big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2054 New Brother-in-law

Chapter 2054 New Brother-in-law

Li Yongmeng nodded, and he agreed in his heart. His Tianxiang Prefecture was abolished, and there was no reason for Xinnan Dao to stay out of the matter.

That would make him feel uncomfortable.

"I think Ming Dynasty seems to have entered another stage, vigorous and upward, and we can clearly see the direction of the national destiny." Li Yongmeng said.

"Well, in the first ten years, Ming Dynasty was in its infancy, but in the second ten years, Ming Dynasty had already established a firm foothold.

The centenary plan may not last long, but one-third of the time has passed.

After all, you and I are old, right? "

"Brother, you are not old." Li Yongmeng said sincerely: "We are the only ones who are old."

Qin Mo smiled.

Dou Yiai suddenly said: "Brother, as for the Western Region sub-regions, will I still stay here?"

"Of course you have to stay. The Western Region is temporarily a special control area. After a year or two, when the situation here improves, you can go back."

Qin Mo said and asked Xiao Gao to send a telegram. He knew very well that it would take a few years to deal with all these troubles, and then the world would be truly unified.

And this kind of great unity is only superficial and needs more detailed integration.

Maybe it will take two decades, or even longer.

He didn't know if he could see that day, but now, he had to rush back to Tokyo because he wanted to spend the New Year with Lao Qin.

After going out for nearly a year, not only solved the hidden troubles, but also captured the Western Region. In this way, from east to west, this huge continent belongs to the Ming Dynasty.

It's simpler in Xijing, but in the land of Dongfang, I want more detailed running-in.

Even Li Yulan and Li Yushu, who were originally going to come, gave up their plans.

Bai Yu and Wu Xia's bellies are getting bigger and bigger. The infrastructure in the Western Region is extremely poor. Whether it's the nobles or the royal family, they only care about their own enjoyment and don't invest much in this area.

Fang Shun and Xiao Gao didn't like this smelly place either.

After all, both men and women and nobles here wear high-heeled shoes, because on rainy days, dirty things will be washed away on the streets by the surging rainwater. Wearing high heels can prevent them from stepping on those disgusting things.

Although those nobles have now been stepped on, and public toilets have been built everywhere, this place is like salted fish that has been pickled, and there is always a sense of arrogance in the air.

Qin Mo had no intention of hanging around, let alone playing with the ladies of the Forty Kingdoms.

He even specifically warned Dou Yiai not to let him touch these people.

To avoid getting yourself sick.

As for Li Yongmeng, he also followed Qin Mo. He was tired of this kind of life. Now that Prince Cheng is getting old, he has to go back to provide for his father and accompany him through the last part of his life.

Prince Cheng is in good health. He is eighty years old and can still wield a thirty-pound sword. He also eats half a catty of wine and a pound of meat for one meal.

He even took a woman in her twenties as a concubine not long ago.

It was a good little life.

Qin Mo was very indulgent towards these old people, serving the four dynasties happily. What happened to them?
The fighter planes flew directly from the Western Region to Silla State, and then flew from Silla State to Nanyang State.

Then I transferred from Nanyangzhou and flew back to Tokyo.

When he returned to Tokyo, Lao Qin was no longer in the palace. When Qin Mo asked, he found out that he had gone to accompany Shuangshuang.

But he didn't have time to go to Lao Qin to pay his respects. The women at home were like evil wolves and almost devoured him.

He returned home at noon and went out in the evening. He really tried his best to cope with it. Otherwise, it would not be possible to come out easily.

He held the door and walked out of the room. The women were sleeping soundly.

But it’s also understandable that after being famine for so long, it’s hard to come back and you must have enough to eat.

Fortunately, sisters Bai Yuwuxia and senior sister did not come over, otherwise, they would have died here!

Qin Mo sat on the threshold and smoked a few cigarettes. Xiaoba came over with ginseng soup and said, "Your Majesty, please replenish it!"

Qin Mo took it and drank it all in one gulp, "Get the car ready, I'm going to Shuangshuang."

At this time, Qinzhuang was where both of them lived.

As soon as Qin Mo entered the door, he saw Lao Qin playing chess with a middle-aged man.

The man looked very bookish, with a delicate and handsome appearance and a short beard. He looked like an orthodox scholar.

Facing Lao Qin, he looked calm.

Qin Mo didn't interrupt, but walked over silently to watch them play chess.

The game was chess, and Lao Qin had already been defeated. He was frowning and looking unhappy.

"Aren't you bullying the old man?" Lao Qin said unhappily: "If I play chess with you, I'll lose nine out of ten games. Why can't you give in to the old man?"

The man smiled and said, "You said I couldn't let you, otherwise I would be looking down on you. Besides, it's normal to lose and win in chess."

Qin Xiangru blew his beard angrily and glared, "You're still preaching to me."

"Don't dare!"

"Qin Mo, your father was bullied, and you just watched from the sidelines?" Qin Xiangru had already discovered Qin Mo, and now he pushed the chess piece away angrily and started playing tricks.

Qin Mo smiled and said, "Dad, it's just a game of chess. If you lose, you lose. You are a bad chess player to begin with. There is nothing surprising if you lose. If you win, I will be surprised!"

When the man heard the voice behind him, he stood up hurriedly. Seeing this young and shameless man, his knees softened and he knelt directly on the ground, "Common man Xu Jie, please see the Supreme Emperor."

Qin Mo pulled him up and said, "I don't care about this."

He still believed in Lao Qin's vision. A man who could make Lao Qin sit down and play chess together calmly and lose nine times in a row must have a good character.

Xu Jie felt a little reserved in front of Qin Mo. After all, this was a legendary figure. Who wouldn't be nervous when seeing him?

"You kid, you dare to talk about being friends with my sister, and you are still afraid of me?"

"It's not that I'm afraid, it's that I respect you!" Xu Jie said: "Caomin was originally from Lingnan. When he was eight or nine years old, he followed his parents to Suzhou and Hangzhou. At that time, you were the governor of Lingnan.

Who among all Lingnan people would not thank you?
We even have your longevity plaque in our house. "

Qin Mo is the ultimate belief of Lingnan people.

If they make a mistake, if you make them swear to Qin Mo, they will all be extremely honest.

In their eyes, Qin Mo was someone who could not be offended.

Xu Jie was very cautious, but he was still a little excited in his heart, "I only saw you from a distance before, but I didn't expect that ten or twenty years later, I would be able to stand in front of you. I am really lucky!"

"What you said makes me look the same!" Qin Mo pretended to be displeased, "You really can't speak. No wonder my father said you bullied the old man!"

(End of this chapter)

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