big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2057 A gift for Xu Zhang

Chapter 2057 A gift to Xu Jie
Xu Jie looked at Qin Mo. He had heard before that Qin Mo liked to write stories and was also a storyteller, but he didn't expect it to be true.

There is a strong reading atmosphere in Ming Dynasty.

Students are not ashamed of writing novels, but rather proud of it.

Not only Qin Mo, but also His Majesty also likes storytelling.

This has also led to the unprecedented development of Ming Dynasty’s entertainment industry.

He also wanted to write a book, and he had written one before, but those people thought what he wrote was too literary and no one read it.

That's why he wanted to open a bookstore.

This way you can see all the good books.

"Dad, you are really good at calling on your son as soon as he comes back!" Qin Mo snorted, but did not refuse, but said: "Then let me tell you an extended story of Journey to the West."

Hearing this, several people came with interest.

Who doesn’t know about Journey to the West and the Ming Dynasty?
This is a masterpiece of mythology. Whether it is the big screen or the small screen, there have been many works about this book.

"what is it call?"

"Westward Journey!" Qin Mo picked up a stool and sat on the table. He had not been a storyteller for several years. Firstly, he was lazy, and secondly, his status was too high. It was not appropriate for him to tell stories again.

There are not many people who can listen to his story.

But he was still very willing to tell Lao Qin.

The companionship in life is better than burning paper in front of the grave.

"It is said that five hundred years ago, the Monkey King, the Monkey King."

Everyone listened with gusto, especially this story, which was completely reversed from Journey to the West.

It is no longer about learning from scriptures, but about love and love.

But everyone was immediately fascinated.

They heard that Journey to the West was reincarnated into the Supreme Treasure, that the Supreme Treasure went to find Bai Jingjing, and that the Supreme Treasure became the Monkey King.

Until Zixia died in front of the Monkey King, Qin Shuangshuang's eyes turned red from crying.

She understood that this story was told to her by Qin Mo.

Xu Jie was also heartbroken.

"The Supreme Treasure turned into the Monkey King, but the Monkey King could no longer turn into Sun Wukong. After all, he was still willing to follow Monk Tang to the West."

Qin Xiangru said, "Sun Wukong doesn't want to go to the West, so Tang Monk is verbose. Bai Jingjing is the white moonlight in his heart, but Zixia is his favorite."

This story is good, although it is strange, it is inexplicably enjoyable.

No matter who you are, you must cherish the people in front of you. "

As he spoke, he glanced at his daughter thoughtfully.

Qin Xiuying also wiped her tears, "Mo'er, you really made me cry as soon as you came back!"

"I was wrong!" Qin Mo jumped off the table, "Xu Jie, write this story for me. When the time comes, write your name on it as well. It will be considered as a wedding gift from me to you and Shuangshuang.

If nothing else, this story should fetch a good price! "

Xu Jie was stunned and said hurriedly: "Brother, this is too expensive, I can't have it!"

There is no cheap story about Qin Mo, even if it is a short article, every word is worth a thousand dollars.

Each one has been made into a classic, and the books have been sold out.

As long as it is produced by Qin Mo, it will definitely be popular in the world.

This book is really enough for him to last a lifetime, and he can't finish it.

Publishing, remakes, radio broadcasts, that's a lot of money. "You are a scholar. It's too tacky for me to give you money, and it's against the rules for me to give you an official position. Then I'll give you a story." Qin Mo patted his shoulder, "Don't refuse, I won't be happy if you refuse." ”

"Your elder brother tells you to accept it, so just accept it!" Qin Xiuying said.

"Thank you, brother, I will definitely restore the story to its original form!" Xu Jie said.

"Then, see you later." Qin Mo said to Lao Qin and left.

Qin Xiuying pushed Xu Jie, "What are you doing here in a daze? I'll give it to my eldest brother!"

Xu Jie also reacted and hurriedly sent him out.

After sending Qin Mo away, Xu Jie said to Qin Shuangshuang: "Big brother is really good to me. There is really no perfect person like big brother in this world."

"I told you a long time ago that my eldest brother is the best person in the world. Are you not nervous now?"

"I'm still nervous, that's Qin Mo." Xu Jie said: "No matter who it is, they can't be calm in front of him, and I can't do it anyway."

And Qin Mo was in a good mood. Qin Shuangshuang found a husband and started a new life.

She is also young, and having a companion in the future can avoid a lot of suffering.

Back in the palace, Qin Mo told Xu Jie's story.

Unexpectedly, Li Yulan said: "We have known this for a long time, why do we need you to tell us?" '

"That's right, we've known for a long time. I think Xu Jie is a good person. He's quite honest and honest, better than you!" Li Yushu pouted.

"If he's fine, then you go find him." Qin Mo didn't like her.

"I'll bite you to death!" Li Yushu was so angry that he rushed towards him with his teeth and claws bared.

These ladies are all old, but they are still the same as before, not much has changed.

Qin Mo was quickly overwhelmed by the girls, and he thought this was good.

Early the next morning, Qin Mo took a look at the new city. He had been away for so long, and the new city was basically completed.

Now the old city is connected to Qinzhuang, and the urban area is huge.

Even the train takes a long time to go around.

And now, train technology has made another breakthrough, and parking is now more accurate.

However, subway technology is still under research and development, but it is not that simple to delve into it. In this area, Qin Mo can only provide some ideas, and cannot even explain the general content clearly.

It has been so long since he traveled across time that he has forgotten many things. Even if he had recorded everything he could remember in the early years, he could not stop the invasion of time.

He can barely remember even his relatives in the other world.

"Your Majesty, I will retire next year. Thank you so much for your trust and use in these years." Liu Wanche knelt on the ground and kowtowed sincerely.

Qin Mo looked at him and realized that he had white hair.

Yes, Liu Wanche was much older than him, so he was sixty-five years old.

"Get up, you have followed me for so many years and you still don't know my temper?" Qin Mo said.

Liu Wanche's eyes were wet and he said: "If it weren't for the Supreme Emperor, I don't know what kind of life I would be living as a pig or a dog. Where would I be now?

To me, the Supreme Emperor is my biological parents. I am lucky to meet you in this life.

If there is an afterlife, I will be a cow and a horse for you again! "

"You are leaving me too." Qin Mo said with some waning interest.

"I just retired and did not leave Tokyo. As long as His Majesty needs me, I will come out immediately!" Liu Wanche said.

"Just retire. I'm old now and it's time to enjoy peace and happiness." Qin Mo sighed, "I'm not good enough yet. I have to work hard for a few more years before I can retire!"

(End of this chapter)

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