big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2051: The Master Link!

Chapter 2051: The Master Link!
The young man works hard every day, sweating profusely. Every time his number is called, he is always the first to rush out of the room and come to the Ming Dynasty.

He always tried his best to show his best side to Master Ming.

Until that day, the Ming Dynasty master praised him, and he felt that his life had brightened up.

But a few days later, while building a road, his father was accidentally hit in the head by a stone and left him.

Before leaving, she held his hand and told him to work hard and become a Ming Dynasty master.

The boy cried, but also became more determined.

Later, his story reached the ears of Master Ming.

That day, the sun was just right.

He was called to Master Ming's military tent and saw a very majestic Ming man.

The Ming people asked him what his name was, and he said his name was Kemu.

"Kem, that's a nice name." The man even stretched out his hand to rub his chicken coop-like hair, not disliking him being dirty at all. "I'm sorry for your father's death, but your efforts are touching. From now on, I grant you the identity of a Ming Dynasty person.

Go back and pack your things and move them out of Datong Shop. "

Kem couldn't believe his ears. He stared blankly at the Ming officer next to him. As far as he knew, this Ming officer had the highest status in Davilia.

He controls their life and death, but at this moment, in front of this man, he is as respectful as a grandson.

"You're lucky, kid. Why don't you thank the Emperor quickly?" the officer urged.

The Supreme Emperor?
Kemu is from a small place. Although he has no culture, he also knows that the person who can be crowned emperor must be a big shot.

He was wondering if this man was the prince of the Ming Dynasty.

Thinking of this, he reacted and immediately knelt on the ground excitedly, "Thank you, master, thank you, master!"

He kowtowed repeatedly, his vision blurred by tears.

"No need to thank me, you deserve this. God will favor everyone who works hard, and you are no exception!" The man smiled and said, "Go back and tell your compatriots and let them envy you. ”

Kem left in a daze. The moment he walked out of the military camp, the sun shone on his body, making him feel indescribably warm.

Someone brought him a brand new set of clothes and shoes, and someone else took him to wash up and trim his hair.

When he came out wearing new clothes and looked at the handsome young man in the mirror, he couldn't even believe that it was him.

There was no dirt between his fingernails, and his hair was no longer tangled and smelling strange, but instead exuded the slightest fragrance.

Those high-ranking lackeys in the past showed their most sincere smiles when they saw him.

"Kem, you are now a member of the Ming Dynasty. I think you should be given a Ming Dynasty name. This lowly name is no longer worthy of your status."

"Yes, I think you should give yourself a handsome name, so that when you arrive in Ming Dynasty, those people will look at you with admiration."

Even the lackey who had bullied him walked up to him with an embarrassed look on his face, "Kem, please forgive me for hurting you. I was wrong!"

Kem couldn't believe what he saw.

But they all really happened.

Tears blurred his vision again.

Those around him laughed at him for crying.

But instead of beating him with a whip full of thorns, he wiped his tears with a handkerchief.

"Handsome young man, your future is bright. Tears are the sign of a coward. You should be happy!"

"Kim, beauties don't like tears. You are only eighteen years old. If those ladies know that you are a crybaby, they will definitely laugh at you."

The good-natured and joking laughter of the people around him made Kem stop crying, and he began to feel shy. Those people collected some money from their pockets and stuffed it into his hand, saying it was to celebrate his rebirth.

Keim had never handled so much money in his life.

It's like a dream.

He walked towards Datongpu in a daze, and the shirtless people working there on the roadside looked at him with envy.

Because only a lackey can wear such luxurious clothes.

Oh, that's wrong, you can't call a lackey now, he is the master now!

Lackey is what those bitches say because they are jealous.

He saw many of his former playmates, and those people looked at him with doubts in their eyes.

It wasn't until he called out their names that they couldn't believe it: "You, are you Kem?"

"God, you are actually Kem, why have you changed so much?"

"Hey Kim, were you asked to do the laundry? Are these the clothes the lackeys gave you?
Come and work quickly. If those lackeys know that you are slacking off, they will definitely punish you! "

"First of all, my name is not Kem now, my name is Link." Kem read out the names that those people had just given to him, "Also, this clothes was given to me by Master Ming.

Because now I am also a Ming Dynasty person, and I have just been given the identity of a Ming Dynasty person.

So, give me some respect. "

Everyone around was stunned, but some people still didn't believe it, "Stop dreaming, are you the only one who wants to be the master of the Ming Dynasty?"

"You wouldn't secretly drink Shao Knife before you wake up?"

Everyone laughed.

This laughter also attracted the attention of a Ming army officer not far away, "What are you going to do next?"

Hearing this voice, everyone panicked. Mr. Ming was easy to talk to, but only if they worked hard.

If they cheat, they will be more ruthless than those lackeys.

"Kem, come here quickly, Master Ming is here, and you will be finished by then!"

"Maybe you will be thrown into a water prison and you will live in darkness for a few days."

Kem was a little frightened when he saw the tall officer approaching.

But the officer ignored him and walked straight to those people, but he only warned them and did not take action.

After warning, he turned to look at Kem with a kind smile, "Are you the lucky boy?"

Kem's knees softened and he almost knelt down, but the officer in front of him held him back and even patted the dust on his shoulders, "Remember, you are now a Ming Dynasty citizen. In addition to your parents and ancestors, His Majesty the Emperor Other than that, you don’t have to kneel to anyone.

Stand tall, remember to bring your ID, and go to the registration office. You will be assigned a house, land, job, and maybe a wife. "

Kem was extremely excited, "Thank you, officer!"

The officer laughed.

The people around were dumbfounded when they saw all this.

Especially Kem's acquaintances, all of them were gnashing their teeth in jealousy.

No one expected that Kemu would suddenly transform into a high-ranking Ming Dynasty man.

This is worse than killing them!

(End of this chapter)

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