big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2040 is here in one go!

Chapter 2040 is in place at once!
Victor was going crazy. If he didn't have some sense, he would kill this bitch right now.

"We'll see." He said coldly and turned to leave.

The queen didn't care about his threats, she just wanted the Alexander family to reproduce perfectly, that's all.

It is a wise choice to rely on Ming Dynasty.

In the blink of an eye, it was the seventh day of the military exercise.

And this is also the last day of training for the 300,000-strong army.

The fine style of Ming soldiers was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

But today, they are leaving.

This made many people breathe a sigh of relief.

This also meant that the knife hanging above their heads was moved away.

But Charles II was in a bad mood, because on the day the soldiers retreated, all the Ming people who were doing business or traveling here in Gaolan Kingdom had already left the territory with Cai Kun and others.

From this moment, he realized that the so-called military exercise was actually to give these people time to retreat.

Once there are no Ming people here, they will not show mercy.

"Brother, they are gone, they are all gone, there is no one left." Isabel walked in in panic, "Those people have all left."

"I already know." Charles II looked at his sister, "Are your Ming lovers gone too?"

"Let's go, they were still lingering with me last night." Isabel thought angrily. The traces left by those people have not been completely cleared up yet, and they left without saying hello.

"Ha." Charles II sneered, "Just leave as soon as you leave. I have told you long ago that the Ming people are more cunning than you imagine."

Isabel sat next to him angrily, "Brother, does Ming want to isolate us?"

Stroking his sister's hair, Charles II said calmly: "If my brother wants to go against Ming Dynasty, will you be afraid?"

Isabel's body became stiff, "Brother, are you kidding me?"

"What if I said I wasn't kidding?"

Isabel lowered her head, feeling unspeakably nervous inside, "Brother, although I understand you, we are really no match for Ming Dynasty. You have also seen those soldiers, they are too strong."

In the past few days, she had been trying to seduce a few brothers from the Ming Dynasty, but those people looked down on her.

She likes Ming men very much. They are strong and powerful, and they don't have that bad smell. The masculinity of men particularly fascinates her.

It's a pity that the charm she was so proud of lost its effect at this moment.

Charles II sighed in disappointment. Everyone thought he was crazy. Only he knew that he was doing the right thing.

"Don't be afraid." Charles II said, "I was just joking!"

Isabel also smiled again, but she didn't notice the fierce look in her brother's eyes.

Team No. 1 returns, bringing back a total of 4,900 compatriots!
Team No. 2 returned, bringing back a total of 7,800 compatriots!

Team No. 3 returns, bringing back 11,700 compatriots!
Forty military exercise teams reported on the progress of this mission.

In the coach's camp, Li Yongmeng also nodded.

This military exercise is both a deterrent and a rescue.

Within the Western Region Alliance, there are probably hundreds of thousands of compatriots traveling and doing business here.

There are still many people who marry and have children here, but now, they must all be taken away.

Also taken away were their wives and children, because if you marry a Ming Dynasty person, you are a Ming Dynasty person. But soon, Li Yongmeng heard something wrong, "Team No. 17 was attacked while retreating!"

"Team No. 29 was attacked when they retreated!"

The news shocked everyone instantly.

"Check which country these two teams are practicing."

"Report to the commander-in-chief, they are Gaolan Kingdom and Daweilia Kingdom!"

Li Yongmeng sneered, "It turns out it's these two countries. Among the countries in the Western Region, these two countries are the only ones with such ambitions that they really dare!"

"Commander, those two countries are the strongest in the Western Region, and they also have the most Chinese people living and doing business and traveling there, with almost more than 40,000 people. They attacked the team this time because they took advantage of this!"

"Commander, we can start the first level plan." The staff officer reminded.

Li Yongmeng nodded, "This is the moment I have been waiting for. The Western Region Alliance is headed by these two countries, with Charles II as the chairman and Victor as the chief director. Starting now, we will implement the No. 1 combat plan to destroy Gaolan and Daweilia. country.

Then, wipe out all the Western Region Alliance! "

"Yes, handsome!"

All the generals were extremely excited. The biggest purpose of their military exercises was to clear the Western Region.

That means military exploits, a future, and even greater unity in the world!

That is a grand event that no emperor has accomplished throughout the ages.

They live in the present, who doesn’t want to leave their name in the history books?

Li Yongmeng also called Qin Mo immediately, and then passed the news to the Nanguo Naval Base, and then sent the message back to Xijing from the Nanguo Naval Base.

Qin Mo received the news immediately and was also happy, "Okay, I thought they didn't have this list, but I didn't expect that the courage of the two countries, Gaolan and Daweilia, exceeded my expectations.

But okay, it was originally planned to be completed within three years, but now it seems that it will be brought forward. "

Dou Yiai said: "Brother, why don't you let me follow? I also want to make contributions!"

"Aren't you busy having a baby with Rose? You've spent all your energy on women, and you still have to use the knife?" Qin Mo sneered.

Dou Yiai shrank his neck, "Aren't you just trying to help eldest brother solve his problems?"

"No need, this battle in the Western Region is not difficult, and they take action first, so Ming can counterattack unlimitedly.

With our current means, it may only take a month or two to destroy the Western Region.

If you are interested, I will let you guard these countries. "

"Brother, don't lie to me. When the time comes, we will organize all the queens and princesses into a song and dance troupe and let them sing and dance!" Dou Yiai rubbed his hands with anticipation on his face.

"The smell on those people is too strong, how can you swallow it?" Qin Mo sighed. Eight out of ten people from the Western Regions have body odor.

Anyway, Qin Mo couldn't stand it, so he just had to eat meat occasionally. If a group of people got together, the smell of the perfume would kill someone.

"Isn't it enough to just put on a nasal plug?" Dou Yiai patted his chest and said, "Brother, don't worry, I am good at governing the place and I guarantee that I can manage the Western Region well." '

Qin Mo smiled faintly, "I plan to push forward the reconstruction of this place in the Western Region, where all women will be digested internally and all men will be used as laborers.

When the time comes, I will immigrate from the two capitals. "

Qin Mo was also cruel this time and did not intend to stay in Huairou.

Because people who are not from my race must have different minds. He was too naive before, so he might as well get it right once and for all!
(End of this chapter)

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