big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2056 Unraveling

Chapter 2056 Unraveling

"Thank you, uncle!" the little girl said in a sweet voice.

Qin Mo laughed and said, "You're welcome. This is a meeting gift from your uncle."

Just as he was talking, he saw Qin Shuangshuang walking over.

Seeing Qin Mo, she was still embarrassed and said, "Brother, you are back."

Qin Mo looked at her, "Sure enough, love nourishes people. I feel like you are alive now. You were fine everywhere before but lifeless. How good are you now?"

Seeing her brother making fun of herself, Qin Shuangshuang felt a little embarrassed, "There it is!"

As she spoke, she laughed to herself, but immediately her eyes turned red and she hugged Qin Mo, "When I heard that you were in danger in Tianxiang State, I almost scared me to death. Fortunately, you are okay."

Qin Mo patted her back and said, "It's okay, it's all over."

"Don't go if you can in the future, let the young people pass." Qin Shuangshuang sniffed and said.

"I haven't even seen you get married again, how dare you die." Qin Mo smiled haphazardly, and then said: "Gu, I haven't eaten the food you cooked for a long time."

Qin Xiuying said hurriedly: "I'll make two more dishes!"

"Come on, Xiao Xu, come have a drink with me tonight."

"And me, I haven't chewed my elbow for a long time, and your aunt won't let me eat it!" Lao Qin rubbed his hands. He is a first-level elbow chewer, but now, tobacco and alcohol are strictly controlled, and he can't eat his elbow every day. Nagging.

"You can't." Qin Mo shook his head, "You should just drink tea honestly!"

"I drink tea every day. I am old and sleep less. If I drink tea again, won't I be more unable to sleep?" Qin Xiangru said angrily: "I don't care, I just want a big bowl of wine and a big mouthful of meat today. I'm almost nineteen." You're ten, how many more years do you have left to live?
If I'm not allowed to eat and drink now, what's the point of living? "

Qin Xiangru got into a little temper.

Qin Mo said helplessly: "Drink a glass of wine, smoke three cigarettes, smoke half an elbow, no more!"

"That's pretty much it." Qin Xiangru was overjoyed, "It's agreed, if your aunt scolds me later, you have to help me block it!"

Qin Mo nodded.

Soon, the meal was served, and Qin Mo didn't call Li Yulan or the others over. The family of six just ate normally.

Qin Mo poured Xu Jie a glass of wine.

Xu Jie stood up in a hurry, "Brother, I'm coming!"

"Sit down, this is not like the outside. My family doesn't have to be so particular. I can do whatever makes me feel comfortable. You are so polite, but I am unhappy." Qin Mo said.

"Sit down, my eldest brother doesn't like such heavy rules." Qin Shuangshuang said with a smile.

Xu Jie then sat down, but he only dared to touch half of his buttocks. Although Qin Mo said this, he couldn't really listen to it.

This is not just etiquette, but also respect for Qin Mo.

Qin Mo didn't say anything when he saw this.

After filling his glass with wine, Qin Mo raised his glass and clinked it with him, "Be kind to my sister from now on. This is my only sister."

"Don't worry, brother, I will be good to the princess wholeheartedly!"

"Look, you're here again." Qin Shuangshuang rolled her eyes at him, "Why don't you call me princess in private?" Xu Jie smiled naively, "I'm not too nervous."

As he spoke, he drank the wine in one gulp. The spicy wine made him cough repeatedly.

"You don't know how to drink?" Qin Mo said funnyly: "At your age, you shouldn't."

"My family used to be poor and couldn't afford to drink. When I was studying, I was afraid of getting into trouble if I drank. Later, I read the Science Journal and said that drinking too much alcohol can damage the brain, so I stopped drinking." Xu Jie said sheepishly: " Please forgive me for not being able to drink with my eldest brother and father-in-law!”

Qin Mo waved his hand and poured his father a glass of wine.

Lao Qin was only looking at his elbow in front of him, with a cigarette in his hand, puffing away smoke. It seemed that Qin Xiuying was controlling him too strictly.

No, taking advantage of everyone's presence, he wildly teased Qin Xiuying's nerves.

"I heard that your grades were pretty good back then and you were admitted as a civil servant in Suzhou and Hangzhou. Why didn't you go to work?" Qin Mo asked.

"My parents were in poor health and my wife couldn't take care of them by herself, so I didn't go." Xu Jie said with some shame: "It was also because of this incident that my ex-wife couldn't bear the pain, so she left with others.

In fact, I don’t blame her. I didn’t earn much at that time, so I spent all of it on my parents without considering her feelings.

Later, both of my parents died of illness, and Xiuling and I were left to depend on each other.

I thought at the time that I would never get married again in this life and just live with my children until I met Shuangshuang. "

He looked at Qin Shuangshuang, his eyes full of gratitude, "He doesn't dislike me for accomplishing nothing, nor does he dislike me for raising a child.

She, with such a distinguished status, I..."

"Identity is something you earn by yourself." Qin Mo said: "Some people are born to be emperors, and some are born to be unlucky, but unfortunate people cannot remain unlucky.

But being filial is a good thing, but giving up work is a stupid thing.

Your ex-wife may not leave you if you go to work. "

"When I think about what you said, I feel that I was too stupid at the time. If I had had a stable job at that time, maybe my parents would not have left." Xu Jie said sadly.

"I don't mean to poke your pain points, but you have to be more flexible in the future. You are an injured man, and my sister is an injured woman. You need to support each other, understand and tolerate each other." Qin Mo drank wine and looked at Qin Shuangshuang. , "I know my sister very well. She is quite straightforward. Like my aunt, she sometimes does things impulsively, so I need you to be more rational.

Our family's situation is quite special. If Li Zhao says anything to you in the future, don't take it seriously.

After all, you are not his. "

"I can understand. That kid is quite nice, and he's quite polite to me. He didn't say anything bad to me!" Xu Jerneng understood that Qin Mo was trying to comfort himself and untie his knot.

This made him even more moved.

"It's good that you think so." Qin Mo put down his wine glass, "But if you treat my sister badly, I won't blame you. We can just separate peacefully. Our family doesn't have the habit of using power to oppress others, but you don't either Use your power to overwhelm others, even though I know you won’t.”

"Don't worry, I have never thought about it this way. I just think that my life is good. Just like what you wrote in the Records of the Ming Dynasty, the strong are strong when they take care of the weak, and they are stupid when they bully the weak."

Qin Mo laughed, "Come on, have a drink."

This meal was a happy one, but Qin Xiangru kept talking about it the whole time, one piece after another, and it wasn't finished until he was full.

The person who drank the whole meal was also drunk, and he was completely drunk. "Idiot, tell me a new story for dad. The authors in the bookstores in Beijing are so bad now, they are not interesting at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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