big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2052 Kill him

Chapter 2052 Kill him
Kem, oh no, it should be the respected Lord Link now.

Those who used to live in the same Datongpu as Link, although they cursed fiercely, they rushed to Link's face, "Kemu, let me clean up for you."

"You idiot, what is your name Kemu? Now you are Link, a high-ranking Ming master. In the future, you can live in a new house, wear new clothes, and have the status of Ming. Maybe you can even marry a beautiful Ming woman as your wife. "

"Mr. Lin, it's too dark inside the store. Don't get your clothes dirty!"

Those people surrounded Link, and the officer saw them but did not stop them from leaving their posts. Link was the lucky one who was chosen. They were the best examples that could inspire these people from the Western Regions and give them hope.

These people walked all the way to show off to the people around them, "Look, this is our Lord Link, the big shot who walked out of No. 5 Tongpu."

Along the way, Link's arrogant look aroused the attention of many people.

Many people knew Link, and when they saw Link's noble look, they were all stunned, their eyes full of jealousy and envy.

"This kid is so lucky!"

"In a sudden change, he became a big boss. The life after this is simply unimaginable."

"What are you doing stupidly? Come on and congratulate us. If Kem takes a fancy to you, we will have a chance to get out of this place."

The people of the Ming Dynasty were qualified to buy and sell slaves. Although the Ming Dynasty had banned slaves, they had no human rights.

After some people were bought, although they did not have the status of the Ming Dynasty, they still had a higher status than working here as slaves of the Ming Dynasty people.

"You are stupid. If you go to be a slave, you will only be a slave for the rest of your life. We still have a chance to become masters here. No matter what happens, we can also be masters in twenty years!"

Many people look down upon being a slave and feel that this is the right way to go.

But there are always people who can't stand this level of work.

They do the most tiring physical work. Although they are well fed, they have no fuel or water.

Some people are exhausted every day, and some people feel horrible when they think that they have to do it for more than 20 years.

Not long after, Link was surrounded by people. These people used to be his friends, even his elders. Now they are as humble as dogs wagging their tails at their feet.

This gave Link a great sense of satisfaction.

From this moment on, he felt that these people were too dirty and ugly.

Being too close to him would make him smell like these untouchables.

"Stay away from me, don't touch me!" Link kicked a person who bullied him in the past to the ground. "If you touch me, I'll kick you to death."

The man who was kicked not only did not dare to say anything, he was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Lin, I'm sorry."

Link glared at him with disgust, then someone squatted on the ground, put Link's feet on his shoulders, and then wiped the dust off his leather shoes with his sleeves, "Mr. Lin, please take care of me too." Take it away, I will serve you as a slave!"

"Are you worthy?" Link kicked the man in front of him down. He didn't know why he did this. Maybe when he saw these people, he thought of his dead father and what happened these days.

He hates these people and doesn't want to have any contact with these lowly people anymore, as if sticking to these people will lower their status.

The person who was kicked down was quickly blocked by others, "I, Mr. Lin, I am very smart."

"Mr. Lin, you see I am in such good health. If you take me away, I can help you with a lot of work!"

Link said nothing and walked forward. Soon he reached Datongpu No. 5. He stood at the door of the Tongpu. There was a sour smell inside, which made him frown.

Several people scrambled to get his things out. The stained mattress exuded a stench.

Link did not pick it up, but said: "I will reward you."

With that said, he turned and left.

Only at this moment did he realize that he no longer needed these dirty things.

As long as you walk out of here, someone will build a house for you, allocate you the most fertile land, and beautiful women will come to marry you.

He will enjoy all the power of the Ming people.

These lowly people will bend their knees when they see themselves, even those former nobles are no exception.

"Link, I'm Eric, do you still remember me? When you and your son came to my farm, you couldn't live any longer. I took you in!" A middle-aged man rushed to Link with a look on his face. Excited, he was Link's former master, but now he is just a laborer in a labor camp.

He was so pampered that he could afford such hardship. He didn't expect that the little slave in the past would now become a master.

Link saw Eric thinking a lot of bad things. Although he took him in, he bullied his mother and sister and sold them as goods.

He often deprived himself of food and slept in stables.

Thinking of what happened in the past, Lin Ke's eyes turned red, "Whoever beats him to death will be taken away by me!"

As soon as these words came out, Eric was so frightened that he trembled, "Link, calm down, you can't do this, killing is illegal."

Link sneered, "I am from Ming Dynasty. If I want to kill you, I will kill you."

When the people around him heard this, they all looked at Eric like hungry wolves.

Eric realized something was wrong, turned around and left, "Master, save me, save me, they are going to kill me."

The people around Link rushed forward wildly, and Eric's screams were heard in the blink of an eye.

The officer walked up to Link and even offered him a cigarette.

Link knew that even though he was from Ming Dynasty, he still had to be humble when facing officers. He took the cigarette with both hands and said, "Thank you, sir."

"According to the rules, you can take two people away. If you have parents, you can take them together. If not, you can choose one of them!" The officer lit a cigarette for Link and said.

Link nodded. Qin Yan choked, but it was better than the best cigarette their master had ever smoked.

He smokes greedily, as if this way can prevent others from seeing that he actually doesn't know how to smoke.

Soon, Eric died, and two men covered in blood walked to Link's side.

Link looked at the two of them, "You two, come with me."

When the two people heard this, they were trembling with excitement. They knelt on the ground and kowtowed, "Thank you, Master Lin, thank you, Master Lin."

Everyone around was filled with envy, and someone said in annoyance: "Damn it, if I had just taken one step faster, I would be the one who killed Eric!"

(End of this chapter)

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