big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2038 72 States

Chapter 2038 Seventy-two States
"That's my daughter, can I just ignore her?" Lao Qin said angrily.

"You are already old, so don't worry about it. Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, and they are no longer children." Qin Mo said: "Anyway, you are so disgusted and energetic, why don't you help me analyze Xinnan Road together? matter?"

"What happened to New South Road? Is there a rebellion?"

"If I don't say you are smart, the natives over there rebelled again and took away hundreds of officials who went to the grassroots level for training.

The cabinet department in Xijing discussed that they should abandon the New South Road, follow my example with Tianxiang Prefecture, make a big breakthrough, and then move the population from the two capitals to fill up the Southwest Road.

I think there are still a lot of Qin people in the two capitals of the Central Plains, and over the years of recuperation, the population has increased explosively.

Although there are still very few people in each state capital on average, at this stage, it seems that there is no better strategy than immigration.

Therefore, I think that in the future, 10 to 20 million Qin people will be moved to various places through immigration.

There is currently no outstanding city in New South Island, so I want to build a New South City that can accommodate a population of one million. There will definitely be many opportunities there.

But supporting facilities cannot be missing.

I have estimated the cost, which is about 100 to 300 million yuan.

In the future, it is estimated that tens of billions of money will be invested in immigration.

what do you think? "

"I've told you a long time ago that you should stop being so stubborn and just cut him off with one knife. There must be some kind of grand fusion.

People who are not from my race must have different minds, don’t you know?
It's fine now. The tail won't fall off anymore, right?
After spending decades and investing a lot of hard work and experience, aren’t you just causing trouble for yourself in the end? "Qin Xiangru said with disgust.

"There is always a process. The Central Plains did not become what it is today." Qin Mo said: "One conquered, two conquered, and three were leveled. After this time, there will be no more problems in Xinnan Road.

It's like killing chickens to scare monkeys in Tianxiang Prefecture, and the effect is very good.

Now these people are extremely well-behaved, and every one of them is extremely obedient in promoting innovation.

I even want to promote the third round of innovation here. "

"You know everything in your mind, so why bother asking me?" Qin Xiangru snorted, "You have conquered such a big world, my grandson will be busy to death."

"Is it my fault?"

"If you don't blame me, who do you blame?" Qin Xiangru scolded: "I want to see how you deal with these people after you conquer the Western Region this time.

That's not a few hundred people, but tens of thousands, a population of tens of millions.

If you were to assimilate all these people, you don't know how long it would take.

If you ask me, if you want to kill the chicken to scare the monkey, then be thorough.

Let these people bulldoze and rebuild the Western Region, and then immigrate to fill up the Western Region. I don't believe that they can cause any trouble. "

Qin Mo was a little anxious.

"Don't speak? Are you soft-hearted? Compassion does not control soldiers, justice does not control wealth. It is you who proposed the world's unity. This road is inherently difficult and no one has ever walked it.

It is very rare for you to want to integrate peacefully.

You and I both know that this process involves killing.

Of course, Daming will be a great country, and you will be a great emperor.

A great man, he always has two sides.

You can never be perfect and convince everyone.

Then do what you think is right.

Never forget who you are. "

Qin Mo lit a cigarette and nodded heavily, "Dad, thanks, I figured it out."

"I'm going to see my grandson. I'm dying."

Listening to the blind tone on the phone, Qin Mo shook his head with a smile and hung up the phone.

On the other side, Tianxin received Qin Mo's reply, read it carefully, and then felt confident.

"To reshape New South Road, even if the court's initial investment will be in vain, it is necessary for long-term peace and stability. Both the Central Plains and Xijing should be subdivided.

Thirty-six prefectures in Xijing and thirty-six prefectures in Tokyo. Let’s discuss it first and let father give his opinion when the time comes. "Tianxin also hurriedly called all the people from the cabinet, "Father has agreed to subdivide the state capitals again, and has given certain guidance. In addition to the existing twelve state kings remaining unchanged, two more states will be added. Fourteen states.

The newly added twenty-four states are no longer state kings, but governors, half a level lower than state kings.

Then the territory of Xijing will also be cleaned and divided.

Those who have achieved results in the past will continue to stay in their posts. Those who have not achieved results will be removed and replaced by capable ones.

There are some people who have improved significantly in further studies at the grassroots level, and candidates should be promoted among them first.

Secondly, the military regions will remain unchanged, while the Public Security Bureau will be included in the state system and be distinguished from the military system.

Let’s start the discussion now. "

Everyone was overjoyed.

This means that dozens of governors will appear again in the world.

Not only that, the division of administrative regions will also increase the number of places for many local governors.

The signal is already clear. In the future, officials who have gone to grassroots level for further training will be given priority in promotion.

No one else is thinking about it.

This also means that Ming's rule has reached a deeper stage.

This discussion lasted for five days. During these five days, not only all the territories of the Ming Dynasty were re-divided, but some state capitals were also renamed.

Of course, the two capitals remain unchanged, the state capital where the twelve state kings are located remains unchanged, and their status is still retained.

However, the kings of the twelve states no longer have the authority to mobilize the army. They can only mobilize people from the Public Security Department.

This means that it is necessary for the imperial court to strip away their military power.

It meant that the court further centralized power in the hands of the emperor.

So why did Qin Mo want to delegate power in the first place?
The reason is also very simple, because it needs to be done.

Now that the place is stable, Tianxin needs to do the new round of centralization. Tianxin has done a good job, which can greatly enhance his majesty.

At the same time, it also means that Qin Mo cannot go beyond Tianxin to mobilize military power.

Tianxin originally disagreed with this clause, but Zhang Dapao fired directly, "The Emperor and His Majesty should each perform their duties.

Having said that, the Supreme Emperor is based in Tokyo, so he can mobilize the troops from the Central Plains, but he must also distinguish the order of priority.

This part of the power is granted by His Majesty.

This must not be messed up. "

Zhang Dapao's statement was supported by everyone.

Tianxin also understood that they were right.

An emperor and a courtier, my father said this very early on.

This is how my father treats my grandfather, so I can't change.

This is beneficial to the country's inheritance.

“In addition to the two capitals and seventy-two states, this time we have also identified twelve new first-class metropolises that will be developed soon.

Next, the court's resources will be tilted.

At the same time, the country will also launch the terminal Taotao system.

Resources will also be allocated to better developed state capitals.

If there is no problem, tell the world and make everyone happy! "

(End of this chapter)

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