big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2042 Summoning Chapter

Chapter 2042 Recall
Xijing issued a war order, and as soon as the news of unlimited counterattack came out, the whole world was shocked.

No one expected that the Western Region Alliance would have the courage to sneak attack while the army was retreating.

This is lighting a lamp in a latrine, seeking death!
Also issued was the news of abandoning New South Road.

The rebels have taken hostages, and the court has sent people to negotiate.

This time, it shocked everyone in the world.

The territory of New South Road is as vast as that of a single country.

Although it is wild and remote, the land is fertile and is the finest granary.

As long as it is developed properly, it will surely develop.

In recent years, the imperial court has invested a lot in Xinnan Road.

But now, in order to save those officials, the imperial court was willing to abandon New South Road.

Now the Corps is urgently recalling the people of Xinnan Road.

Many people feel that the world has changed.

Don’t we want world peace anymore?
Is this world going back to its original state?

Poverty, backwardness, disaster and oppression, disease and difficulties permeate people's lives.

Their lives are precarious, and when they are sick they can only lie on the ground and wait to die.

After being ruled by the Ming Dynasty, they had enough food and clothing, new houses, new clothes, medicine for their illnesses, and books for their children.

Are these all going to be taken back?
The local residents of New South Island were terrified.

They know very well what kind of virtue those people are.

Once ruled by them, the result will be endless oppression.

They knelt in front of the officers and soldiers and asked to retreat together.

But no one paid any attention to them.

A regiment commander looked at them pitifully and said: "It's not that the imperial court wants to abandon New South Road, it's that they have held too many officials and innocent people hostage.

Chao Tingbin was not afraid of those people, but was unwilling to sacrifice those officials and people.

There are many of you among you who take the salary from the imperial court and eat the food from the imperial court, but do not take the imperial court seriously, thinking that the sky is high and the emperor is far away.

The whole court was already disheartened.

If you want to survive, go to the border of New South Road as soon as possible. While it is not closed yet, you still have a chance.

Once we all retreat, any of you who try to sneak across will be killed. "

After saying that, the regiment commander stopped talking and directed the truck to transport all the supplies.

This intense operation almost emptied everything.

It is exactly the same as Tianxiang State before.

In just over a month, Tianxiang Prefecture, the pearl of the Western Region, has been turned into devastated ruins.

Hunger, poverty, war, killing, oppression, and disease are everywhere among them.

Even the water they drank became turbid.

All resources are given to those who control the new party.

Ordinary people would either listen to them and work like cows and horses in exchange for a mouthful of food, or they would starve to death.

Le Monde has published the random thoughts of Tianxiang State several times.

It's embarrassing, but also scary inside.

However, this also allowed New South Road to see an opportunity. Those people resurrected, hijacked hundreds of officials who went to the grassroots level for further training, and also arrested many innocent people.

Rescue is difficult and there will inevitably be some casualties.

So the imperial court gave up on New South Road.

Taking away all available resources.

After dealing with the matters in the Western Region, we will come back to deal with these people.

This time, Xijing made up its mind to clean up New South Road again.

The road to universal unity is not an easy one.

Tianxin also realized that if he gave up New South Road this time, there might be some people from more remote places who would cause trouble.

But he no longer cares. My father said that the foundation of Ming Dynasty has never been there.

Only the two capitals and the countries that have been influenced by the Central Plains for thousands of years are the foundation of the Ming Dynasty.

So he can go ahead and do it boldly.

He tapped his fingers on the table and said: "Call Feng Ge'er and Huo Lin'er back and let them take the lead in this work.

This work is called peeling operation! "

It's a funny statement, but also very vivid.

He wanted to remove all the garbage attached to the surface of Ming Dynasty.

Feng Ge'er and Huo Lin'er have been studying at the grassroots level for nearly five years, and it's time for them to return.

At the same time, the northern part of Xijing is the poorest and weakest.

Tianxin completed the waterway reconstruction here, which brought vitality to the north, and the continuous control of the desert also brought vitality to this place.

But it doesn't mean that he includes all regions.

Brother Feng is located in the far north of Xijing, where there are rich underground resources.

But now the national policy of the Ming Dynasty is to transport all underground resources in from the outside if they can be transported in from the outside.

The reason is simple. Excavation inside will damage the environment and further worsen the situation here.

Secondly, prioritizing the use of external resources can bring opportunities to other places.

Because the two capitals, no matter how poor they are, are still more developed than other places.

Moreover, a large part of these resources are stored and used as war resources.

It is also to prevent bad things from happening.

For example, if one day the Ming Dynasty disintegrates, then the local country has sufficient resources and does not need to rely on external resources.

Many oil fields and gas fields have been explored here, and the country has made notes. If anyone exploits them without authorization, they will go to jail.

When Brother Feng first came, these people sat on Jinshan Mountain, but returned empty-handed.

He could not say that this was a mistake in the court's strategy.

Because the country takes a long-term view of the problem, this strategy is definitely correct.

This also leaves resources for future generations.

Moreover, there are too many resources that have been discovered now, and they are too much to be consumed.

Therefore, the state and local governments can only store these excess resources.

He knew that the resources stored in the Ming Dynasty were enough for one hundred million people to last ten years.

And the number is growing.

It is said that it is necessary to prepare enough strategic materials for one hundred million people to use for a hundred years.

This does not include Tokyo, where demand is greater.

Just like the capital city, it is surrounded by coal mountains.

All mining has been stopped now, and all resources have been transported from the grasslands.

Oil and other supplies are transported from the Western Regions.

This is also why the southern base is so wealthy.

With the advent of the mechanization era, the demand for oil and other materials has increased tenfold and hundreds of times.

So future resources are the most important.

Brother Feng clearly knows the importance of storing resources.

The temperature here is very low all year round, so the planting industry is not developed. It can only be said that the food is full and the food needed by the people is obtained through mature greenhouse technology.

But in addition to the rich oil and natural gas resources here, the most abundant thing is fishery.

So Brother Feng spent several years building this place into a big fishing town.

The finest seafood is produced here and supplied to the thirty-six prefectures of Xijing.

It also brings business opportunities to the people here!

(End of this chapter)

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