big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2041 Infinite Counterattack

Chapter 2041 Infinite Counterattack
Qin Mo used to think that by using a stick in one hand and a carrot in the other, and applying both kindness and severity, he could eventually tame these people.

But he overestimated himself and underestimated human nature.

Some people don't recognize you deep down, just like they don't recognize their color.

No matter how nice you are to them, you have despicable genes in your heart and you will take it for granted.

It was time for Qin Mo to wake up from his dream of giving up Tianxiang Prefecture.

At that time, he knew that it was useless to be gentle.

They were so full that they forgot the hard days.

Even if their welfare is better than that of the Qin people, they will still want more.

They felt that Ming owed them something.

When they never think about feedback to Ming.

Therefore, when the Sun Sect was rampant, some people acquiesced and some became accomplices.

No one reported it to the court.

The mass tactics launched by Qin Mo failed for the first time in the Western Regions.

If it were in the Central Plains, this would not be the case.

He went to Lingnan, and the people in Lingnan are still grateful.

Even in Nanyang, even in Wanji, even in the grasslands and Nanfan, those people are grateful.

Qin Mo doesn't want to be a saint, nor does he want their gratitude. He just wants these people to live well and be recognized from the bottom of his heart.

But he forgot that fusion is killing and paved with blood.

His innovation was right and his direction was right, but he ignored the process.

Qin Mo didn't want to whitewash himself anymore.

He just wants the world to be unified.

This world of great unity may not be what the people of the Western Regions hope for, but it is what the people of the Ming Dynasty hope for.

He wanted to make up for his subconscious regrets.

He wants this world to have only one Ming Dynasty, only one voice, and one color!
In his limited life, he should do this well.

"Left love."

"Brother, I'm here!"

"What will you do if one day everyone says I am an executioner?"

"Fuck him to death!" Dou Yiai suddenly said with murderous intent: "You bastard, are you tired of living?"

Qin Mo smiled, lit the cigarette, and said, "Okay, you will do this for me when the time comes, and I will leave the Western Region to you. You can manage it as you like."

"Brother, are you serious?"

"Of course." Qin Mo had an idea, "But when the time comes, I have to find some assistants for you, preferably locals from the Western Regions, and you can teach them how to kill people and how to do evil.

Just train them to do all kinds of evil! "

"This is good, I'm good at it!"

"But remember, you taught them that they must be a good person, do you understand?"

Dou Yiai frowned, as if it was difficult to understand, "Oh, I understand, big brother, this is called one being a good person and the other a bad person, right?"

"That's right, that's what it means. People are all cheap, so they just do this." Qin Mo said: "We brothers, if we solve the problems here, there will be less trouble for future generations.

They are also more comfortable to live with.

By then there won’t be so many wars, and everyone can be happy and do whatever they want on the same land. "

Dou Yiai may not understand what he means, but it doesn't matter, there are always people who do this kind of thing. Qin Mo didn't care about his reputation anymore, so why should Dou Yiai care about it.

Even if everyone calls him an executioner, it doesn't matter.

Qin Mo stood up and slowly walked out of the room. He saw Fang Shuan and several women making tea under the tree.

Bai Yu and Wu Xia were sitting upright, looking very much like students and teachers.

He walked over and said, "The war started in the Western Region, and they were the ones who made the first move."

Fang Chun was not surprised, "Isn't this what you want to see?"

"It's what I wanted to see, but I just didn't expect it to be so soon." Qin Mo sat down, picked up a cup of tea and tasted it carefully, "This game of chess has finally come to the end, but it is also the most difficult time.

The challenges ahead are even greater. "

"If you don't do a good job, there will be more and more examples like Tianxiang Prefecture and New South Road. You have to be more ruthless. If you don't do this evil person, your descendants will do it." Fang Chun saw it clearly.

"Yeah, I have to do this evil thing." Qin Mo put down the teacup, "I seemed to have been trapped before. I was confused by the title of the Eternal Emperor. I always thought that I was a compassionate emperor, but my hands were already stained. Blood cannot be washed away no matter how hard it is washed.

I also deceived myself into thinking how charitable I was. "

"Master, you are indeed compassionate." Gao Yao said, "This is recognized by the world."

Bai Yu and Wu Xia also nodded in agreement.

"In the eyes of the Qin people, I am naturally like this, but in the eyes of others, I am an executioner, a devil, and an invader!" Qin Mo leaned on the chair and squinted at the blue sky, "Tear off this layer of filter The mirror made me feel more comfortable.

If this is the case, then this evil person will do it to the end.

I want to clean up the Western Region and reshape it. Even if the Western Region cannot bring benefits to the country in a short period of time, I would rather spend more than ten or twenty years to rebuild it.

Whether it’s the Western Region or the land of Kunlun slaves, I want to clear them all! "

"It should have been like this a long time ago." Fang Chun said lightly: "Didn't you cultivate Taoism and say that you have hit a bottleneck?

To cultivate the Tao is to cultivate the mind, to cultivate and let nature take its course. If your thoughts are not clear, it is impossible to achieve Taoism. "

"Is this the so-called intellectual disability?"

Fang Shun nodded, "But I don't want you to kill him."

"Then senior sister needs to remind you more." Qin Mo chuckled and felt more relaxed.

Dou Yiai was sitting on the steps nearby, holding his chin in his hand, thinking about how to govern the Western Regions.

At the same time, Xijing and Tianxin also received the news.

At the end of the fourth year of Yongle, the Ming Dynasty once again went to war on both sides.

He is preparing for the conference and is preparing to abandon New South Road.

Unexpectedly, the war in the Western Region started earlier.

He summoned the senior adviser and others over, "Gaolan Kingdom and Daweilia took advantage of the transfer of our army to protect our compatriots and launched a sneak attack. Li Yongmeng counterattacked immediately. Now that the war in the Western Region has begun, tell us your opinions."

"Your Majesty, the wild ambitions of the Western Regions should be put to death!"

"The great unity of the world is unstoppable. No matter who dares to stop the great cause of the Ming Dynasty, they will be stepped on!"

Zhang Dapao said: "Your Majesty, this time, it is the Western Region Alliance that takes the lead. No matter from which aspect, it is normal for us to fight back.

I believe that launching unlimited counterattacks can kill the enemy to the greatest extent. "

Tianxin nodded, "Since everyone has no problem, then issue a war order and convey my will. The Western Region Alliance will sneak attack on our army. From now on, Ming Dynasty will launch an infinite counterattack.

Didn't the military factory develop several extremely powerful weapons?

Just in time to test their power in the Western Region.

I want to blow up the entire Western Region! "

(End of this chapter)

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