big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2060 Beginning

Chapter 2060 Looking Back
Outside the Longyou Space Base, on the observation deck, there were densely packed people.

Almost everyone had a telescope, waiting to see the rocket take off.

If the rocket launches successfully, it means that mankind has entered the space age.

These days, science is popularized all the time in the news and on TV, so expectations are already high.

I don't know how many people were standing in front of the radio.

If you don’t have a radio, go to someone’s house who has one and wait there.

On the other side of Xijing, it happened to be nightfall, and the originally lively night was now deserted.

They all stayed in front of the radio.

"Right now, the staff at Longyou Space Base are making preparations for launch.

The Supreme Emperor is doing pre-launch guidance work.

It is expected to be launched at 20pm sharp, Xijing time.

Please cheer and pray for the staff of Longyou Space Base! "

At the same time, pre-launch preparations are already underway in an orderly manner.

"Report to the dean, the inspection of equipment No. 1 has been completed!"

"Report to the dean, the inspection of equipment No. 2 has been completed!"

"Fuel check completed, everything went well."

There were hundreds of inspection tasks one by one, and the hearts of everyone outside the radio were in their throats.

Unexpectedly, a rocket launch requires so much preparation work in the early stage.

It's amazing.

Li Xuan was in the general command room, listening to the reports of others, and then said to Qin Mo: "Report to the Supreme Emperor that all preliminary preparations have been completed and can be launched at any time!"

Qin Mo nodded, feeling very excited inside.

How many years has it been since you traveled through time?

It has been forty years.

In forty years, two to three hundred years of accumulation and breakthroughs have been completed. It would be false to say that I am not excited.

As a traveler, he knows which roads are correct and which are incorrect.

Therefore, if these people work hard in the general direction he pointed out, they will not go wrong.

However, this is not due to him alone.

Without these people studying day after day, where would the Ming Dynasty be today?
Science takes one step at a time, and there is no chance at all.

Without solid basic theories and qualified materials, it is absolutely impossible to build a rocket.

Qin Mo looked at the huge clock hanging on the wall again. There were still about twenty minutes until the launch time.

He said: "Hello people all over the country, I am Qin Mo. Standing at the Longyou Space Base, the General Command Center, I feel very complicated and excited. I believe everyone feels the same as me."

Everyone nodded subconsciously. Once upon a time, flying into the sky was an unattainable dream and existed only in myths.

But now, with airplanes, people can fly at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

Places that originally took months to reach can be reached in just one day.

It is exactly the same as the legend of Chaoyou Beihai and Mu Cangwu in the myth.

And now, humans are about to fly into the universe and explore the endless starry sky.

They were born in this era and witnessed the mark of this era.

How proud they are!

The strength of Ming Dynasty, the majesty of Ming Dynasty, and the progress of Ming Dynasty are all the pride of Ming Dynasty people.

“Forty years ago, it was still Daqian, the world was divided, and there were always endless wars.

At that time, the rich and powerful families were coexisting, and the poor families had no way out. For ordinary people, even having a full meal was a luxury.

Today, forty years later, the clans are gone. Everyone has their own path. Everyone has a house, land, food, and money.

The old have someone to rely on, and the young have something to support. Looking back on these forty years, it gives me an unreal feeling.

I think God is favoring the Ming Dynasty.

It gave Ming an extremely bright road!

This path is the result of everyone’s hard work.

Today, Ming Dynasty, you have a share of glory! "

In the Tokyo Imperial Palace, Qin Xiangru was smoking. He knew very well how hard it was along the way.

Ming Dynasty came into existence from scratch and was achieved through the efforts of generations of people.

In the beginning, Xijing was full of barren land.

Construction is needed everywhere.

It is no exaggeration to say that Qin Mo created an unprecedented era and prosperity. He is truly amazing.

As a father, all he can do is help him keep this achievement.

Qin Xiuying held back her tears and said, "This journey has been really difficult."

"Why are you crying?"

"I feel sorry for Mo'er, can't I?" Qin Xiuying snorted, "You are not as stone-hearted as you."

Qin Xiangru grinned and did not argue with her, "Stop crying, I can't even hear the sound on the radio!"

"Are you deaf?" Qin Xiuying said dissatisfiedly, and then turned up the volume of the radio.

In Dongdu, Li Xin was also listening, "Forty years have passed so quickly. I think back then, I was still the prince.
Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, half of my neck was buried in the ground. "

There were some officials below him who did not dare to speak to him after hearing this.

"Look, Ming Dynasty is so powerful now, so we must keep this peace and keep this glory."

His words were addressed to those Li officials, “In the future, I don’t want to hear words that I shouldn’t hear.

After so many years, some people should have woken up long ago.

Don't let everyone suffer because of your own stupidity. "

He glanced at some people, but those people did not dare to look at him and lowered their heads with guilt.

Li Zhao went to the grassroots level to gain experience. Li Xin cleared some people, but there were still some people who were not cleared.

He just wanted to give these guys a chance.

The prosperity of the Ming Dynasty has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The people's hearts have long since stopped working.

It has been almost 20 years since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, and the older generation has all died. The people of the new era, who grew up under the red dragon banner of the Ming Dynasty, have no ambitions in their hearts.

In the future, Daqian will only exist in books and in the memories of people like them.

Qianzhou will not be the Qianzhou of Daqian in the future, but will be an economically developed and important state capital under the Ming Dynasty, nothing more.

Father, the emperor united the clans of Longyou.

But Qin Mo unites all the poor people in the world.

Infinite, how to defeat him?

Can anyone do it better than him?
There was that emperor who said he loved his people as his own sons, but how many people actually did it?
Qin Mo really did it.

Everything he said back then has now come true.

He was really convinced.

It's okay not to accept it. He's already like this. What can he do to fight with Qin Mo?

"His Royal Highness is not here now. I think some people should go to further their studies. I have a list in my hand. The people whose names are on the list are all going to Xijing for further studies. If they can't achieve results, they should not come back." Li Xin took out I made a list, slapped it on the table, and asked them to circulate it.

For a moment, everyone looked like they were mourning for their heir.

(End of this chapter)

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