big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2046: Capture the Western Region

Chapter 2046: Capture the Western Region
The palace caught fire, and the king's family all died in the fire. They were burned beyond recognition. The only thing that could identify them was the crown on their head that showed their identity.

Some people say that the king was afraid of being captured by the Ming army, so he took his whole family to his death.

Some people also say that the Ming people bribed people inside and set fire to the king's family.

There are different opinions.

But nothing matters anymore.

Because the capital city had been breached on the fourth day of the war, and the palace had become a temporary office location for the Ming garrison.

Great Vilia was not much better. When the army broke through the capital, Victor was captured, but he still did not have the courage to commit suicide.

But he saw his wife being sent away by the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty with his own eyes. The slightly bulging belly was so dazzling in Victor's eyes.

However, now that he is a prisoner, he no longer has any identity.

The originally loyal ministers have now become lapdogs, leading the Ming army.

He saw his father-in-law, diligently leading the Ming army to search everything in the palace.

Even his brother is like this.

He smiled sadly, knowing that the situation was over.

In other words, the entire Western Region will never have another chance.

An army of 300,000 troops captured the Western Region in just four days.

What frightened him the most was the bombs dropped by fighter planes.

In that moment, the huge fortress they built collapsed.

They had calculated that even with thousands of kilograms of black gunpowder, it would be impossible to break through, but at this moment, they were reduced to rubble by a bomb.

The most terrifying thing was the shock wave generated by the explosion, which caused serious internal injuries to everyone within a fifty-meter radius.

Some people were shocked to death on the spot. Although some people survived, their severe internal injuries would cause them to die in pain later.

Victor can still not forget the series of loud noises, which instantly turned Davilia into a hell on earth.

He admitted that he was too stupid to provoke anyone, so he went to provoke Daming.

When the fighter plane passed by the sky, he already regretted it.

But, I have no regrets anymore.

He was put in a cage and told that he would be judged next in the world.

Including kings who did not surrender in time.

He wanted to say that the perpetrator became the savior in the end, but it was indeed them who took action first.

Success belongs to the winner, and a weakling like him has no say.

In Silla Prefecture, Qin Mo received the news that the war was over.

This also made him relieved.

The Western Region was pacified in four days, and new weapons were tested in actual combat.

The power is very good, one shell can destroy a huge fortress.

It's a pity that the technology is not very developed now. One day, he will put eyeballs on the cannonballs, and then he only needs to be in the two capitals to accurately attack the enemy without leaving home.

"Win!" Qin Mo handed the good news from the front line to Fang Shun and others.

"You also said three days is enough." Fang Shun glanced at him and then looked away, as if it was natural to win the Western Region.

"There is a delay, it's normal." Qin Mo stood up, in a good mood, "The next step is to take over the Western Region."

He immediately called Dou Yiai over, "The Western Region has been captured, you go there and become the governor."

Dou Yiai was extremely excited, "I'll leave right away!" "Don't worry, wait for Yongfeng to clean up that area. The Western Region is not big or small, with a population of nearly 20 million.

According to what I told you before, clear the Western Region. Do you understand? "Qin Mo said.

"Don't worry, brother, such a simple thing can definitely be handled well. One is a good guy and the other is a bad guy. I have it in mind." Dou Yiai said.

Qin Mo nodded.

Li Jiange came right after him, "Teacher, we win."

"Well, prepare to immigrate. Keep a good count of the unmarried men in the country, and they will be allocated by the government!" Qin Mo said. In fact, government marriages are very common, including Daqian, who initially had forced marriages.

Because there are more women than men, the government requires men and women of appropriate age to get married. If they don't get married, they will be punished.

Even widows were allowed to enter their homes independently.

In the feudal era, in a farming society, population was the productive force.

The Ming Dynasty is still in an agricultural society, so the greater the population, the greater the dividends.

"Even if it is a bit too much, there are at least three to five million women in the Western Regions suitable for marriage!"

“Let the sergeants digest it first. The Ming Dynasty has more than two million soldiers, and it is still very easy to digest these people.

However, it is better to leave half of it to attract immigrants.

Aren't there hundreds of thousands of citizens evacuated from the Western Region this time? Let these people go back as much as possible.

I have issued immigration quotas to each state capital. In the next five years, three million to five million people will immigrate to fill the population of the Western Region.

These war criminals from the Western Regions will be used as laborers to build roads and dig mountains, further accelerating the modernization of the Ming Dynasty. "

Li Jiange nodded, "Yes, teacher."

After explaining Li Jiange, Qin Mo was in a good mood and directly pulled the four girls over for a meeting.

And the news spread quickly, and the whole country rejoiced.

Taking the entire Western Region in four days means that world unity is about to be realized.

However, Tianxiang Prefecture and New South Road, like two rebellious sons, have become a thorn in everyone's side.

The people petitioned one after another, asking the court to re-incorporate the celestial phenomena, and then to exterminate the traitors in Xinnan Road.

At this moment, world unity is no longer a wish, but an obsession in everyone's heart.

Dongdu, inside the palace.

Li Xin is getting old now. The sequelae of going to sea when he was young have finally come back. Now he can't straighten up because of pain every now and then. Although he is not yet in his seventies, his hair is gray and he has even lost a few teeth.

Worrying about state affairs all day long made him exhausted.

"Uncle, I have received a telegram from my uncle." Li Zhao was already in his prime. At this time, his face was calm, his body was tall, and he already had the demeanor of a king.

After being engaged to have a child with Zhao Chuer, she also had her own children in the past two years and gradually matured.

"What instructions does the Emperor have?"

"The Western Region has been won. Now my uncle says that in the future, 500,000 to 800,000 people will be immigrated from Qianzhou to the Western Region. Let me do a good job." Li Zhao sighed. As the hinterland of the Central Plains, Qianzhou has always been the most developed , the most populous.

Qianzhou alone has a population of nearly 20 million. Although there are not many immigrants, it is not easy to ask them to immigrate.

They have food and drink in Qianzhou, land and houses, and their own work life and circle.

It's not like the days when I had nothing to eat and no fixed place to live.

The more powerful the country is and the richer the people are, the less willing they are to immigrate.

"Forget it, Xijing has just issued a document to re-plan the Tianxia area!"

(End of this chapter)

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