big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2045 Escape

Chapter 2045 Escape

"According to my father's vision, it is very likely that he will have explored the universe a hundred years later, so by that time, the Ming Dynasty must have got rid of poverty and hunger. There will be new rural areas everywhere and everyone will be rich.

Then the Centenary Policy is a powerful weapon to safeguard the current national conditions.

Therefore, I think it is necessary to set the Centenary Policy as a basic national policy.

Learning is also necessary.

We cannot stop learning because we are afraid, and then leave the most advantageous weapon our father left to Ming Dynasty, ignore it, and instead fumble around randomly.

Brother, you and I are both ordinary people, and we don’t have the beauty of my father.

Just because you want to transcend, you cannot ignore it.

In my opinion, this is blasphemy against my father. Huo Lin'er also lit a cigarette for himself, "Just like now, the things happening in various places, in my opinion, are all because we did not do our job well."

The questions we raised earlier are facts that cannot be ignored. "

In the study, the three brothers started smoking one cigarette after another.

Tianxin crushed out the last cigarette and said, "Let's do it, but this matter needs to be brought up at the next meeting."

At the same time, the Western Region.

Looking at the losing battle, Charles II couldn't help but laugh miserably.

At the beginning, they did successfully take the initiative and killed some people.

But when the retreating Ming army reacted, they instantly fell into passivity.

A round of machine gun fire prevented them from showing their heads.

A tank that turns around cannot be exploded by their old-fashioned mines.

Chariots raced through the city, shooting at fleeing soldiers.

But these guys were just teasing and didn't go deep.

Charles II understood that they were buying time for the Ming people to retreat.

On the third day of the war, Gaolan lost one-third of its territory.

All the weapons accumulated over the years were moved out by Charles II.

He thought that if the weapon was not powerful enough, then use gunpowder to increase its power.

Isabel came in holding up her skirt, "Brother, there is news again. Fort Hermes has been breached, and the soldiers and civilians there have been captured.

This time the Ming people seemed to have something wrong. "

"Yes, they not only captured soldiers, but also civilians. Women were their targets. The captured men will become laborers in the next few decades to help the Ming Dynasty build various projects for free.

No pay, no rest, just endless work.

If they are sick, they will be ruthlessly abandoned like a piece of rags. "Charlie II was drinking wine, and the words came out of his mouth as if they had nothing to do with him.

Isabel nodded continuously. "If this place is breached, will I also be captured by the Ming people and randomly assigned to an ordinary Ming man?"

"Maybe." Charles II looked at his sister, "Are you afraid?"

Isabel's face was full of fear, how could he not be afraid, "Brother, how about we surrender and stop fighting.

As long as we surrender, Ming will let us go. "

Charles II suddenly laughed, "It's impossible, we attacked first, and they couldn't miss this opportunity.

What they want is the entire Western Region, not the Gaolan Kingdom.

I understand, Qin Mo wants to clean up the entire Western Region and then replace them with their people. In this way, the Western Region will not have to follow the old path of Tianxiang State again.

Anyway, the people from the Western Regions didn’t matter to the Ming Dynasty.

On the contrary, with so many workers, a lot of things can be saved. "

Because of fear, Isabel's body couldn't help trembling, "Brother, is there really no other way? Don't you have a good relationship with Victor?"

"Great Villa cannot protect himself." Charles II shook his head, "Didn't you sleep with him?"

Isabel was stunned for a moment, and then said a little embarrassedly: "He and I just had a casual marriage."

Charles II was not interested in his sister's corrupt life. He waved to his sister, "Come here!"

Isabel was puzzled, but she still walked over, but as soon as she walked in front of Charles II, there was a strong smell of blood, which made her stop and said, "Brother, the smell of blood is so strong here."

"Is it because you drank the blood of virgins?" Charles II looked at his sister's scarlet lips. He realized that in order to stay young forever, his sister had raised many female relatives and took the blood regularly. She believed that this would keep her young. She has always stayed young.

"No, that's not the reason." Isabel looked at her brother, feeling a little afraid in her heart, and subconsciously took two steps back.
"Why are you retreating? Come here!" said Charles II.

Isabel said hurriedly: "Brother, if you have anything, you can just stand here and say it."

Charles II's eyes turned red and he stood up from his chair suddenly, "What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that I will harm you?"

Isabel shook her head, realizing that something seemed wrong with her brother.

Just when she turned around to run away, she tripped over the heel of her shoe.

At that moment, Charles II rushed forward.

Isabel was so frightened that she cried, "Brother, I am your sister."

She felt that her neck was tightly held by Charles II. The suffocation at that moment almost made her faint.

Her instinct was correct, her brother wanted to kill her.

She kept tearing and tearing, leaving bloody marks on Charles II's face.

"Brother, don't kill me!"

Almost half of Charles II's body was pressed against her neck, "Don't be afraid of being scared. You won't be sad soon. Just bear with it."

After an unknown amount of time, Isabel stopped flopping, and her death was hideous and miserable.

Charles II stood up panting, wiped the blood from his face, and then opened the cover of the long table, which was filled with corpses.

There are his wives and concubines, and there are his children.

Every one of them died tragically.

He scattered the bodies in various places and lit a fire.

Finally left quietly.

Known as the wisest emperor in the history of Gaolan Kingdom, he died in a fire in the palace, and even his body was burned beyond recognition.

But no one knew that Charles II had already left with the gold coins.

The scars on his face were enough to disfigure him.

He had arranged everything in advance and spent a lot of money to buy the identity of a Ming citizen from Ross.

It cost him tens of thousands of gold coins.

Although it's expensive, it's all worth it.

He really didn't want to spend more gold coins to buy an identity for his wife and children.

With these gold coins, he can go to Rus and marry a more beautiful woman.

He likes the virtuousness of Ming women and will have a lot of children with Ming women in the future.

Charles II laughed.

However, he can't be called by this name now.

He gave himself a Ming name, Li Aiguo!

(End of this chapter)

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