big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2049 I won’t die, you are dead!

Chapter 2049 I won’t die, you are dead!
Maybe, this is the last one. If I go to the grassroots level in the future, I may not even be able to see him for the last time.

"Okay, I'll go over and see him." Li Zhao nodded.

On the other side, Tianxin also responded immediately. The content was very short, with only four words, "Good luck to my brother!"

Qin Mo is even simpler, with only one word "quasi".

The fewer words, the higher the expectations.

Looking at the replies from his eldest cousin and uncle, Li Zhao suddenly felt regretful.

If they knew what they were thinking, maybe they would be disappointed?
"Uncle, I'm leaving!" Li Zhao said.

Li Xin waved his hand, "Go early and come back early. I hope you will be a qualified king when you come back.

Regardless of whether I am there or not at that time, I wish you well! "

Li Zhao thought for a while, then stepped forward and hugged Li Xin, "Uncle, thank you for taking care of me these years."

After the relationship with the father deteriorated and the child was born, it was the uncle and uncle who made up for the lack of fatherly love, but in this regard, the uncle was more attentive.

He taught himself the principles of life and protected himself from wind and rain, and that was how he became what he is today.

Therefore, he was particularly grateful to his uncle.

Li Xin patted his shoulder and said, "Good boy, be careful on the road."

After Li Zhao left, Li Xin became even busier.

He, who was already rickety, shrank into a ball.

At this moment, he could better understand his father's original mood, and perhaps it was the same as his own now.

"Father, in a few years, I will come to serve you. Qin Mo is very good to our family, and it can be considered a success." Li Xin thought so.

On the other side, Qin Mo visited the Western Regions in person.

As the war came to an end, the Western Region also ushered in a major reshuffle.

A large number of women were sent away every day, and the old women and old men who stayed behind were allowed by Qin Mo to do light crafts out of humanitarianism.

And those young and strong people began to work endlessly.

Those kings were escorted to Tokyo for trial, and then to Xijing.

The escaped Charles II was caught, and the murder of his wife and children made him guilty of several more crimes.

Victor looked at Charles II with a dead look on his face, "Why were you arrested?"

Charles II smiled bitterly and said: "I was betrayed by the people around me. After I escaped from the palace, I was reported. I thought I had escaped, but when I woke up, I found that I was imprisoned. ”

Victor sneered, "I thought you would fight to the end, but I didn't expect you to fake your death."

"Isn't it normal to be afraid of death? But now, it's hard for you and me to die." Charles II had lost hope for the future.

"Death is impossible." Victor said.

"Aren't you afraid that they will torture you?"

"They won't torture me." Victor said, "Because I'm going out soon."

Charles II looked curious, "Will the Ming Dynasty let you go?"

"I confessed my guilt and will admit my fault at the conference. They promised to spare my life!"

"Coward!" Charles II sneered, "You are a disgrace to Great Veria. Those soldiers died in vain." "No matter what you say, it doesn't matter, because you and I are both prisoners." Victor said lightly: " People who lose have no dignity. You don’t understand such a simple truth? "

"I laugh at you for being stupid. You have confessed. You think you can still survive. The Ming people must have deceived you." Charles II said.

"No, they won't let me die, because only by living can I prove the mistakes I have committed!" Victor smiled, "And you, my friend, you will definitely be executed!"

Charles II clenched his fists and his eyes were red. Victor was the first to come to him for a partnership. How could he survive?

And he is going to die?

"I'll turn you in."

"I have confessed everything, and if you run away from the battlefield, even if you survive, the people in Gaolan will tear you alive." Victor said.

Charles II was silent. In his case, death might be better than living.

He wanted to commit suicide, but biting his tongue wouldn't kill him. Hitting the wall was too painful, and it would be even more painful if he was hit half dead.

The hunger strike was also painful, and the feeling of hunger was uncomfortable. He was not the kind of person with strong willpower.

"I want to live, can you teach me?" Charles II softened his tone, "Victor, we are brothers, aren't we?"

"I'm sorry, I must die if you live." Victor leaned against the wall, with a vague sarcasm on his face, "Also, who is your brother? Don't have any random friendships. You are the one who deceived me. The Ming army took action, I am just a poor person who was bewitched by you, nothing more!"

"You deserve to die!" Charles II slapped the prison fence frantically, but soon the guard guarding them hit him with a stick. The excruciating pain forced him to kneel down and beg for mercy: "Stop fighting, please forgive me." Come on, I know I was wrong!"

"If you're making a fuss, I'll break your hands and feet and throw them out to feed the dogs!" The cell leader sneered, "If you dare to sneak attack our Ming army, you're lucky if you don't chop you into pieces."

Charles II curled up on the ground. At this moment, he was worse than a beast.

As for Victor, he could even catch the half-smoked cigarette thrown by the cell boss.

"Thank you, sir!" Victor picked up the cigarette on the ground, took a puff of it happily, and kept thanking him.

"Despicable!" Charles II cursed while holding back the pain.

"You know, my wife was pregnant with Daming's son. I found out later that she took all three of my daughters and introduced them to Daming, and that Daming was the wild man behind her.

In order to survive and to continue her family, she even sold her own daughter.

The most ridiculous thing is that all the women in the Alexander family have become dogs for the Ming Dynasty, and are humble to the core.

At that time, I understood that face is not important, life is important.

The Alexander family survives and will have a better future.

That Ming man was just a Ming sergeant with a little status, but he could guarantee the safety of their family.

You and I are kings, but not even as good as a dog.

If you want to blame, just blame us for not making the right choice. "

Victor exhaled a breath of smoke, "Moreover, among the kings of the forty kingdoms, many people secretly took refuge in the Ming Dynasty, and they took refuge in the Ming Dynasty very early. So you see, there are only thirty-two countries here, and those kings will become the dukes of the Ming Dynasty. They will still be the Duke of the Ming Dynasty." You can live a carefree life.

Maybe we are too stupid.

It's not a bad idea to join the Ming Dynasty, it's also good to be a rich man. "

"You just lost, that's all." Charles II turned around in pain, his sister was not that despicable.

Even his wife and lover were related to several Ming people.

Otherwise, how could he be so cruel?
Victor is such a weakling, why doesn't he dare to kill them!
(End of this chapter)

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