big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2050 Everyone has a bright future!

Chapter 2050 Everyone has a bright future!
The trial of the Western Region has begun.

Victor held the confession in his hand and made a deep reflection in front of all the people. He said: "I regret my stupid behavior, if Charles II hadn't bewitched me and made me go to war against the Ming Dynasty.

I think I must still be drinking and eating meat with the Ming Dynasty people.

Of course, I don't want to hide the fact that I committed a crime.

In the days to come, I will accept reform through labor and strive to be released early."

His speech made everyone applaud, except Charles II, who roared angrily in the cage.

Then they were paraded through the streets, and the angry people in the Western Regions almost drowned them with spit.

These people were dragged to the forty kingdoms to give speeches. Every time Victor made a sonorous confession, these kings would be attacked by tons of spit.

From the initial anger, to now the numbness.

Some people have already eaten enough to eat.

Some people have turned into lunatics. Seeing those people spitting, they clapped happily.

Charles II felt like a monkey in a cage, desperate to the extreme.

Victor, who originally instigated him to send troops, suddenly became the vanguard of repentance.

Every time he confessed, he felt that what he had done was extremely stupid.

He misses his family.

Every time he closed his eyes, he could hear the cries of his wife and children.

This made him afraid to close his eyes.

Because their struggling faces and hateful eyes will emerge.

The physical and mental torture made Charles II want to end his despicable life.

But he was tied up, with a smelly rag stuffed in his mouth. He wanted to hold his breath and suffocate himself to death.

But it was too painful and he wasn't the willpower type.

His body was covered with sticky saliva. After the parade, he and his cage were immersed in water to be washed.

Each time they had to drink water until they were full.

But every time that strong suffocation made him cherish life even more.

After washing up, they will get a delicious meal, which can not only wash away their fatigue and shame of the day, but also make them feel the beauty of life.

Charles II grabbed the food and devoured it. He could feel his taste buds cheering.

At the same time, he was also afraid of the Ming people's methods.

After eating, they can have a good sleep and even change into brand new clothes.

In this way, when they go to the next stop to give a speech of repentance, the angry people will be even more angry when they see their brand-new royal robes.

They will take all their anger and resentment out on them.

The Ming people just fought back, that's all.

Women from the Western Regions were slowly sent away, and these civilians were given the status of laborers, but as long as they worked hard to reform through labor, they would one day be able to obtain the status of residents of the Ming Dynasty.

Some people obtained the status of Ming people and were promoted to minor officials. These people waved whips full of thorns in their hands and beat their compatriots hard. Every blow left a blood mark, and then they whipped them with thorns covered in flesh and blood. Someone else.

These people will direct all their anger at their own people. At this time, the people of Ming Dynasty will stand up and reprimand the hateful lackey.

In the eyes of the people in the Western Regions, the people of Ming Dynasty are so kind and kind. Even though they do the hardest work and have the least amount of food.

But you can still eat some lymph meat and drink some soup cooked with lymph meat every now and then.

These are all done by those hateful lackeys to curry favor with the people of Ming Dynasty.

Every time they are discovered by the Ming Dynasty, they will be reprimanded, and then the Ming Dynasty will be kind enough to add the best pork legs to their meals.

With more money in their stomachs, they are full of hope for the future and work harder.

A boy of seventeen or eighteen said to his father: "As long as I work hard for another twenty years, when I am less than forty years old, I will be able to obtain the status of a Ming citizen. At that time, I will be able to enjoy all the rights of a Ming citizen."

The father smiled bitterly and said nothing. He was already over thirty this year, and the burden of the family was all on him, making him look as if he was in his fifties or sixties.

He was afraid that he would not live long enough to obtain the identity of a Ming Dynasty citizen.

"The people of Ming Dynasty are really nice. I heard that people of Ming Dynasty actually allow us to eat three meals a day and eat meat once every three days.

This is better than our previous life. Although there is no wages, there are no worries, right? "

The young man didn't care whether his father heard or not. He curled up on the bunk full of people and looked at the moonlight shining slantingly from outside. "It's those lackeys who are so abominable. They were greedy for money. In order to save money for the people of Ming Dynasty, they let them go." We ate two meals a day, one meal at a time, and even gave us lymphatic meat and rotten rice.

It would be great if I could be a member of the Ming Dynasty, so that I would never have to be bullied like this again.

I can have three meals a day and eat meat every day. In this way, our family will have our own house and land. I can also marry one, oh no, three beautiful girls and have a lot of children.

At that time, the court will still raise our children for us.

Days like that are really intoxicating to think about. "

Listening to the young man's description, the people around him felt extremely yearning in their hearts. There were many people like the young man, and they were describing their lives after becoming Ming people.

In their eyes, that is a status that is more noble than noble lords, and they can live a better life and eat better than those lords.

Until the lackey who patrolled the room came over fiercely and told them to shut up, and the room suddenly fell into silence.

The father said to the young man: "Go to bed early, so that you will have the strength to work tomorrow, and your efforts will be seen by the Ming Dynasty nobles. Maybe you can be promoted to a noble man by the Ming Dynasty people in advance."

When the young man thought that he would be promoted, he tossed and turned in excitement and couldn't sleep.

He really wanted to find someone to talk to, but his father was already snoring.

The smell in the tongpu is not pleasant, but at least they have a place to shelter from the wind and rain, food to eat, and a job.

Moreover, people from Ming Dynasty will treat you when you are sick.

Days like this seem a little better than before.

Most importantly, they have hope.

Many teenagers in the Tongpu were tossing and turning, unable to sleep. They communicated quietly until the lackeys came over again and scolded them.

The sounds inside gradually became quieter, and only the loud snoring could be heard.

Everyone firmly believes that tomorrow will be better.

As long as they work hard, they will be seen by the people of Ming Dynasty, and they will have the opportunity to become masters. Then, like those lackeys, they can walk with the wind and beat whoever they want, and they can be popular and drink spicy food.

You can let your family live a good life.

They can become real masters!

(End of this chapter)

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