big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2044 Brothers get together

Chapter 2044 Brothers get together
The two brothers returned to Xijing ten days later.

The territory of Xijing is too long. To be honest, there are still many places that are not accessible by train.

Even though the factory has been expanded many times, it is still unable to meet national demand.

The difficulty of production is one thing, and assembly testing is another.

A train line takes two years from production to use, and there are three state-owned factories in Xijing.

Tokyo has four.

Because the thirty-six states in the Central Plains have a large number of people and a large area.

Seven production lines can produce seven trains in two years. Looking at the whole country, it is not enough.

Over the years, even major cities in the country have not been paved with them.

It just means that on important routes, there will be special cars passing through.

Moreover, railway construction also takes time.

Construction difficulty, cost, and manpower are all issues.

The amount of money the country invests in infrastructure every year is astronomical.

Moreover, the annual maintenance is also an astronomical figure.

The national finance does have money, but in the face of growing infrastructure, the pressure is also increasing.

Both brothers unanimously recorded this issue.

In the end, the three brothers also talked about this issue when they had a secret conversation.

"There are still too few train depots. It is not enough to have train depots in the east and west capitals. Three or four more must be established in the western region.

There are more and more people, and the pressure to travel is getting bigger and bigger.

Although there are bus flights between state capitals and county towns, they are still not enough.

In the area of ​​automobile production, production capacity still has not kept up, and travel is not very convenient.

This is one of the reasons why local management is lax.

These are all shortcomings and take time to do well.

According to my experience at the grassroots level, more often than not, it is because of too few resources.

My father’s previous new rural strategy was very good, but it was halted because of too much investment.

Only now do I understand why my father wanted to implement the new rural strategy.

But unfortunately, it is currently only implemented well in the two capitals and the Central Plains, and has not yet spread to other state capitals.

I think it can now be gradually decentralized to states and regions far away from the central circle.

The country has re-divided regions into seventy-two states, which is detailed enough. On the basis of the seventy-two states, it can be subdivided down to counties, towns and villages.

We implement it step by step and finally accept it. Brother Feng put forward his own opinion, "Actually, many of my father's strategies are tried and tested. When we try new methods, we end up putting the cart before the horse."

But my father never reminded us. He probably wanted us to experience it ourselves. "

Huo Lin'er also nodded, "Yes, I didn't really understand my father's acupuncture philosophy before, especially some strategies that didn't have much return, but now I understand.

Just like infrastructure construction, the country cannot start with profitability.

Another example is the construction of new rural areas, which is not aimed at making profits.

The reforms advocated by his father are the strengthening of goals, which will make every step of Ming Dynasty particularly stable.

There have been qualitative changes at the entire national level.

Think back to what Daming and Daqian were like thirty years ago. What are they like now? "

Huo Lin'er picked up the teacup, took a sip, and said to Tianxin: "Brother, the Cabinet really can't tamper with the century-old policy any more. It's hard to understand without careful study.

If they don't go to the grassroots level, they won't be able to understand the essence of governing the country in the century-old policy.

There are some goals that seem difficult for us to understand, but they are actually exquisite, as if they have been refined over time. "

"Yes, I feel the same way." Brother Feng took a deep breath, "So I advocate that officials across the country should thoroughly study the Centennial Policy and learn from my father's philosophy of governing the country."

Tianxin smoked a cigarette, "So after you went out, you gained this experience?"

"Well, when I was young, I always felt that my father was an insurmountable mountain, so when I grew up, I always tried to challenge this mountain, and always ignored the words my father left.

After polishing it over the years, I was able to calm down, think carefully about the sentences in my father's book, and ponder over and over again the core starting point of the Centennial Policy.

No one loves this world more than my father, but we are still too young. Brother Feng said: "We should have done this a long time ago." "

Tian Xin thought about the words of the two people. To be honest, the policies and strategies of the Ming Dynasty's century-old governance have basically remained unchanged, but the ideas he proposed at the beginning have unstoppably become the mainstream.

This also means that domestic strategies have changed greatly.

The century-old policy is not imprisonment, but stability and order. It is the rein that can pull Ming Dynasty back when it runs away.

"Okay." Tianxin nodded, "I feel that these years, there is always a feeling of separation, and it's time to relax.

In fact, the reason why I did not study it in depth was because I was afraid that the Centenary Policy would be regarded as a wise saying like the teachings of the saints in the past. "

"Then add a sentence on the first page of the book, truth is meant to be broken, and truth is established through trial and error.

Everyone must have the courage to challenge the truth!

Studying is to understand the truth, but the saint's principles are not applicable at certain times.

It's like repaying kindness with kindness, but how to repay kindness?

Others have come to kill you, do you still need to persuade them earnestly? "

"I agree with what the second brother said!" Huo Lin'er said: "Don't forget, our father is also a living saint. He is the greatest emperor, but his teachings are also the most dazzling in this era."

Tianxin is still thinking, once this tone is set, the emperor may become lazy later.

"Yes, what if the ideas of the three of us are also included?" Tianxin said.

"Would this seem like we are too high-profile?" Brother Feng smiled bitterly.

Huo Lin'er said: "There are talented people from generation to generation. Although we are young, we have more than ten years of experience in governing the local area over the years.

Facts have proved that this country is moving in a good direction.

The eldest brother should be afraid that people will become lazy and not enterprising in the future, right? "

Tianxin nodded, "That's right."

"Then add it, but add a condition. Any spirit needs time to be verified. Five years is a more appropriate threshold.

If you fail to meet the requirements, you will not be eligible to study nationally.

In the future, it will become increasingly difficult for the country to lead the country, but the two-capital system can minimize the pressure on the emperor in power.

Moreover, as the founding of the Ming Dynasty takes longer and longer, too lengthy study will make people confused about the direction.

Therefore, I suggest that my father’s century-old policy be the main governance tone.

Expansion will be carried out around the centenary policy.

A hundred years later, there will inevitably be new national conditions. "

(End of this chapter)

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