big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2053 Good Guys

Chapter 2053 Good Guys
Link nodded, said thank you to the officer, and left with the lucky two.

These two lucky people said goodbye to their relatives, packed up their things and left. For them, this place was not worth lingering on.

Looking at Link's back, many people scolded Link behind his back for being ungrateful, forgetting about them when he became rich, and forgetting that he was just a cow and a horse.

But after they finish scolding, they will show off to other workers that they have a big boss in their No. 5 store.

It felt as if he himself had become the boss, indescribably arrogant.

Link’s story will continue here for a long time, stimulating everyone who works here. Many young people will use Link’s story to inspire themselves.

They work harder, but when they meet those 'lackeys', they will still curse and envy them.

And they even hope that Link can come back to Chase Shop No. 5 to see their poor friends.

However, Link never came back after that.

But the officer occasionally told some news about Link.

After Link went out, he was assigned a large house, which was only used by noble lords in the past.

He was also allocated hundreds of acres of the best land, and was even lucky enough to be assigned two women from the Western Regions by the court.

Later he started a business and became rich all of a sudden.

It is said that she gave birth to many children.

Of course, these are things to follow.

There are more than ten million workers in the entire Western Region. Every month, one or two lucky people are selected to become Ming Dynasty masters.

These examples deeply stimulated them.

They even feel that such a day is more promising than before.

Work harder one by one.

Li Yongmeng didn't understand and asked Qin Mo, "Why are these people so well-behaved and don't resent us at all? Is it really because the methods are used well?"

Qin Mo shook his head, "No, there are classes in every country in the world, but the classes in any country are more serious than those in the Ming Dynasty.

Even for the former Daqian, class consolidation was not as severe as these people.

They believe that blood is everything, and the children of poor people are born to be poor, while the children of generals are born to be generals.

These people have been oppressed in the Western Regions for so many years, and they have no hope, just like the people at the lowest level in Tianxiang.

Did Ming Dynasty squeeze them?
It is squeezing them, but giving them a full meal.

They don't have to think about it. Today, they please the noble master to get a salary that is too pitiful to feed the family.

There is even medicine available to them when they are sick.

They have a place to live, and they even have hope of becoming Ming Dynasty masters.

You said, what qualifications do they have that they are not satisfied with?
Sometimes I feel like I'm being too kind, like I'm here to do good deeds. "

Li Yongmeng burst out laughing, "It seems that's true. Look at those people, they seem to be quite grateful to us."

Qin Mo nodded, "It took the Ming Dynasty decades to complete the journey that others have taken for thousands of years. If you look at the Western Regions, you will know how backward these people's ideas are.

Ming's advancement, even just a little bit, made them feel like a spring breeze.

Do you think it's good or bad to be united under heaven? "

"Okay, of course it is." Only then did Li Yongmeng understand why Qin Mo let Dou Yiai manage the Western Region.

To be honest, the so-called labor camps have been upgraded many times compared to decades ago.

But even so, the life is better than the life of these Western Region aborigines.

It felt like I was clearly invading, but in the end I realized that I was actually here to rescue them.

He has done good things, but he seems not to have done any good things.

He was labeled as a good person for no reason, which was strange and speechless.

"Then what's next for the Western Region?" Li Yongmeng asked. "There used to be forty states in the Western Region, and Xijing happened to issue a notice to change the twelve states to seventy-two states. I thought about it, but I still felt it was not enough, so I simply changed the seventy-two states to one hundred and eight states.

I transferred all the original workers from each country to other countries and demolished all the substandard buildings. "

How much money do the Forty Countries in the Western Regions have?
The gold and silver harvested were equivalent to the Ming Dynasty's finances for twenty years.

Up to now, it has been more than a month and the inventory has not been completed.

Not only the wealth of the royal palace and nobles, but also the wealth hidden among the people.

Qin Mo estimated in his mind that the direct profit this time should exceed 150 billion yuan.

With this 150 billion, we can invest heavily in infrastructure construction.

The second is the construction of the Western Region.

The original forty countries were simply gone. On this basis, the old and the new were combined to build thirty-six cities, and officials were transferred from various places to manage them here.

Then there is immigration.

In the next five years, three to five million people will immigrate here.

More than twenty years ago, Qin Mo needed to buy more people from the Western Regions.

But now, the population explosion has been able to feed back the Western Regions.

Mainly composed of Qin people.

There are still two to three million young girls from the Western Regions of appropriate age left here, just waiting for them to come over.

Including the troops stationed here, the population of the Western Regions has not actually changed much.

In another thirty years, how many of these workers will be left?
When that time comes, what if we give them a Ming resident status?

By then they had lost their future.

Moreover, these workers cannot always be in the Western Region. There are still so many big projects across the country that need people.

Reports began to be filed all over the country, focusing on these people.

It is no exaggeration to say that a worker can bring in at least a thousand yuan in income for one year's work. Ten thousand people can generate an income of tens of millions.

The cost is pitifully low.

Once the project is completed, it will be a major event that will benefit the present generation and benefit the future.

So it's not surprising that they are targeting these people.

Qin Mo thought for a moment. Thirty-six cities left three million workers, and the rest were distributed to all parts of the country and rewarded to the state capitals. These people can definitely shorten the Ming Dynasty by twenty years.

He read the submission submitted by Xijing, which listed many objective factors.

For example, why uprisings broke out one after another in New South Island in a short period of time.

It’s because of poor infrastructure, difficult communication, poor education, and the locals are too barbaric.

As Qin Mo said, the Ming Dynasty traveled a thousand years in just a few decades.

This road is a thousand years ahead for the people of the Western Regions, but for the savages of New South Road, it may be even more than a thousand years.

Do you expect them to become as gentle and gentle as the people of Ming Dynasty in a few decades?

That's impossible.

Therefore, Xinnan Dao should be broken and reshaped like Tianxiang Prefecture and the Western Region.

If you can't change them, then change yourself.

Completely make New South Road your own.

Will there be another war?

Qin Mo thought, "Let's fight, we've already reached this point, and this place is not missing!"

(End of this chapter)

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