big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2047 Li Xin’s warning

Chapter 2047 Li Xin’s warning

Li Zhao said somewhat depressedly: "The world will be divided into seventy-two states, which means there will be two or three more states below Qianzhou.

The kings of the twelve states in the world are retained, and Dongdu is still the capital of Qianzhou, but only the county capitals surrounding Qianzhou are retained.

The imperial court's intention was to maintain the special status of the king of the twelve states, and secondly, to build the capital of the twelve states into a super capital with a population of tens of millions.

Looking at it this way, one city is indeed comparable to one state, but its administrative scope is indeed smaller.

If this is passed down, what will the people below think? "

Li Xin took the document handed over by Li Zhao and read it carefully.

"They will say that the imperial court is trying to kill the donkey, which will make many people feel disgusted."

Li Xin closed the document and said: "It is not so much about killing the donkey as it is about consolidating the power of the twelve kings.

Your Highness, the Ming Dynasty is about to unite the world. The Ming Dynasty's two-capital system is unique in the world. The emperor even understands that two emperors are needed to share the management of things.

The twelve kings are more like the twelve princes and kings under the Ming Dynasty.

If the world is divided into twelve states, what kind of huge land will it be?
Each state is a big country, and the power of the state king is infinite.

Although the military and political affairs are separated, if I were the emperor, I would be afraid.

Therefore, the system of the Twelve States can no longer satisfy the current rule of the Ming Dynasty.

The seventy-two states are for decentralization and better governance.

This is good for everyone.

Besides, your uncle didn't have to create the Twelve Kings System. Wasn't it because of you that he came up with it?
Why should he have a big tail?

A city-state with a population of tens of millions, if it were your grandfather's time, it would be almost one-third of the country's size.

And such a huge population means that Dongdu will never fall behind others.

I think the court's considerations are not problematic. "

Li Zhao was silent for a while and then said: "So, uncle, do you think it's okay?"

"Well, no problem. Not to mention the seventy-two states, even if it becomes one hundred and eight states in the future, I think it is natural.

The reason for expanding the state is to cope with the harmonization of the world, and the current population growth across the country is very scary.

In a few years, the population will exceed 20 million, or even 30 million.

Twenty years from now, the population will reach a terrifying 500 million or even 700 million.

How terrible would it be if such a large population were spread equally among twelve states?

On average, each state capital has a population of 60 to 70 million, which is more terrifying than Daqian in its heyday.

If it were you, would you dare to ask for it? "

Li Zhao smiled bitterly and shook his head, "I don't dare!"

“And didn’t Xijing Daily say that in the next fifty years, the Ming Dynasty’s population will exceed 100 million, and the national population is likely to exceed 200 million or even 300 million in the future.

Such a large body is enough to split into hundreds of countries.

Therefore, the imperial court also took precautions and began to split up the state capital before it reached that point.

When that day comes, even if the population does reach 100,000, excluding the twelve super cities, each state will only have a population of 10 million.

However, I estimate that when that time comes, the 72 prefectures will continue to be split into 108 prefectures. It is most appropriate to maintain a safe number. "

"Am I stingy?" Li Zhao asked.

"It's not that you are stingy, it's just human nature. I can understand your mood, but what the court is doing must be done.

Otherwise, it is to support the bandits' self-respect. Even if there is no problem in Dongguan, there is no guarantee that other state capitals will not have problems.

Either it's okay, but once something happens, it's a huge event. You see, the court's approach to those people is completely different now. It was gentle at first, but now it's more radical.

Tianxiang Prefecture and New South Road just gave up, but what will be the consequences for these two places?

How tragic each one is.

Now that he has given up, he is no longer one of his own. Ming Dynasty can deal with it however he wants. What was it like to manage the celestial phenomena back then?

The women were taken away and the men were sent to labor camps.

Same now.

Your uncle plans to reshape the Western Region. Although his methods are a bit ruthless, they are most effective and can lead to long-term peace and stability.

You must understand your uncle. If you regard Dongdu as your own territory, you are wrong.

If time goes by, it will definitely lead to disaster! "

At this point, Li Xin coughed violently.

Li Zhao also hurriedly stepped forward to give him a pat on the back. It took a while for Li Xin to recover, "I don't have a few more years to live. Dongdu is the Ming Dynasty's Dongdu, not the Li family's. You will always remember my words." If you say that, you must educate your children and grandchildren well and manage those below you.

Once you think so, then the people below will also think so. When that day comes, the court will definitely take action, and those people will not be as peaceful as your uncle.

Your uncle and cousin may miss their old relationship, but what about the next generation?
They won't.

You see, civil and military officials are extremely mobile, and no one will stand in the Eastern Capital.

Even this world does not belong to the Qin family.

Look at Article 1 of the Ming Dynasty Constitution. If the Qin family goes against the grain and commits all evil deeds, the people can overthrow the rule of the Qin family.

Which emperor dares to include this article in the constitution?
I know your uncle. He cares about the world, not just his family, but the whole world.

Otherwise, Ming Dynasty would not have become like this.

Which official today dares to say that he is a master?

Anyone who dares to say this will be investigated at least, or directly arrested at worst.

What is an official?
He is a public servant of the people.

The world of the Ming Dynasty is now a world where the people are the masters.

The Qin family stands with thousands of people.

Without aristocratic families and noble families, this is an era in which classes are infinitely blurred.

What your uncle is doing is to completely eliminate class. He is not only digging up other people's steps, he is also digging up his own steps.

Do you understand? "

Li Zhao felt a little confused, "Uncle, why didn't you tell me this before?"

"What you learn on paper is ultimately shallow. I can tell you a thousand things, but it's not as good as your own understanding." Li Xin sighed, "Now, my health is getting worse. If I don't teach you some things, you won't have a chance." Taught you.

Your uncle is very good to you, and you know it in your heart, but people are like this. Once their own interests are touched, they will ignore the ninety-nine good things they have done for you.

Remember, don't doubt your uncle's kindness to you at any time.

The betrayal of a loved one is the most painful thing.

He could have not set up the King of the Twelve States. He could have let you become an ordinary idle noble, but he gave you the opportunity to become a master.

You should never listen to the instigation of those people. Ming Dynasty is far more powerful than you think.

If you stand on the opposite side of your uncle, your descendants will definitely be affected. Do you understand? "

(End of this chapter)

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