Mo's sincere attitude, Lao Qin said, "I'll tell you a good thing."

"What good thing?" Qin Mo asked curiously.

"Your sister, we have a date." Qin Xiangru said.

Qin Mo was stunned, "When did it happen?"

"I met her when I went out to relax in the past two months. The other person's surname is Shen. He is an ordinary person. He is just a man who lost his wife. He has a daughter of twelve or thirteen years old. He is a scholar. He has opened a bookstore by himself. He speaks in a polite manner. ,I do not like.

However, both of them really like it! "Old Qin said with some amusement.

"Where are you from?"

"A person from Suzhou and Hangzhou, he looks pretty good and looks like a human being. I asked about him and found out that this guy has a very good reputation. Although he lost his wife, he took good care of his father-in-law and mother-in-law and treated him as his own parents.

People around him said he was filial.

His private life is also very clean, and he has no dealings with those dirty women. "

Qin Mo smiled bitterly and said: "As long as the person is okay and my sister likes him, it doesn't matter what his identity is. The most important thing is that he is good to my sister!"

"Yeah, but they are still in contact now, and your aunt is staying in Suhang, saying she wants to test that guy's character!"

"Don't get involved in the junior's affairs. This time, let Shuangshuang make her own choice. She knows what is good or bad!" Qin Mo was also pleased. At least Qin Shuangshuang did not continue to be immersed in the past.

(End of this chapter)

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