big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2058 Rocket!

Chapter 2058 Rocket!

"You are such a noble person, so busy. This world cannot do without you." Liu Wanche said, "Looking back on these years, it's like a dream."

"Stop dreaming." Qin Mo patted his head, "Let me finish the finishing work of the new city. I don't want anyone to complain to the Ministry of Industry in the future."

"Don't worry, I'm always watching."

The two came to a lake. Qin Mo was stunned, "Isn't this the original research institute? Why is it gone?"

"It's been moved. The old emperor issued an order saying that the research base in Qinzhuang is no longer safe, so all of them have been moved." Liu Wanche explained.

Qinzhuang's research base is located in the back hill of Qinzhuang, not far from Qinzhuang School.

Yellow gunpowder and the dynamo were invented there.

It can be said that that was the place where the basic science of Ming Dynasty was laid.

I didn't expect to move like this.

But yes, that place is located behind a downtown area and is indeed not suitable for scientific research.

Although no one dares to break in, the identities of those scientific researchers are kept confidential, and it is not safe if someone is interested.

Qin Mo also cast eight thousand cannons at the beginning, but now those eight thousand cannons have basically melted.

It was replaced with a brand new weapon, which is more powerful and has a longer range.

It's a pity, a few should be kept and placed in museums.

After walking around here, he found some tourist groups and heard the tour guide say: "This is the former scientific research base of Qinzhuang. It is now called Daming Lake. It contains yellow gunpowder, the first generator, and the first aircraft design drawing." , it came out from here.”

Qin Mo was watching it with great interest, when Xiaoba said in his ear: "Your Majesty, someone from the Tokyo Aviation Department is here."


"It is said that there has been a breakthrough in aircraft fuel, and I want you to guide the work." Xiaoba said.

"Let's go and have a look!" It's hard to find anything that can arouse Qin Mo's interest now, but aviation is definitely what he pays most attention to.

Soon, the car drove into the space base located on the outskirts of Beijing.

There is no human habitation within a radius of fifty miles, and the surrounding area is very flat.

Logically speaking, this place is actually not suitable as an aviation base.

But it was decided early on.

Moreover, there are three aviation bases in total.

Two in Xijing and one in Tokyo.

The reason why three aviation bases are established is for competition.

Competition is needed between countries, and even more so between industries.

Once you lie down, it's death.

In particular, this important weapon of a big country needs to be rolled inward.

However, in recent years, the progress in aviation has not been great, and attempts have been made repeatedly.

The capital invested every year exceeds 100 million.

And it’s increasing year after year.

The space base in Xijing was the first to start, and the fighter planes were launched there.

As for Tokyo's aviation base, Li Xuan is in charge.

That kid was obsessed with fighter planes and later became the person in charge of the Tokyo Air Base.

He devoted himself wholeheartedly to the research of rockets.

Speaking of which, he hadn't seen Li Xuan for a while.

When he entered the space base, Li Xuan saw an old man with completely white hair standing there.

This kid's hair has turned white a long time ago, and he refused to dye it black even if he was asked to do so.

He said he didn’t want to violate the laws of nature.

"Brother-in-law." Li Xuan greeted him happily. Without the oppression of that bastard thing, Li Xuan's body recovered after being nursed back to health.

Although there is still intense research every day, my body is still okay.

However, it was precisely because of the harsh oppression during those years that he looked more than ten years older than his peers. Standing with Qin Mo, he is more like his elder.

"You kid, can't you take the time to dye your hair?" Qin Mo rubbed his head, just like before.

Li Xuan didn't feel anything was wrong at all. At his age, it was definitely a happy event for someone to rub his hair.

"Are Third Sister and the others in good health?" Li Xuan asked.

"Very good. Take the time to visit them. They are obviously in the capital, but they feel like they have lost contact."


After chatting for a while, Qin Mo asked: "What's the progress this time?"

"It's fuel progress, and we're ready for this test flight."

Qin Mo said: "Has the computer been built?"

“It’s still a semi-finished product, but it’s hundreds of times faster than a human abacus, and it’s very easy to use.

It is precisely because of the semi-finished computer that we can calculate the data we need.

Compared with a few years ago, we have accumulated enough technical reserves, so this time we mainly want to ask you to come over and give us some guidance. "

"I think it's okay. I don't need any advice. Just take me to have a look!"

Soon, Li Xuan took Qin Mo to the rocket launch site.

A rocket about six feet tall stands there.

Although it is not as tall as the 100-meter-tall rocket in the previous life, it is unique in this world.

This is almost a collection of the most powerful technologies in the world.

Li Xuan introduced each part of the rocket to Qin Mo in detail, and finally said about the fuel, "We have prepared several types of fuel. After the rocket takes off, it will break away, then ignite the second fuel, and then continue to advance."

"How much does this rocket cost?"

"Probably around eight million." Li Xuan said.

Qin Mo nodded. It was expensive, but normal.

As long as this rocket can fly and reach the predetermined orbit, it means that aviation technology will grow by leaps and bounds.

Although he is not optimistic about this test flight.

"The test flight is still a bit too hasty now. I remember, wasn't there a launch base set up in Longyou a few years ago?
The population here is too dense. Once the launch fails and falls, it is very likely to cause irreparable losses. "

Li Xuan frowned and thought for a moment, "But transportation will be very troublesome, especially fuel. A trace of static electricity may explode.

At present, gunpowder can only be removed manually, and it is very expensive. "

"No matter how expensive it is, it's not as valuable as the lives of the people. I still hope to put this test flight in Longyou.

Moreover, the Chinese New Year is coming soon. I hope you can give the people a surprise after the New Year.

Regardless of whether it is a failure or a success, I will ask for a nationwide live broadcast to let all people know this happy event. "

This is the world where humans launch rockets for the first time

Unlike airplanes, the significance of rockets is for humans to explore the world beyond the earth.

In the vast universe, human beings are simply too small.

Moreover, having satellites is equivalent to putting eyes on cannonballs.

That is the real weapon of a great power.

It is the foundation of the Ming Dynasty for all ages.

It is the key to ensuring peace!

Li Xuan was a little confused, obviously unwilling.

Qin Mo said: "I know you have been preparing for this day for many years, but the more anxious you are, the less anxious you are to come.

I will definitely give you the honor that belongs to you.

Transport the rocket there first. When the time comes, I will accompany you to Longyou! "

(End of this chapter)

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